My own feeling of Grit
When I read this book Grit, the
meaning of grit had been clear. The
author shows us that what is grit, how
to be gritty man and how to let your
kids be gritty. After I have finished
this book ,the first feeling is shameful,
because I am not a gritty man and I
have no clear aims. I decided to try my
best to be gritty. Luckily, in this book ,
the author gives some advice that give me some help. Firstly , I should find
my real interest through experience. In
terest and passion are the best
teacher. Passion need to develop . It is
not a flash feeling. If I want to be
gritty, I must let practice become a
habit.When I must to face fairy ,I must
to be more braver. Meanwhile I must
give more hope to myself. After
watching Mr. Zhang ,I realized that he
will make me get good progress, I
must follow him . Through learning in
40 days, I hope I can improve my oral
language and the skills of teaching
Secondly, in this book, the author also
tells us that how to make your kids to
be gritty. The author judges two ways
to teach kids. And shows that it does
not matter you choose which one.
And kids should join
After-school activity more frequently.
We should creative the gritty culture.
In the future, I want to do several
things to let my students become
gritty. First, before each class they will
have five minutes to practice their
own oral speaking. Secondly, I will give
more attention to the students who
has poor English , help them to have
interest in English. Thirdly, I will be
gritty with my students .
All in all, glorious future must creative
by ourselves, let’s try our best .