流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 1

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The Math of Love 4

Okay, so that was Top Tip #2.

Now, Top Tip #3: How to avoid divorce.

Okay, so let's imagine then that you picked your perfect partner and you're settling into a lifelong relationship with them.


imagine想象; 设想; 误以为; 胡乱猜想; 猜测; 料想; 认为

picked选择; 挑选; 采; 摘; 摘掉,剔除,掐去; pick的过去分词和过去式

perfect完备的; 完美的; 完全的; 完全正确的; 准确的; 地道的; 优秀的; 最佳的; 使完善; 使完美; 使完备; 完成时

partner配偶; 性伴侣; 合伙人; 搭档; 同伴; 舞伴; 结成伙伴,做搭档,配对

settling结束; 解决; 决定,确定,安排好; 定居; settle的现在分词; 沉淀物

lifelong终身的; 毕生的

relationship关系,联系; 情爱关系; 性爱关系; 关联,关系

them他们; 她们; 它们; 指性别不详的人时,用以代替him或her

Now, I like to think that everybody would ideally like to avoid divorce, apart from, I don't know, Piers Morgan's wife, maybe?


think认为; 以为; 想; 思考; 思索; 思想; 琢磨; 想法

everybody同 everyone; 每个人; 所有人; 人们

ideally作为理想的做法; 合乎理想地; 最适合地; 绝好地; 完美地

avoid避免; 防止; 回避; 避开; 躲避; 避免撞到

divorce离婚的男子; 离婚; 分离; 脱离; 与离婚; 判离婚; 使分离; 使脱离

apart from除了…外; 要不是; 此外; 加之

know知道; 知悉; 了解; 认识到; 懂得; 意识到; 确信; 确知; 肯定

wife妻子; 太太; 夫人; 已婚妇女

maybe大概,或许,可能; 或许,也许; 或许

But it's a sad fact of modern life that1 in 2 marriages in the States ends in divorce, with the rest of the world not being far behind.


sad悲哀的; 难过的; 显得悲哀的; 令人悲哀的; 让人难过的; 让人无法接受的; 该受责备的

fact现实; 实际情况; 事实,真相; 真实的事物; 真实情况

modern现代的; 当代的; 近代的; 新式的; 有别于传统的; 时新的; 现代化的; 最新的; 现代人; 现代主义者; 时髦人士; 现代字体; 指印刷中所用的一种字体

marriages结婚; 婚姻; 婚姻生活; 已婚状态; 婚礼; marriage的复数

States美国; 状态; 状况

ends终止,终结,结局,结尾; 末端; 尽头; 末梢; 结束; 破灭; 终止; end的第三人称单数和复数

divorce离婚的男子; 离婚; 分离; 脱离; 与离婚; 判离婚; 使分离; 使脱离

rest剩余部分; 残留; 其余; 其余的人; 其他事物; 其他; 休息时间; 睡眠时间; 休息; 放松; 支撑; 倚靠; 托; 被搁置; 中止

being存在; 生存; 生物; 思想感情; 身心; are的现在分词; be的现在分

Now, you can be forgiven, perhaps for thinking that the arguments that precede a marital breakup are not an ideal candidate for mathematical investigation.


forgiven原谅; 宽恕; 对不起; 请原谅; 免除; forgive的过去分词

perhaps可能; 大概; 也许; 或许; 假定; 猜想; 未定之事

thinking思想; 思考; 思维; 想法; 见解; 思想的; 有理智的; 有思考力的; 认为; 以为; 想; 思索; 琢磨; think的现在分词

arguments争论; 争吵; 争辩; 辩论; 论据; 理由; 论点; argument的复数

precede在…之前发生; 先于; 走在…前面

marital婚姻的; 夫妻关系的

breakup破裂,终结; 分裂,解体

ideal candidate理想人选

mathematical数学的; 数学的;运算能力强的

investigation调查,侦查; 科学研究; 学术研究

For one thing, it's very hard to know what you should be measuring or what you should be quantifying.


very hard非常困难

know知道; 知悉; 了解; 认识到; 懂得; 意识到; 确信; 确知; 肯定

what什么; …的事物; 无论什么; 凡是…的事物; 多么; 真; 太

you should你应该; 你应该要; 翻阅字典查查这个生词

measuring测量用的; 测量; 度量; 量度为; 估量,判定; measure的现在分词

should应该,应当; 该,可以; 应该会,可能

quantifying以数量表述; 量化; quantify的现在分词

But this didn't stop a psychologist, John Gottman, who did exactly that.


stop停止,停下; 中断,停止; 结束,终止; 停止; 终止; 停留; 阻止; 车站; 音管

psychologist心理学家; 心理学研究者

John约翰(Augustus,1878—1961,英国油画家,版画家,以肖像画著称); 厕所; 茅房

who谁,什么人; 表示所指的人; 进一步提供有关某人的信息

exactly精确地; 准确地; 确切地; 究竟,到底; 一点不错,正是如此,完全正确

Gottman observed hundreds of couples having a conversation and recorded, well , everything you can think of.


observed看到; 注意到; 观察到; 观察; 注视; 监视; 说话; 评论; observe的过去分词和过去式

hundreds of好几百

couples两人; 两件事物; 几个人; 几件事物; 一对; 夫妻,情侣; 连接,结合; 性交; 交配; couple的第三人称单数和复数

having有; 持有; 占有; 由…组成; 显示出,带有; have的现在分词


recorded记录; 记载; 录制; 录; 演奏音乐供录制; 灌; record的过去分词和过去式

well好; 对; 令人满意地; 完全地; 彻底地; 全部地; 很; 相当; 大大地; 远远地; 健康; 身体好; 状态良好; 情况良好; 明智; 可取; 好主意; 哎呀,哟,啊,好啦; 唉,好吧; 嗯; 井; 水井; 楼梯井; 电梯井道; 律师席; 涌出; 冒出; 流出; 溢出; 涌起; 迸发

think of想起

So he recorded what was said in the conversation, he recorded their skin conductivity, he recorded their facial expressions, their heart rates, their blood pressure, basically everything apart from whether or not the wife was actually always right, which incidentally she totally is.


recorded记录; 记载; 录制; 录; 演奏音乐供录制; 灌; record的过去分词和过去式



expressions表示; 表达; 表露; 表情; 神色; 词语; 措辞; 表达方式; expression的复数

blood pressure血压

apart from除了…外; 要不是; 此外; 加之

whether or not是否

incidentally顺便提一句; 偶然; 附带地

totally完全; 全部地; 整个地

But what Gottman found or his team found was that one of the most important predictors for whether or not a couple is going to get divorced was how positive or negative each partner was being in the conversation.


one of…之一

most important重要的; 有重大影响的; 有巨大价值的; 影响很大的; 权威的; important的最高级

predictors预测器; 预示物; predictor的复数

whether or not是否

a couple一对; 一对夫妇; 这里可不是指一对夫妇

divorced离婚的; 离异的; 表现得不受影响的; 脱离…的; 与离婚; 判离婚; 使分离; 使脱离; divorce的过去分词和过去式

negative坏的; 有害的; 消极的; 负面的; 缺乏热情的; 否定的; 否定词; 否定; 拒绝; 底片; 负片; 属阴性的结果; 否定…的真实性; 证伪

partner配偶; 性伴侣; 合伙人; 搭档; 同伴; 舞伴; 结成伙伴,做搭档,配对



1.according to John Gottman's research ,what is predictor of divorce?

how positive or negative a couple is in conversation.

2.what does  Fry's third tip address ?

making your marriage last.

3.to quantify something means  to give it a numerical measurement.

4.How was John Gottman's research relevant to the theme of the talk?

It shows that even something as complex as a marriage can be evaluated with math.

5.To precede something means to come before it.

6.why might be difficult mathematical's research conversation's arguments?

it's difficult to know what to measure and quantify.

Put the sentences into correct order:

Now, you can be forgiven, perhaps for thinking that the arguments that precede a marital breakup are not an ideal candidate for mathematical investigation.For one thing, it's very hard to know what you should be measuring or what you should be quantifying.But this didn't stop a psychologist, John Gottman, who did exactly that. Gottman observed hundreds of couples having a conversation and recorded, well , everything you can think of.

Fill in the blanks:

Now, you can be forgiven, perhaps for thinking that the arguments that precede a marital breakup are not an ideal candidate for mathematical investigation. For one thing, it's very hard to know what you should be measuring or what you should be quantifying.

Now, couples that were very low-risk scored a lot more positive points on Gottman's scale than negative.


Now现在; 目前; 此刻; 从现在开始; 表示厌烦; 既然; 由于

couples两人; 两件事物; 几个人; 几件事物; 一对; 夫妻,情侣; 连接,结合; 性交; 交配; couple的第三人称单数和复数

werebe 的过去时复数和第二人称单数形式; 有时代替 was,用于条件从句、动词 wish 之后等

very很,非常,十分,极; (强调形容词最高级或置于own前)完全,十足; 完全同样; 完全同一; 正是的,恰好的,同一的; 最…的,极端的,十足的; 仅仅的,唯独的,甚至于

scored得分; 记分; score的过去分词和过去式

positive积极乐观的; 自信的; 积极的; 建设性的; 朝着成功的; 表示赞同的; 拥护的; 优势; 优点; 正片; 阳性结果

points论点; 观点; 见解; 重点; 要点; 核心问题; 意图; 目的; 理由; 指,指向; 瞄准; 对着; 朝向; point的第三人称单数和复数

scale规模,范围,程度; 等级; 级别; 等级体系; 攀登; 到达…顶点; 去鳞; 刮除牙石

negative坏的; 有害的; 消极的; 负面的; 缺乏热情的; 否定的; 否定词; 否定; 拒绝; 底片; 负片; 属阴

Whereas bad relationships, by which I mean, probably going to get divorced, they found themselves getting into a spiral of negativity.


Whereas然而,但是,尽管; 鉴于; “鉴于…”:正式文件的介绍性陈述; 开场白; 条件性陈述

bad令人不快的; 问题成堆的; 坏的; 质量差的; 不合格的; 拙于; 不擅; 不善于; 坏人; 坏事; 很; 非常

relationships关系,联系; 情爱关系; 性爱关系; 关联,关系; relationship的复数

mean表示…的意思; 意思是; 本意是; 打算; 意欲; 有…的目的; 吝啬的; 小气的; 不善良; 刻薄; 要发怒的; 要发狂的; 中间; 中庸; 折中; 平均数; 平均值; 算术中项

probably几乎肯定; 很可能; 大概

divorced离婚的; 离异的; 表现得不受影响的; 脱离…的; 与离婚; 判离婚; 使分离; 使脱离; divorce的过去分词和过去式

themselves他们自己; 她们自己; 它们自己; (用以强调they或复数主语)他们亲自,他们本身; 指性别不详的人时,用以代替himself或herself; herself的复数

getting获得;得益; 收到; 接到; 获得; 得到; 挣得; get的现在分词

spiral螺旋形; 螺旋式; 逐渐加速上升; 螺旋形的; 螺旋式的; 螺旋式上升; 盘旋上升; 急剧增长

negativity否定性; 消极性

Now just by using these very simple ideas, Gottman and his group were able to predict whether a given couple was going to get divorced with a 90 percent accuracy.


ideas想法; 构思; 主意; 印象; 概念; 意见; 看法; 信念; idea的复数

able to可以; 有能力; 原来能够按时完成

predict预言; 预告; 预报

whether是否; 是…,或者…,不管…

given已经安排好的; 规定的; 指定的; 所述的; 特定的; 考虑到; 鉴于; 假设事实; 给; 交给; 赠送; 赠与; 送给; 提供,供给,供应; give的过去分词

couple两人; 两件事物; 几个人; 几件事物; 一对; 夫妻,情侣; 连接,结合; 性交; 交配

going离去; 去; 离开; 进展速度; 难度; 地面状况; 常去…的; 走; 移动,旅行,行走; go的现在分词

divorced离婚的; 离异的; 表现得不受影响的; 脱离…的; 与离婚; 判离婚; 使分离; 使脱离; divorce的过去分词和过去式


accuracy准确; 精确

But it wasn't until he teamed up with a mathematician, James Murray, that they really started to understand what causes these negativity spirals and how they occur.


teamed使互相配合; 使协作; 使合作; team的过去分词和过去式


Murray默里,吉尔伯特(1866—1957,澳大利亚出生的英国古典研究学者,对古希腊戏剧的翻译重新唤起了对这一剧种的兴趣,是国际联盟的创始人之一,后曾担任联合国共同主席); 墨累河

causes原因; 起因; 理由; 动机; 缘故; 事业,目标,思想; 使发生; 造成; 引起; 导致; cause的第三人称单数和复数

negativity否定性; 消极性

spirals螺旋形; 螺旋式; 逐渐加速上升; 螺旋式上升; 盘旋上升; 急剧增长; spiral的第三人称单数和复数

and how<美>非常,很

occur发生; 出现; 存在于; 出现在

And the results that they found I think are just incredibly impressively simple and interesting.


results后果; 结果; 胜利,胜局; 发生; 产生; result的第三人称单数和复数

found创建,创办; 建立,兴建; 把…基于; 把…建立在; find的过去分词和过去式

think认为; 以为; 想; 思考; 思索; 思想; 琢磨; 想法

just正好; 恰好; 正当…时; 不少于; 同样; 公正的; 正义的; 正当的; 合理的; 正直的人; 公正的人; 合适的; 恰当的

incredibly极端地; 极其; 令人难以置信

impressively令人难忘地; 感人地

simple易于理解的; 易做的; 简单的; 朴素的; 简朴的; 不加装饰的; 纯粹的,完全的,不折不扣的

interesting有趣的; 有吸引力的; 使感兴趣; 使关注; interest的现在分词

So these equations, they predict how the wife or husband is going to respond in their next turn of the conversation, how positive or negative they're going to be.

And these equations, they depend on the mood of the person when they're on their own, the mood of the person when they're with their partner, but most importantly, they depend on how much the husband and wife influence one another.


And these形形色色

equations方程; 方程式; 等式; 相等; 等同看待; 平衡,综合体; equation的复数

depend on依赖,依靠depend on(upon)不用于进行体。; 相信;信赖; 随…而定depend on(upon)作此解时,不用于被动结构,也不用于进行体。

mood情绪; 心情; 坏心境; 坏脾气; 气氛; 氛围

on their own独立地


depend取决;有赖; 依靠;依赖; 指望;信赖

how much多少

husband and wife夫妇

one another互相

Now, I think it's important to point out at this stage, that these exact equations have also been shown to be perfectly able at describing what happens between two countries in an arms race. 


think认为; 以为; 想; 思考; 思索; 思想; 琢磨; 想法

point out指点; 指明; 指出,说出

shown表明; 证明; 给…看; 出示; 展示; 教,解说; 演示; show的过去分词

perfectly完全地; 非常; 十分; 完美地; 完好地; 圆满地

able能; 能够; 有才智的; 有才能的; 擅长的

describing描述; 形容; 把…称为; 做…运动; 画出…图形; 形成…形状; describe的现在分词

happens发生,出现; 出现,发生; 碰巧; 恰好; happen的第三人称单数

countries国; 国家; 地区,区域; 全国人民; 国民; 全民; country的复数

arms race军备竞赛

So that an arguing couple spiraling into negativity and teetering on the brink of divorce is actually mathematically equivalent to the beginning of a nuclear war. 


So that因此; 以便

arguing争论; 争吵; 争辩; 论证; 说理; 证明; 表明; argue的现在分词


negativity否定性; 消极性

teetering摇晃; 蹒跚行走; 踉跄; 摇摇欲坠; teeter的现在分词

divorce离婚的男子; 离婚; 分离; 脱离; 与离婚; 判离婚; 使分离; 使脱离


nuclear war核战争

equivalent英 [ɪˈkwɪvələnt] 美 [ɪˈkwɪvələnt] adj.(价值、数量、意义、重要性等)相等的,相同的n.相等的东西;等量;对应词

But the really important term in this equation is the influence that people have on one another, and in particular, something called the negativity threshold.


term词语; 术语; 措辞; 学期; 期; 期限; 任期; 把…称为; 把…叫做

equation方程; 方程式; 等式; 相等; 等同看待; 平衡,综合体

influence影响; 作用; 支配力; 控制力; 影响力; 有影响的人; 对…起作用; 支配; 左右

have on掌握不利于的证据; 抓住的把柄

one another互相

in particular尤其; 特别

something某事; 某物; 想来重要的事物; 大致,左右; 很,非常

called叫做; 称作; 给…命名; 称呼; 把…叫做; 认为…是; 把…看作; 把自己称为; 自诩; call的过去分词和过去式

negativity否定性; 消极性

threshold门槛; 门口; 阈; 界; 起始点; 开端; 起点; 入门

Now, the negativity threshold, you can think of as how annoying the husband can be before the wife starts to get really pissed off, and vice versa.


negativity否定性; 消极性

threshold门槛; 门口; 阈; 界; 起始点; 开端; 起点; 入门

think of as把…看作

annoying使恼怒的; 使生气的; 使烦恼的; 使恼怒; 使生气; 打扰; 骚扰; annoy的现在分词

husband丈夫; 节俭使用

wife妻子; 太太; 夫人; 已婚妇女

starts开始,着手,动手; 发生,开始进行; 开动; 发动; 启动; start的第三人称单数

really事实上,真正地,真实地; 确实,的确; 加强形容词或副词的语气

pissed烂醉的; 醉醺醺的; 气疯了; 怒冲冲的; 撒尿; piss的过去分词和过去式

and vice versa反之亦然

Now, I always thought that good marriages were about compromise and understanding and allowing the person to have the space to be themselves.


always总是; 每次都是; 一直; 一贯; 永远

thought想法; 看法; 主意; 记忆; 心思; 思想; 思考能力; 思维过程; 思考; 思维; 认为; 以为; 想; 思索; 琢磨; think的过去分词和过去式

marriages结婚; 婚姻; 婚姻生活; 已婚状态; 婚礼; marriage的复数

werebe 的过去时复数和第二人称单数形式; 有时代替 was,用于条件从句、动词 wish 之后等

compromise妥协; 折中; 互让; 和解; 妥协方案; 达成妥协; 妥协,折中,让步; 违背; 达不到; 使陷入危险,使受到怀疑

understanding理解; 领悟; 了解; 协议; 谅解; 体谅; 善解人意的; 富有同情心的; 体谅人的; 懂; 领会; 认识到; 明了; understand的现在分词

allowing允许; 准许; 给予; 允许进入; allow的现在分词

person人; 个人; 某人; 从事…工作的人; 人员

space空地,空间; 空; 空隙; 空子; 空当; 宽敞; 空旷; 开阔; 以一定间隔排列

themselves他们自己; 她们自己; 它们自己; (用以强调they或复数主语)他们亲自,

So I would have thought that perhaps the most successful relationships were ones where there was a really high negativity threshold.

Where couples let things go and only brought things up if they really were a big deal.


Where在哪里; 到哪里; 处于哪种情形; 在那,到那; 在那里; 在该处; 在该情况下; …的地方; …情况下; 地方; 场所哪里

couples两人; 两件事物; 几个人; 几件事物; 一对; 夫妻,情侣; 连接,结合; 性交; 交配; couple的第三人称单数和复数

let允许; 让; 准许; 许可; 同意; 擦网球; 出租; 租借

things东西; 物; 物件; 物品; 事物; 用品,衣服; 用具; thing的复数

brought带…到某处; 带来; 取来; 提供; 供给; 导致; 引起; bring的过去分词和过去式

really事实上,真正地,真实地; 确实,的确; 加强形容词或副词的语气

werebe 的过去时复数和第二人称单数形式; 有时代替 was,用于条件从句、动词 wish 之后等

a big deal<口>要人,重要人物

But actually, the mathematics and subsequent findings by the team have shown the exact opposite is true.


actually的确,真实地,事实上; 居然,竟然; 实际上

mathematics数学; 运算; 计算

subsequent随后的; 后来的; 之后的; 接后的

findings调查发现; 调研结果; 判决; 裁决; finding的复数

team队; 组,班; 一组牲畜,联畜; 使互相配合; 使协作; 使合作

shown表明; 证明; 给…看; 出示; 展示; 教,解说; 演示; show的过去分词

exact精确的; 准确的; 严谨的; 严格的; 一丝不苟的; 精密的; 严密的; 要求; 索取; 迫使; 强迫; 强求

opposite对面的; 另一边的; 相反的; 迥然不同的; 对立的人; 对立面; 反面; 与…相对; 在…对面; 与…合演; 与…联袂演出; 在对面,对过

true符合事实的; 确实的; 如实的; 实质的,真正的; 名副其实的; 真正的; 笔直地; 不偏不斜

The best couples, or the most successful couples, are the ones with a really low negativity threshold.

These are the couples that don't let anything go unnoticed and allow each other some room to complain.

These are the couples that are continually trying to repair their own relationship, that have a much more positive outlook on their marriage.


couples两人; 两件事物; 几个人; 几件事物; 一对; 夫妻,情侣; 连接,结合; 性交; 交配; couple的第三人称单数和复数

continually不停地;持续地; 频繁地,惯常地,总是

trying令人厌烦的; 难对付的; 试图; 想要; 设法; 努力; 试; 试用; 试做; 试验; 审理; 审讯; 审判; try的现在分词

repair修理; 修补; 修缮; 补救; 纠正; 弥补

own自己的,本人的; 自己做的; 为自己的; 拥有,有; 承认

relationship关系,联系; 情爱关系; 性爱关系; 关联,关系

much more更; 何况

positive积极乐观的; 自信的; 积极的; 建设性的; 朝着成功的; 表示赞同的; 拥护的; 优势; 优点; 正片; 阳性结果

outlook观点; 见解; 世界观; 人生观; 前景; 可能性; 景色; 景致; 景观

marriage结婚; 婚姻; 婚姻生活; 已婚状态; 婚礼

Couples that don't let things go and couples that don't let trivial things end up being a really big deal.


let允许; 让; 准许; 许可; 同意; 擦网球; 出租; 租借

things东西; 物; 物件; 物品; 事物; 用品,衣服; 用具; thing的复数

trivial不重要的; 琐碎的; 微不足道的

end up最终到达; 最终; 结果; 到头来

being存在; 生存; 生物; 思想感情; 身心; are的现在分词; be的现在分词

really事实上,真正地,真实地; 确实,的确; 加强形容词或副词的语气

big deal有什么了不起; 大事; 要事


1.How did mathematician James Murray contribute to Gottman's research ?

He helped Gottman discover what causes negativity in conversations.

2.What did equation predict?

how a husband or wife will respond in a conversation

3.the idiom " to be teetering on the brink of something" means 

to be very close to being in an unpleasant or dangerous situations.

4.If something is trivial, it has little value or importance.

5.what is the negativity threshold?

how much negativity a husband or wife can take before getting angry.

Fill in the blanks:

The best couples, or the most successful couples, are the ones with a really low negativity threshold.These are the couples that don't let anything go unnoticed and allow each other some room to complain.

Now, I think it's important to point out at this stage, that these exact equations have also been shown to be perfectly able at describing what happens between two countries in an arms race. 

Now of course, it takes bit more than just a low negativity threshold and not compromising to have a successful relationship.


of course当然,自然; 当然; 当然不

takes携带; 拿走; 取走; 运走; 带去; 引领; 使达到,把…推向,把…带到; take的第三人称单数

bit有点儿; 稍微; 稍顷; 短距离; 小量; 小块; 咬; 叮; 蜇; 咬饵; 上钩; bite的过去式

more than比…更;比…更重要; 超出需要;超乎寻常

low低的; 矮的; 离地面近的; 在底部的; 近底部的; 领口开得低的; 低; 向下; 不高; 在靠近…底部的位置; 向…底部; 低于通常的水平; 低水平; 低点; 低数目; 艰难时期,低谷; 低气压区; 哞哞叫

negativity否定性; 消极性

threshold门槛; 门口; 阈; 界; 起始点; 开端; 起点; 入门

compromising有失体面的; 不宜泄露的; 妥协,折中,让步; 违背; 达不到; 使陷入危险,使受到怀疑; compromise的现在分词

successful达到目的; 有成效的; 获得成功的; 有成就的

relationship关系,联系; 情爱关系; 性爱关系; 关联,关系

But I think that it's quite interesting to know that there is really mathematical evidence to say that you should never let the sun go down on your anger.


quite颇; 相当; 某种程度上; 完全; 十分; 非常; 彻底; 在很大程度上; 很; 的确

interesting有趣的; 有吸引力的; 使感兴趣; 使关注; interest的现在分词

there is

really事实上,真正地,真实地; 确实,的确; 加强形容词或副词的语气

mathematical evidence毋庸置疑的证据;经过计算和论证的证据

you should你应该; 你应该要; 翻阅字典查查这个生词

never从不; 绝不; 从未; 未曾; (与not同义,语气较强)一点都不; 不会吧

sun太阳; 日; 太阳的光和热; 阳光; 日光; 恒星; 晒太阳

go down on口交

anger怒; 怒火; 怒气; 使发怒; 激怒

So those are my top three tips of how maths can help you with love and relationships.


those用来对已经提及的事物作补充说明; 人们;人; 那些; 用于提供更多的细节、信息

tips尖端; 尖儿; 端; 小部件; 指点; 实用的提示; 倾斜,翻覆; 倒出; 倾倒; 倾覆; 轻触; 轻碰; tip的第三人称单数和复数

how怎样; 如何多少,多么,多大

maths同 mathematics; 数学

help帮助; 协助; 援助; 改善状况; 促进; 促使; 搀扶; 带领; 有助益的东西; 有用

relationships关系,联系; 情爱关系; 性爱关系; 关联,关系; relationship的复数

But I hope that aside from their use as tips, they also give you a little bit of insight into the power of mathematics.


hope希望,期望; 希望; 期望; 希望的东西; 期望的事情; 被寄予希望的人

aside from除…之外

their他们的; 她们的; 它们的; 在提及性别不详的人时,用以代替his或her

tips尖端; 尖儿; 端; 小部件; 指点; 实用的提示; 倾斜,翻覆; 倒出; 倾倒; 倾覆; 轻触; 轻碰; tip的第三人称单数和复数

give给; 交给; 赠送; 赠与; 送给; 提供,供给,供应; 伸展性; 弹性

a little bit一点

insight into洞察; 对…深刻理解; 洞察力

power控制力; 影响力; 操纵力; 统治; 政权; 能力; 机会; 驱动,推动; 迅猛移动,快速前进

mathematics数学; 运算; 计算

Because for me, equations and symbols aren't just a thing.



for me讲到我

equations方程; 方程式; 等式; 相等; 等同看待; 平衡,综合体; equation的复数

symbols象征; 符号; 代号; 记号; symbol的第三人称单数和复数

thing东西; 物; 物件; 物品; 事物; 用品,衣服; 用具

They're a voice that speaks out about the incredible richness of nature and the startling simplicity in the patterns that twist and turn and warp and evolve all around us, from how the world works to how we behave.


speaks谈; 谈话; 交谈; 说话; 讲话; 提起; 讲述; speak的第三人称单数

incredible不能相信的; 难以置信的; 极好的; 极大的

richness丰富; 富饶; 浓烈

startling惊人的; 让人震惊的; 极鲜亮的; 使惊吓; 使吓一跳; 使大吃一惊; startle的现在分词

simplicity简单; 容易; 质朴; 淳朴; 简单之处

twist and turn蜿蜒

warp扭曲,弯曲,变形; 使不合情理; 使乖戾; 经线,经纱

evolve逐渐形成,逐步发展,逐渐演变; 进化; 进化形成

all around各方面

behave表现; 表现得体; 有礼貌; 表现得…的

So I hope that perhaps, for just a couple of you, a little bit of insight into the mathematics of love can persuade you to have a little bit more love for mathematics.

Thank you. 


1.what does Fry emphasize about her tip on compromising?

not compromising isn't the only way to help a relationship.

2.What was Fry's reason for providing the three tips?

to instill an appreciation for the application of mathematics

3.What does Fry mean when she says never let the sun go down on your anger?

Don't let your relationship issues go unaddressed.

4.what does Fry appreciate math?

it gives people insight into the patterns of nature.

Put the sentences into correct order:

So those are my top three tips of how maths can help you with love and relationships.But I hope that aside from their use as tips, they also give you a little bit of insight into the power of mathematics.Because for me, equations and symbols aren't just a thing.They're a voice that speaks out about the incredible richness of nature and the startling simplicity in the patterns that twist and turn and warp and evolve all around us, from how the world works to how we behave.So I hope that perhaps, for just a couple of you, a little bit of insight into the mathematics of love can persuade you to have a little bit more love for mathematics.

But I hope that aside from their use as tips, they also give you a little bit of insight into the power of mathematics.Because for me, equations and symbols aren't just a thing.

Repeat & Read Sentences:

1.1 in 2 marriages in the States ends in divorce, with the rest of the world not being far behind.

2.aside from their use as tips, they also give you  insight into the power of mathematics.

3.it's very hard to know what you should be measuring or what you should be quantifying.

4.There is mathematical evidence to say that you should never let the sun go down on your anger.


