Values that shocking you那些然你目瞪口呆
Here are some sckocking things i have collect from my friends and myself ,everyone might hear it everyday ,see if you can relate .
- 17,high school ,the only child in home .
“I’m going to school for my parents , if they are not treating me well ,i don’t want to go anymore ! “
.....”Please be grateful “

26,worked for the company for 3 years.
- ‘’It will be great if we can improve the salary system a little bit ,we have earn 1 million for our company in the bast 6 month ,but we only get paid like 3000 sometimes ,and we are living in one of the most expensive city in Asia.”
....The boss “ its not my problem. “
....7 months later ,6 employees are quitting one after another.
....The boss “its their problem .”
“过去6个月,我们为企业盈利100 多万,但是大家有时候工资只有3000 多,而且我们生活在这个城市是亚洲生活最贵的城市之一,您看是不是时候调整一下薪资模式?”

23,relaships ,he said ,
“I need you give me back all the high heels and closes i bought for you !”
....”why ? give to your next girlfriend ? “
....”I bought them for you so i can appreciate,if you are not with me ,i don’t want other man to appreciate them “
.... So all the presents are for yourself not me ? ??
...“为什么? 难道给你的下一任女朋友?”

28,living in together ,he said,
“You just stayed in home all day and did nothing ! I’m working and have to pay for everything ,so you have to listen to me ! ”
....”how about a clean home and homemade dinner? And a list of stuff you ask me to do everyday ?”
Isn’t Housekeeping an industry ? Don’t you need to pay your nanny or house cleaner ? When its come from your girlfriend or wife with love its free or worthless ? ? ?
28 岁,在一起生活,他说,
“每天打扫家里,为你忙上忙下加上准备晚饭不是做事吗? ”
所以你说家政行业不是一个行业? 难道你不需要给你的保姆或者家政清洁人员工资? 当你的女友或者妻子带着爱为你做这些事情的时候就变成了无所事事 或者毫无价值???
What else is shocking you ? Please share in the comment.
还有什么让你很震惊的奇葩价值观? 请在评论里分享吧!