2018-12-27 本文已影响39人
AI - 人工智能;AR - 增强现实;CV - 机器视觉;DL - 深度学习;DM - 数据挖掘;DS - 数据科学;DV - 数据可视化;IOT - 物联网;ML - 机器学习;NLP - 自然语言处理
- [AI]#VR_2018-12-25_18-38-08.xlsx
- [AI]2019 Social Media Marketing Predictions by #SMTLive
- [AI]AlterEgo, The Intelligence Augmentation Device That Reads Your Mind
- [AI]Gain of Big Data Analytics on Supply Chain Management ?
- [AI]POWERPLAY: Training an Increasingly General Problem Solver by Continually Searching for the Simplest Still Unsolvable Problem
- [AI]Sisma Catania,80enne estratto da macerie - Ultima Ora
- [AI]Welcome to Politics + AI – Politics + AI – Medium
- [AI]Why You Shouldn’t Upload Your Brain To A Computer | Polina Anikeeva | TEDxCambridgeSalon
- [AI]Young scientist designs an AI solution to assess surgical skills
- [AR]#722: IDFA’s DocLab & “the Creative Treatment of Actuality”
- [AR]2018: The Year of the AR Creator – Lens Studio – Medium
- [AR]Avoiding the nightmare after Christmas: How augmented reality can reduce tech returns
- [AR]Building New Realities Together - The Niantic Beyond Reality Developer Contest - Niantic
- [AR]Consider the iPad
- [AR]It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like PTC’s Seaport Move | PTC
- [AR]Leap Motion's New Experimental Tools Give Developers Access to Camera Data & Unlock Multiple Device Support
- [AR]Oculus Go reduziert, Gratis-SSD zur Nvidia Geforce RTX 2070
- [AR]TORCH AR Blog: everything augmented reality prototyping and design related.
- [AR]USA Today's Emerging Tech Director Talks Interactive Storytelling | Digital Trends
- [DL]11 AI Thought Leaders in 2019 - 11 List | Amazing listing of everything under the sun
- [DL]2018 proved that computer vision is the most powerful manifestation of AI
- [DL][Jobs Roundup] Best data science jobs up for grabs
- [DL]AI Today #69: Driving Digital Transformation through AI and Deep Learning | Cognilytica
- [DL]An Ode to Artificial Intelligence and its Adoption
- [DL]Applying a Factory Model to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - CTOvision.com
- [DL]Artificial Intelligence Partners with Material Science | Analytics Insight
- [DL]Artificial Intelligence Turned Bob Ross into a Terrifying Psychedelic Nightmare
- [DL]Automotive Artificial Intelligence Software Market Witness Rapid Growth During Forecast Period 2024
- [DL]Bioethics Discussion: Artificial Intelligence | Happening @ Michigan
- [DL]Cognitive Computing vs Artificial Intelligence: what's the difference? - iQ UK
- [DL]Computer Vision — The Impact on Financial Services – Hacker Noon
- [DL]Deep learning turns mono recordings into immersive sound
- [DL]Deep Learning: Creating Impact in Training and Simulation | DC
- [DL]Eight Machine Learning JS Frameworks To Consider In 2019
- [DL]Global Bigdata Conference
- [DL]How AI Will Change Brick-and-Mortar Retail in 2019
- [DL]How To Become A Machine Learning Engineer? - Complete Road Map | Edureka
- [DL]Impact on Artificial Intelligence, deep learning on human resource next year
- [DL]Implementations of Artificial Intelligence in 2019
- [DL]La lutte contre les «fake news» passera par le «deep learning». Par Catherine Frammery
- [DL]Mistakes make it into many radiology reports. Deep learning can help fix that.
- [DL]NLP Engineer at Thingthing (Barcelona, Spain)
- [DL]One Giant Step for a Chess-Playing Machine
- [DL]Pivot Billions and Deep Learning enhanced trading models achieve 100% net profit
- [DL]r/MachineLearning - [D] do deep learning models behave linear in high dimensional space?
- [DL]RE•WORK End of Year Team Round Up 2018
- [DL]Sr. Machine Learning Engineer
- [DL]The 25 Best Data Science Projects on GitHub from 2018 that you Should Not Miss
- [DL]The year in AI/ML advances: 2018 roundup – Xavier Amatriain – Medium
- [DL]Tools for Teaching Artificial Intelligence in K-12
- [DL]Top 5 programming languages for machine learning
- [DL]Training machines sans bias will only augment humans: AWS executive
- [DL]What in god’s name is Gradient Descent? – The Making Of… a Data Scientist – Medium
- [DL]Will Julia Replace Python for Data Science? | Dimensionless Technologies
- [DS]BHF and The Alan Turning Institute award £550,000 for data science treatments | Articles | Chief Technology Officer
- [DV]Behance
- [DV]Beto O’Rourke’s voting record is more conservative than the average Democrat’s
- [DV]Children’s Personal Data and SSNs Are Being Sold on the Dark Web
- [DV]Culture Mapping Food & Beverage
- [DV]Data visualization tools
- [DV]Earthrise in 4K
- [DV]Ease of Use Meets AI: BI and Business Analytics Trends in 2019 | Transforming Data with Intelligence
- [DV]Introducing Iron Quest
- [DV]My favourite Tableau Public vizzes of the year – GravyAnecdote
- [DV]Which cities are liveable without air conditioning?
- [IoT]2019: The Year Ahead in Cybersecurity
- [IoT]Adam Taylor CEng FIET on LinkedIn:
- [IoT]Crypto in 2019: Top Security Trends
- [IoT]Don’t Ask When Self-Driving Cars Will Arrive—Ask Where
- [IoT]How Conversational AI Will Change Customer Service
- [IoT]Is Edge Computing Displacing Cloud Computing Anytime Soon? – Midnight Finance
- [IoT]Microsoft's 2018, part 1: Open source, wobbly Windows and everyone's going to the cloud
- [IoT]Smart city orchestration in action – connecting all city smart apps - Axonize To build powerful smart cities, an orchestration platform is required to receive, analyze and act on any sensor, device or input.
- [ML]10 Ways Machine Learning Is Revolutionizing Sales
- [ML]2019 Tech Forecast: 11 Experts Predict The Next Wave Of Breakout Technologies
- [ML]2019: AI for Telecommunications Takes Two Paths - Data Economy
- [ML]3 key AI benefits for the future of work
- [ML]3 reasons to learn Bayesian Statistics in the new year
- [ML]5 Predictions about Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI for 2019
- [ML]6 Top Emerging Technology Jobs for 2019 - InformationWeek
- [ML]AI And Machine Learning: Hesitation Turns To High Hopes
- [ML]AI researchers allege that machine learning is alchemy
- [ML]Aican the AI artist: putting the art in to artificial intelligence
- [ML]An explainable deep-learning algorithm for the detection of acute intracranial haemorrhage from small datasets
- [ML]Anmar Abbas on Instagram: “put the power of your business data right in your pocket. #Social_Media & #web #Analytics #Data_visualization #MachineLearning…”
- [ML]Artificial intelligence and machine learning for dummies | Corporate Blog
- [ML]Artificial Intelligence and the Privacy Challenge - CPO Magazine
- [ML]Artificial intelligence enthusiasm outpacing adoption, study finds
- [ML]artificial intelligence – LobeLog
- [ML]Bernard Marr: How Unilever Uses Artificial Intelligence To Recruit And Train Thousands Of Employees Each Year
- [ML]Big Data Hadoop Project Topics 2018
- [ML]CMSWire's Top 10 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Articles of 2018
- [ML]Comparative Study between Big Data Analysis Techniques in Intrusion Detection
- [ML]Digital R&D and the future of clinical development
- [ML]Digital Transformation: How to Create an Intelligent Company | 7wData
- [ML]First Kaggle Competition Experience – Hacker Noon
- [ML]Hadoop Evolved: How Industries Are Being Transformed By Big Data - Dataconomy
- [ML]Hinge dating app will begin using machine learning to make better matches
- [ML]How AI will revolutionize DevOps
- [ML]How In-Memory Computing Will Power the Digital Enterprise in 2019 - Data Economy
- [ML]How Microsoft and Amazon are making AI more real
- [ML]Infographic: How AI helps Companies and Job Hunters Connect - insideBIGDATA
- [ML]Inside Facebook’s Training Ground for Making Chatbots Chattier
- [ML]IoT and IOD – The Internet of (Very Big) Data | 7wData
- [ML]Learning Distributed Word Representations with Neural Network: an implementation from scratch in Octave
- [ML]Let’s Build a Simple Moving Bot with Qlearning – Data Driven Investor – Medium
- [ML]MachineHack Visualisation Challenge: Decode Data Science Salary Trends
- [ML]Online education firms see higher pay, more jobs in AI, machine learning
- [ML]Oracle Self-Driving Database Cloud Service Announced - HostingRadar
- [ML]Package animation
- [ML]Pentagon official says America must join an arms race in weaponry with artificial intelligence – Center for Public Integrity
- [ML]Pentagon says U.S. military is losing its advantage with artificial intelligence
- [ML]PPC 2018: These changes will have the biggest impact on advertisers in 2019 - Search Engine Land
- [ML]r/MachineLearning - [D] What would you like to know about your own Facebook data? (Data viz, NLP)
- [ML]r/MachineLearning - [P] Automatic Skin Cancer Screening with Region-based CNN
- [ML]r/MachineLearning - [P] LDA2Vec implementation
- [ML]r/MachineLearning - [P] Neuroevolution-Bots
- [ML]r/MachineLearning - [P] Non-Adversarial Image Synthesis with Generative Latent Nearest Neighbors <- Make pictures, no GAN!
- [ML]r/MachineLearning -
- [ML]r/technology - Artificial Intelligence Creates Realistic Photos of People, None of Whom Actually Exist
- [ML]Role of Artificial Intelligence in Vehicle Ownership and Auto Aftermarket - Sachin Shenoy - IncubateIND Media
- [ML]State of the Art NLP Model, Explained
- [ML]Succeeding with AI in a Data Driven World - insideBIGDATA
- [ML]Tears In Rain: Can Emotion AI Transform Customer Care? [Long Read]
- [ML]Text Classification with State of the Art NLP Library — Flair
- [ML]The Embedded Learning Library
- [ML]The evolution of evil chatbots is just around the corner
- [ML]The Levels of Doing AI
- [ML]The Myth of the Machine Learning Black Box
- [ML]The State of Artificial intelligence: Jack Clark and Azeem Azhar in Conversation by Exponential View
- [ML]The Top 5 Tips For Your Digital Marketing Success
- [ML]Top 10 Data Predictions leading to zero-latency future in 2019 | The Stack
- [ML]Uncovering Support Personnel’s Potential with Machine Learning
- [ML]What K-12 Students Should Know About Artificial Intelligence
- [ML]Why Most Decisions Are Easy in Tetris—And Perhaps in Other Sequential Decision Problems, As Well
- [ML]Winning at the Great Game: My Interview with Adam Robinson (Part 2) [The Knowledge Project Ep. #48]
- [ML]Wristband That Detects Opioid Overdose Joins U.S. Race for Tech Solutions