熟词生义 1 ring: Twenty-twenty has a landmark ring to it. 特点 根据语境查询语义
1 按兴趣读TE中的文章,最重要的是读完就用(无论是单词、还是句式、文章、书籍,必须跟我联系起来)
2 笔记应该是自己吸收、消化、总结的东西,任何一个新词都能想到三五个场景(少用手做死笔记,多用脑做活练习)
3 两个原则:明白我能怎么用,保证用的正确
1 It is a mistake to write off the poor.
2 no-hoper 没戏,干啥啥不行
Everyone thought he's a no-hoper. But he ended up winning the game. 黑马
3 democratise :make sth available to all 让人人都享受得到
MOOCs: democratise education
products: demoratise access to clean energy
4 even by those standards 超越一般程度的情况
5 be welcome to some and miserable for others 让人欢喜让人忧
be welcome to some and unwelcome/alarming to others 不见得是好事
6 rough sleeping 露宿街头
A is a complex problem, in that.... 事情说复杂就复杂,说简单也简单
But it is also a simple one, in that...
7 Any powerful technology can be used for good or ill. 两面性
8 The content of the news is less important than how it is packaged. 酒香也怕巷子深
9 缺乏 lack, want
money-spinner, cash cow, print money
monger 制造恐慌的人
five-star opportunity
small beer 无关紧要的人物
medicine 解决方案 panacea