2023-01-26 Body Plays
Unfortunately, while we’re supposed to be “users” of our bodies, we have become slaves to them.
For the majority, our existence is dedicated to experiencing pleasures. To some extent, pleasure is healthy, passed a certain point however, it becomes a coping mechanism — one that prevents us from learning the precious life lessons we’ve incarnated in bodies to learn.
Life is not easy. The spiritual path is even more demanding. Growing spiritually requires energy, a whole lot of it. Spiritual growth happens through healing unconscious limiting beliefs. Healing requires learning, processing and releasing. This process is continuous. There may be a starting point, but we can never be sure about when we’ll reach our destination.
Having a strong, vibrant and energetic body is therefore key for us to keep pushing our boundaries, and embodying higher spiritual traits in our Earthly lives.
As said in the beginning, doing so isn’t sorcery. You take care of what you consume, you move regularly, you rest.
Another important factor when it comes to our health is connecting with Nature and the Cosmos.
Our bodies come from the Earth. They are part of Her. Together, including all other species, we form a giant organism that is planet Earth. And thanks to the Sun, life as we know it is possible. Reconnecting as much as we can with what is around us helps us maintain a strong bond with our caretakers.