20160322 Chinese property For wh
Chinese property For whom the bubble blows#
This bifurcation is a worry for the government, which wants to spur growth without inflating bubbles.
[此处解释] 分歧 -
In its most prosperous cities, already giddy prices continue to shoot up, while unsold flats pile up in markets where valuations were low to begin with.
[解释]Having a reeling, lightheaded sensation; dizzy.头晕的,眼花缭乱的:有旋转或晕眩感觉的;眩晕 -
The results of this two-tier system have been meagre so far.
[解释]a meagre amount of food, money etc is too small and is much less than you need -
People buying homes need only make a 20% down-payment to obtain a mortgage, except in the five conurbations
[解释] a group of towns that have spread and joined together to form an area with a high population, often with a large city as its centre -
But there is a further vast increment of supply on the verge of coming to market, because developers slowed the pace of construction in recent years and in some cases halted it altogether.
[解释]a regular increase in the amount of money someone is paid -
battle of annihilation
[annihilation] The act or process of annihilating; 歼灭,消灭,毁灭:消灭的行为或过程 -
a phalanx of security officers in white helmets stood guard alongside barricades as people lined up to submit their documentation
[phalanx] A compact or close-knit body of people:密集的人群:紧密或密集的人群:
inflating bubbles###
[解释] 一个最理论化关于房地产泡沫的定义大概是这样的:“指由房地产投机等因素所引起的房地产价格脱离市场基础的持续上涨,也就是土地和房屋价格极高,与其使用价值(市场基础价值不符),虽然账面上价值增长很高,但实际上很难得到实现,形成一种表面上的虚假繁荣。