phrasal verb

2017-08-23  本文已影响0人  草莓红柿西

dumb down
sth, you make it easier for people to understand, especially when this spoils it.

underpin 巩固,支持
EP the theories that underpin his teaching method

cognitive construal 认知识解
construe sth as sth 常用被动 将……理解为
assert 主张,断言
conviction 深信,坚信,肯定
retrieval 检索
implication 含义,暗示,可能的影响
connotation ……of 隐含意义,联想含义
pragmatic 务实的,讲求实际的
homonymy 同音异义
polysemy 一词多义
consonant 辅音
notation符号 phonemic notation音标

arbitrary 任意的 non-arbitrary
highlight some features and leave others in the shade
immutable 永恒的,不能改变的
non-plural-marking language and does not distinguish between countable and uncountable obejects
intermediate 中等的中级的
tenet : the tenets of a theory or belief are the main principles on which it is based.
be prone to 倾向于
more often than not, 通常 往往
refine 提炼
iconicity 象似性
latent 潜在的潜伏的
authentic discourse
particular context
ubiquity n.到处存在,(同时的)普遍存在;
facilitate speedy communication
underlie vt. 位于或存在于(某物)之下; 构成…的基础(或起因); [经] 构成优先于…的财政要求;
formulation and communication of ideas 构建和交流想法
The most common misinterpretations occur when a metonymically intended meaning is taken literally or metaphorically, or alternatively when a literal or metaphorical meaning is understood as a metonymy.

the different functions that metonymy performs

assess the extent to which these theories could usefully be extended to account for the complex

contextualised examples 情景化的例子
Contextualize examples of metonymy are analysed in depth to show how metonymy operates in spoken lan......

encapsulate vt. 压缩;将…装入胶囊;将…封进内部;概述
vi. 形成胶囊
One of the reasons why we need metonymy is that it is impossible to encapulate all aspects of our intended meaning in language that we use.

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