看到这一段的时候,饶是我也认为这样单方面的“牺牲”不能作为要求回报的理由,也觉得实在是过分了。起码,保住你的手那一刀是实实在在的啊。然后就是幡然悔悟失声痛哭一夜白头凤凰涅槃来纪念她这样的桥段,不新奇但总是动人的。最后是一个happy ending——因祸得福,上一次受伤而镶嵌的金牙,这一次救了火鸡的命,而她也在医疗手段的作用下,恢复了原本的容貌。
我们当然已经不再像小时候被教导的那样认为外表不重要内心美就好,可我们还是想知道如果火鸡没有变美那结局到底是什么。要么,火鸡像原来一样活着,或许还添了新的伤疤,但他们仍然在一起了,一个感人而完全的happy ending,只是呈现给观众的是看起来不够般配的两人。
2.これほどくだらない映画はない新・食神との対決にやぶれ返り咲までのストーリー主人公の料理の鉄人(食神)は超絶傲慢で金にきたないこれほど主人公らしからぬ人物はみあたらない負けたときの落ちぶれ方も半端じゃないシュールな笑いが随所にはいってる香港コメディの大傑作です細かいことを一切考えず少林寺で料理の修行をすれば気のパワーで 卵が焼けたり 空を飛んだりできるんだ!すげー 少林寺ってすげー ビームも発射できたりするんだそんな素敵な映画です
10ようやく再販された「食神 」中身については今更言うまでもないが、問題は「セリフ完全字幕」が収録されているのか?ということだが、結論から言えば収録されています。「セリフ完全字幕」の有無で購入を躊躇されているなら、これはもう無問題です。さあ、お楽しみあれ。
11、お願いがあります。一度観て「?」と思ったそこのあなた!どうか一度で終わらないでください。二度、三度、いえ十回、二十回と観て下さい。観れば観るほど、わかってきます、この傑作の傑作たるゆえんが!正直に言いえば、実は私も初回は思いました、「なんちゅう破綻した映画じゃ?」と。でも回を重ねる内に・・・気がつくと感動しています!気がつくと史提芬周(周星馳の役名であり英語名:スティーブン周)のファンになっています!この作品で表現された周星馳の容赦ないポップさ、超越したポストモダンは、「過去」と「今」に縛られた私たちを遥かに通り越してしまってるのでしょう。まるでキューブリックのように。ジョン・クリーズのように。私たちにできることと言えば、星馳の背中を目指して必死に追いかけることくらいなんです。食神なのに料理の修行をしない、最後まであんまり改心しない、対決らしい対決もない、審査員も審査しない。そしてなぜか少林寺。Thisis the周星馳!どうぞご堪能あれ。
12少林サッカーで大有名になったチャウ シンチ-ですが、それ以前の作品も完成度の高い少林サッカーができるまでの監督の歴史としてみると面白い。しかしながらやっぱり完成度は低い。同じひとつのテーマというかドタバタの笑いと感動の精神はあるのですが、いくらチャウシンチ-が好きだといってあんまり無批判になんでも5つ星はつけられません。あんまり自分を失ったFANというのもなんか変ですから。もちろんこれを作れといったら作れませんが批判は批判ですから。 でもまあまあこれは面白いですよ。香港の裏町の汚い屋台なんかリアルでなかなかいいです。
总之很好笑,到最后又让人感动的旷世之作。最后我竭尽全力,继续看了之后的少林足球。再有,火鸡姐朗朗唱着的歌,是香港的电视局 TVB制作的,是古龙原作“陆小凤”连续剧的主题歌。
A large portion of the drama, is a very interesting look upon shef, just feelfunny, as a child grow up to see it again, now found upon shef story, it's likea Stephen chow's autobiography, but innuendo film of commercial society rulesit profoundly reveals the food tycoon Stephen week from head to impoverishedfinally comeback story.
Atthe beginning of the story, Stephen chow, known as the god of food, wassuccessful in opening hundreds of restaurant chains and was debunked by hismen.
Stephenweek no real deal, just through the hype, spending despite being toutedthemselves, in the cooking competition will be the emperor nasi goreng, splendidmany kinds of fish, gold wisp of Buddha clothes and qiankun roast goose allreview into zero points, then use your own stunts "crystal glue andhydrogen peroxide, get everyone's praise. This is the way to get a reputation,to use it to confuse the audience, to fool the masses, and to sell theirproducts.
Thenthere is the quality of the manager. Arrogance with reputation, Stephen week,don't respect employees (if changed my temper, two years ago I kick you to theedge of the road with one foot in the garden, put you on the queen likewhipping corpse in the square, stupid!) Not even respecting senior talent.Return double master's degree, I see you are eat excrement degree. Although healso have a large collection of data and can be called up, now there are 53kinds of popular instant noodles market, turnover is 1.3 billion a year,convenient noodles accounted for 33%, competition is very big), but these datadid not become his important basis for decision-making. He is a specialist inmanagement and cannot be dictated to by others. He rudely rejected a requestfor cooperation from his peers (using instant noodles in the image of a god offood) simply because the other party could not accommodate his high self-esteemand thus turned the partner into an enemy. The headmaster has already startedto prepare the whole pour upon shef, concealment and later upon shef will hetang dynasty restaurant big happy restaurant opposite to each other, caused bymalicious competition, so the headmaster is despair, had to sell.
Sohow they designed the moved upon shef, let upon shef make a fool of yourself infront of responsibility, have upon shef in reform of food, his Tang Niuproblems aside, to Stephen week, set collapse, the classic dialogue:
Firstof all, I would like to pay a great deal of money to a pair of pigs who are inlove with them, and then use their blood when they don't pay attention to theirblood.
Ah!It is a red pig that is not open.
Andthen I'll fry their skin in gold.
Oh,it's the Fried pork skin (pig skin is pigskin).
Addthe once-in-a-lifetime fish, the Paris octopus, to the fish ball and place iton the Indian emotional curry.
Curryfish balls? Pig red, pig skin, fish ball, that still have no radish?
Ofcourse, it is the long-lived south Korean wild radish, plus a pig largeintestine, and then spread out on a tough, smoky noodle.
Justa bowl of chop suey face under his description became some species, it shouldonly be heaven mirrors, realistic society many businesses in order to benefitmalicious of product marketing, ironically, thus stumbled upon shef Stephenweek, bankruptcy, defaulted.
Theday when the poor Karen mok gave him a bowl of chop suey, but drew him alesson, what makes him so spoiled, evaluation of chop suey surface that iswonderful, and before he was described as the opposite:
Fisheggs have no fish taste, curry is not tasty, failed.
Pigskin is too soft, no bite, failure.
Pig'sblood will scatter in a pinch, failing
Toomuch scum, no selection, failure of failure.
Thebiggest failure was the pig's large intestine, which was completely unwashedand contained a piece of excrement.
Thelogic of the whole paragraph is shit. Stephen chow always thinks that makingmovies should be like making delicious food.
Hissuccessor, tang niu, is still making the same mistake. His competitors boughthis company, these people don't really draw upon shef, they expose upon shefwho love public denunciation moral has run out of darkness, and the traditionalfood continue to go back to the old, and even more: "how much more narrownarrow table, straw more thick, more thick, ice to put much, much more chipsFried old how old, let the children eat more thirsty how thirsty, you shouldknow these things, I don't need to say more!"
Becausethe entire food industry had no hope of benign development, upon shef just hadto break a rule, the opportunity to stage a comeback, upon shef Stephen week, amonkey can stage a comeback by golden street "explosion pulp pee cattlepill".
Thefirst is innovation in traditional processes. The idea of peeing the balls camefrom a gang war for profit. The traditional restaurant industry has been slowto make progress. They think their manneken prawns (which are made of leathershrimp) are excellent, but they don't know that they have lost the flavor ofmanneken prawns. Stephen chow was inspired to come up with the concept of apeed cow pill. This idea immediately practice, he has carried on theimprovement of the traditional technology, chose the high quality beef, madefrom Turkey with amazing wrist against the meat (every piece of beef after abeat 26800 times), intermediate in the frozen pipi shrimp meat into smallcubes, knead adult cow pill, after cooked meatballs middle is empty, are richin juice, and excellent elasticity.
Ofcourse, the world is full of good products, and successful sales strategiesremain the key. Stephen chow defused the feud between the two gangs and starteda partnership. The name of the product goes back to its original nature, simplystated: "milk burst to urinate cattle balls", there is no falseexaggeration. To tidy up the store, they use a easy to separate similar kantocook boiled pot, pot time at the same time have replaced the repeated use ofthe original tableware with clean disposable tableware, make the street foodhygiene condition is greatly improved. So the peeing cow pill with uniquetaste, fired the first shot. Stephen chow then began using the media forsoft-text marketing:
Eatcow pill to eat miracle, anorexic patient recovers appetite quickly is cured.
Theformer god of food creates another miracle
Mannekenbovine balls attracted attention from all walks of life
TheTV interviews were filled with people:
SinceI took manneken pills, my mind has become much more flexible and I get 100points in every exam
I'mmore beautiful after eating...
AfterI ate it, I was obviously taller and stronger. My confidence returned to me
Theabove three sentences we consider to be funny, cause the actual sensation, isto use the peeing cow pill to play table tennis.
Whatthe pros say: it's not only delicious, it's a gimmick, I can't help buying abowl of...
Atthis time, the peeing cow pill has already hit the brand, and Stephen Chou alsomade the first pot of gold.
Stephenweek with mortgage all resources, setting up a 20 stores, but he didn't get agood position, as a result of the competition, he can find the location of theis the middle of nowhere, if still open a shop, you will die. Then he made amore important breakthrough, transforming the traditional diet into a modernindustrial product. From the movies, he worked with people to run the factoryand make them into cans.
Peepill is very delicious, but if you want to production on a large scale, even ifthe Turkey beat around the clock, dozens of people keep kneading balls, alsocan't satisfy the order, so they should choose the appropriate equipment: beefpounding can use on the crushing machine, also can adjust process, direct useof meat grinder, chopping mechanism for meat; The meatball machine is used toform meatballs; The balls are provided with continuous boiling equipment. As aresult, it is necessary to adjust the original formula to improve the productcharacter.
Stephenchow's cans are sold in more than 2,800 supermarkets and convenience storesacross Hong Kong. It shows that his sales channels are well constructed.Building a brand must rely on standardized operations. Factory prices,discounts, concessions, promotions... All the strategy was to be worked out byStephen for a week and then handed over to his team of super-executive thugsuntil he went to shaolin.
Stephenchow, who returned from school, won a cooking contest against the tangniu, andended up with a performance of his sister guanyin. Because it doesn't matter ifyou don't work hard, a little finger of god will crush you, and fate is waitingfor you.
Ofcourse, it is also possible to draw the conclusion that the immortals have togo through the masochism of eighteen bronze men. However, it is the same asbeing aroused by the slap of the man. As a super funny than suddenly serioussays have the philosophy, most people won't feel say this guy in the wholepersonality have administrative levels feeling, can only faintly feel notharmonious, as if no longer playing happily together?
Because after seeing the end of the emotional line, there is always a thorn in the heart, so we must first say the second.
Turkey's admiration for Stephen from began when he was completely unknown, probably just a chase for big desire, can only be called admiration of that kind of, but just such admiration, let beautiful young Turkey has suffered more than 20 knife.
If this is only I love you and you have nothing to do with it, then the subsequent acquaintance, for Stephen to block a knife is real. Before Stephen went to shaolin, the Turkey saved him once again -- blocking the bullet that shot him and giving him a chance to escape. How bitter it was, just one second before the bullet was blocked, the two were arguing, and Stephen refused the Turkey's love, even saying that you had something to do with me.
When I see this, I also think that such one-sided "sacrifice" cannot be used as a reason to ask for a return, and I think it is too much. At least, the knife that saved your hand is real. And then there is the realization of the loss of the voice and the cry of the white phoenix nirvana in memory of such a bridge, not novel but always moving. Happy ending is a happy ending -- a blessing in disguise. The last time she was injured, she set her golden teeth. This time she saved the life of the Turkey.
In the back, there is a happy ending that is daydream enough. Yes, the hostess became beautiful so they were happy together. But ah, the Turkey is dead, and her ruined face is no longer important. She will always be a cinder spot on Stephen's heart. But would she be strong enough to live with her face and Stephen's love?
We certainly don't think appearance doesn't matter as much as we were taught when we were young, but we still want to know what happens if turkeys don't. Or, Turkey, living like the original may also add a new scar, but they are still together, a touching and completely happy ending, is presented to the audience is looks not match two people.
Or, the last saving grace, I'm grateful, guilty, regretful, but as Stephen chow himself said, no or no, it's not love, even if it owes a lot. It was also a happy ending. But the Turkey's return to the year of the flowers, perhaps a little catalytic, grateful and recovered from the mood fermentation, it looks like love.
Of course, it might be true love. But we have no way of knowing what the answer is. That's what's so annoying about the end. It is ambiguous and covers up the awkwardness of questioning with a happy reunion that everyone is satisfied with. The result should be that most people, including people in the drama, are happy to see the beauty and beauty of the beautiful woman. It avoided that difficult choice, and no matter how the choice seemed to be a bit embarrassing the end, everyone smiled happily, sigh that adversity see the truth.
Moreand more people are sensory animals, but what kind of person he is is notimportant. "what kind of person he is is an important factor thatinfluences our attitude towards him. At the end of the sublimation, everyone isthe god of food, which makes people feel empty.
Afterinsight upon shef and insight upon shef speak in front of the difference is notbig, the movie finally will have a such as return of palm, andwho for thelittle people, seem to remember all the bad bad experience room with in thelittle black book, finally have a mysterious power to good and evil will havereported, the good cycle of heaven.
It is very interesting to see Japanese netizens' comments on the god of food on a website before, and there is no translation on the left bank.
1. は じ め て こ の used を 観 た の blunt shock when left は れ も し ま せ ん. シ ン チ ー は や っ ぱ genius で す.
に individual difference が あ る の は heavy 々 bearing know で す が, let わ く ば こ の works で mio に ゲ ラ ゲ ラ smile え る と future marriage し た い な ぁ と think い ま し た
I haven't forgotten the shock when I saw this movie for the first time. The star was a genius. I wish I could see every smile and want to marry the person who can laugh with me.
2. こ れ ほ ど く だ ら な い used は な い new ・ upon shef と の polices definitely に や ぶ れ return り sakura sake ま で の ス ト ー リ ー hero の arrange objects の iron man (upon shef) は majestic pride で gold に き た な い こ れ ほ ど hero ら し か ら ぬ characters は み あ た ら な い negative け た と き の fall ち ぶ れ party も half-and じ ゃ な い シ ュ ー ル な smile い が follows the に は い っ て る Hong Kong コ メ デ ィ の great masterpiece で す fine か い こ と を all exam え ず で arrange の practice shaolin temple を す れ ば 気 の パ ワ ー で eggs が 焼 け た り empty を fly ん だ り で き る ん だ! す げ ー shaolin temple っ て す げ ー ビ ー ム も 発 shoot で き た り す る ん だ そ ん な element enemy な used で す
There are no movies that reach this level (which seems a bit exaggerated) and only the new god of food can fight it. The kitchen god of the protagonist is extremely arrogant and stingy has never seen such a protagonist. He was foolish when he was defeated. Because there are so many laughs in the works, it has become a masterpiece of Hong Kong comedy. Think of the details in the shaolin temple practice of the part of the concentration of the concentration of the egg on the side of the baked egg, one side soaring! Awesome, especially in the shaolin temple, even those beams can be used as tools! It's really a great movie.
3, ミ ラ ク ル 7 "since, チ ャ ウ さ ん の yesterday の works (supervision で は な い の が ほ と ん ど で す け ど) も た く さ ん see て き ま し た が... ほ ぼ ど れ も パ ッ と し な く て い ま い ち で し た. が, こ れ は テ ン ポ も よ く, わ か り や す く ま と ま っ て い て bai か っ た で す! Urgent open な と こ ろ も あ と で illustrate が あ り, す っ き り し ま し た. The ノ リ に は "shaolin サ ッ カ ー" で す u あ, こ れ は pain 々 し い scene は な い の で see や す い で す!
3. After the "changjiang 7", his previous works (although he is not primarily a director), he can also see that he has a slight tendency towards this aspect. Moreover, the work is also done well in rhythm, very easy to understand, really interesting! After the rapid development of the plot also made a description, appears very smooth. When it comes to the "shaolin soccer", it's a rare sight!
4 こ の works は コ メ デ ィ だ. バ カ バ カ し す ぎ る ス ト ー リ ー に and mean の わ か ら な い ギ ャ グ against loading. Yuan ネ タ な ど わ か ら な い が, bai か っ た. Cry い た reason は he に あ る. Lost ヒ ロ イ ン を っ て, 涙 を flow す シ ー ン. Color hair hair の の が ・ ・ に な る. シ ン チ ー は, bel female を think っ て 涙 す る. Should have good に き に な っ た heterosexual が い る human な ら, そ し っ て lost た people が い る な ら, シ ン チ ー の 涙 は, empathy を う lure. The transgression に love し て い た の だ ・ ・ ・ と. Food used で, shaolin temple も て き て, と に か く - わ っ た works で す が, shaolin サ ッ カ ー, カ ン フ ー ハ ッ ス ル の の works before と し て, こ れ を み る と い い と think い ま し た. が, マ イ ナ ー works で す よ
This is a comedy. In the process of unfolding the story, I have various doubts. It doesn't make sense, but it looks interesting. The reason for his crying may be for another reason. Because the heroine's departure and the tears of the star. He cried because he missed her. In the world, if there really exists the opposite sex, and the other party leaves, the star's tears, let me have a resonance. Really big love... In this food movie, there is also the shaolin temple, which is really a very different work as shaolin soccer, the work before kung fu, and now it feels good to see. Even a small piece of work.
5 "shaolin サ ッ カ ー" "カ ン フ ー ハ ッ ス ル" か ら flow れ て き た あ り が ち な パ タ ー ン で see ま し た. Written の な 2 famous works は, い わ ゆ る ハ リ ウ ッ ド of な も の に た い し て, い い mean で の ア ジ ア of class B さ が よ か っ た と think い ま す が, こ の iron chef "は, class B と い う よ り は c-class か な ぁ, と い う impression で し た. Buy っ て loss し た, と い う cheng で は な く て, か な り お も し ろ い も by many か っ た ん で す が, レ ビ ュ ー の high ratings 価 ほ ど で は な い の で は, と integrity thought い ま し た. な ん と い う か, fine か い 雰 囲 気 と い う か performance と い う か, all に っ ぽ す ぎ る feeling じ が あ り ま す. Common メ ジ ャ ー 2 works と す る bai さ も も ち ろ ん あ り ま す が, servant は "shaolin サ ッ カ ー" や "カ ン フ ー ハ ッ ス ル" の party が, remote か に good き で す. で も チ ャ ウ シ ン チ ー が good き な ら, full joy し め る と think い ま す.
5. It is felt that the two masterpieces of "shaolin soccer" and "kung fu" are widely spread. It's great that these two masterpieces are also being passed from Hollywood because they have a good connotation and are rated as the B movies in the Asian region. This "god of food" is not so much a B as a C in my impression. It's a bit of a loss, but it's not that bad, and there's a lot of fun. But to be honest, there was no high level of comment at the time. Somehow, there was a subtle atmosphere at the show and it felt like it wasn't worth the price. Of course, there is something interesting in common with the two representative works. I am quite fond of "shaolin soccer" and "kung fu". Anyway, I like Stephen chow, so I'm looking forward to him.
6, Japan の グ ル メ マ ン ガ や ア ニ メ が, Hong Kong で 気 が あ っ た hectares for ら れ た works. い つ も の matter で す が, シ ン チ ー の, こ れ は OK な の か? The gentleman な の か? と, several き 気 flavour に な る ギ ャ グ burst! で も, こ の works の も の う a man て "は, star カ レ ン ・ モ ク. き れ い な party な の に, good く も こ こ ま で... と, feeling 涙 に む せ ぶ の cheng - body ぶ り で す. Hong Kong の star さ ん は, ど ん な "で も こ な し て く れ る が by ス ゴ イ カ レ ン を see る for に も see て desire し い works で す
6. This work is a food anime in Japan, which was launched when people were angry in Hong Kong. This is very natural thing, to star ye, this is very OK, also have no problem, can say, caused not small stir really. However, the only key role of the work is the actress Karen mok. Very beautiful, very good entertainer... That makes one of the people shock dress up. Female artists in Hong Kong, no matter what they do, will not be like that. I hope to see Karen mok's works again.
7 shaolin サ ッ カ ー ・ "カ ン フ ー ハ ッ ス ル" で お な じ み の チ ャ ウ ・ シ ン チ ー supervision ・ star の works で す. "Shaolin サ ッ カ ー ・" カ ン フ ー ハ ッ ス ル "が bai い と think っ た people に は, お す す め の works で す. Unique チ ャ ウ ・ シ ン チ ー の ユ ー モ ア が joy し め ま す. Iron chef "は, arrange の iron objects と カ ン フ ー を fusion さ せ た で す. あ ま り お い し く な さ そ う な arrange が う ま か っ た り, suddenly, that unknown な shaolin temple が now れ た り, な ん で も あ り の used で す. Private は bai い used だ と think い ま す.
7. In "shaolin soccer" and "kung fu", Stephen chow is also the director and the leading actor. As for "shaolin soccer", "kung fu" is interesting to me, it is a work worth recommending. Stephen chow's unique humor is worth admiring. Just thinking that there is no such delicious food in the world, suddenly, unknown in the emergence of shaolin temple. It's really a piece of work that could happen. I think it's a very interesting movie.
8 shaolin サ ッ カ ー "" カ ン フ ー ハ ッ ス ル" を き っ か け に he が supervision ・ starring を し た used が ま だ あ る こ と を り, see つ け た works が こ の iron chef "で し た. Image は フ ィ ル ム の ア ナ ロ グ image を DVD に up こ し た feeling じ で, カ ン フ ー ハ ッ ス ル な ど に than べ sleeps い portrait で, ス ト ー リ ー も drought cut り な feeling じ が し ま す. し か し な が ら, protagonist に play す る チ ャ ウ ・ シ ン チ ー が や, の world going to corrupt さ, the heart is の bottom に あ る love や justice や の way な ど を, メ ッ セ ー ジ と し て ス ト ー リ ー と image に sheng り 込 ん で い る と こ ろ は, shaolin サ ッ カ ー や カ ン フ ー ハ ッ ス ル に tong じ る と こ ろ が あ り ま す. Future も チ ャ ウ ・ シ ン チ ー の works に は そ う い っ た メ ッ セ ー ジ が will ず sheng り 込 ま れ る と imagine で き ま す が, こ の iron chef "は he が image via を じ て オ ー デ ィ エ ン ス に 伝 え た い こ と, そ の origin を vibration り return る mean で 観 て み る 価 numerical が あ る と think い ま す.
Because as far as I know, he directed and starred in shaolin soccer and kung fu. I went to see the movie. The cinematography feels like that of a DVD, which has a hypnotic effect compared to kung fu, and weakens the story's appeal. Yet at the same time, to play the hero of Stephen chow, break the routine of the world, in the story in the movie are conveys his heartfelt love and justice of humanitarian, shaolin soccer, kung fu or has something in common in it. Now or later, I will continue to focus on Stephen chow information work, the iron chef ", he wants to convey to the audience through the film, is to return to the origin of meaning, I think it's worthy to be the value of appreciation.
9, チ ャ ウ ・ シ ン チ ー を recently good き に な っ た ば か り で, "shaolin サ ッ カ ー" を の works before see た い と think っ て い た の で す が, nearly の レ ン タ ル シ ョ ッ プ に は "king of comedy" し か buy い て い な か っ た の で, think い っ て buy っ て し ま い ま し た. Positive solution だ け ど, buy っ て で す. "Shaolin サ ッ カ ー" "カ ン フ ー ハ ッ ス ル" よ り も smile え ま し た. Shaolin temple の golden の お fang さ ん の と こ ろ な ん か, き っ と what toodles て も smile っ て し ま う だ ろ う と think い ま す. Smile こ ん な に え る used を do る が い る と い う こ と を know ら な か っ た こ と が regrets し い で す. あ と, び っ く り し た の が カ レ ン ・ モ ク. Who し ば ら く だ か points か ら な か っ た ・ ・ ・.
9. Since I recently started to like Stephen chow, I wanted to see the previous works of shaolin football. I only found the "comedy king" in the nearby rental shop, so I decided to buy it. The reason to buy it. Compared to "shaolin soccer", "kung fu", also very funny. Say shaolin temple golden monk, every time I see will make me laugh. I'm sorry I didn't know this guy who could make such a funny movie.
Also, what shocked me was Karen mok. There was a time when I didn't know who she was...
10 よ う や く vendor again さ れ た iron chef "in the body に つ い て は today more word う ま で も な い が, problem は" セ リ フ completely subtitles "が 収 recorded さ れ て い る の か? と い う こ と だ が, conclusion か ら said え ば 収 recorded さ れ て い ま す. "セ リ フ completely subtitles" の presence of で buy を hesitated さ れ て い る な ら, こ れ は も う no problem で す. さ あ, お joy し み あ れ.
10. It's very exciting to be sold again, and I can't tell you what it is. The question is "subtitle". In that case, the conclusion should be. If you hesitate to buy "subtitles" because they are not available, there is no such problem. So, I'm looking forward to it.
11, お い が あ り ま す. Once 観 て "?" と think っ た そ こ の あ な た! ど う か once で eventually わ ら な い で く だ さ い. Twice, three times, い え ten come back, 20 と 観 て under さ い. 観 れ ば 観 る ほ ど, わ か っ て き ま す, こ の masterpiece の た る ゆ え ん が! Integrity に said い え ば, be は private early も は think back い ま し た, "な ん ち ゅ う flaw し た used じ ゃ?" と. で も を heavy ね back within る に ・ ・ ・ 気 が つ く と moved し て い ま す! 気 が つ く と Stephen week (Stephen chow の service name で あ り English name: ス テ ィ ー ブ ン weeks) の フ ァ ン に な っ て い ま す! こ の works で performance さ れ た chow の let forgive な い ポ ッ プ さ, beyond し た ポ ス ト モ ダ ン は, "the past" と "today" に bound ら れ た private た ち を remote か に tong り more し て し ま っ て る の で し ょ う. ま る で キ ュ ー ブ リ ッ ク の よ う に. ジ ョ ン ・ ク リ ー ズ の よ う に. Private た ち に で き る こ と と said え ば, the star chi の back in を refers し て will die に chase い か け る こ と く ら い な ん で す. Upon shef な の に arrange の practice を し な down through the い ま で あ ん ま り change heart し な い, definitely ら seaborne し い polices definitely も な い, inspector も examination し な い. そ し て な ぜ か shaolin temple. Thisis the chow! ど う ぞ ご akin to あ れ.
Come on, you've only seen it once? Anyway, want to go through it once and it's over? It's going to be twice, three times, if you want to say it, 10 times, 20 times. If see, can see understanding degree, ability say to deserve this masterpiece! Honestly, I thought at first, "is this going to be a movie? "But how do I see it over and over again... I was attracted by it! Become a fan of Stephen chow (Stephen chow's English stage name)! In this work, zhou xingchi's unique artistry, transcending postmodernism, transcends the "past" and "now". Like kubrick. John ・ Chris. All we can do is follow the back of the star
As a god of food, he does not practice cooking. He always sticks to himself and stands aloof from worldly life. Then why the shaolin temple?
This is Stephen chow! He is very good at organizing such plots.
12 shaolin サ ッ カ ー で big famous に な っ た チ ャ ウ シ ン チ - で す が, そ れ も の works before completion の high い shaolin サ ッ カ ー が で き る ま で の supervision の history と し て み る い と face white. し か し な が ら や っ ぱ り は low い completed degrees. With じ ひ と つ の テ ー マ と い う か ド タ バ タ の smile い と の spiritual は あ る の で す が, い く ら チ ャ ウ シ ン チ - good が き だ と い っ て あ ん ま り without critical に な ん で も つ 5 star は つ け ら れ ま せ ん. あ ん ま り you lost を っ た FAN と い う の も な ん か - で す か ら. Make れ も ち ろ ん こ れ を と い っ た ら as れ ま せ ん が は critique で す か ら. で も ま あ ま あ こ れ は bai い で す よ. Town in Hong Kong の の fouling い housing units な ん か リ ア ル で な か な か い い で す.
12. Zhou xingchi, famous for shaolin soccer, has had many previous works, and shaolin soccer is his first work as a director, which is very interesting. But since then the production rate has been low. Both are used by the same team。
13、 long ら く product cut れ state だ っ た chow used が 続 々 と again 発 売 さ れ る の は, large variations に め で た い. だ が, こ の again 発 売 バ ー ジ ョ ン で a つ 気 に な る の は "whole lines turn 訳 Japanese subtitles" が 収 recorded さ れ て い る か ど う か. こ の lines all over 訳 Japanese subtitles で な い と points ら な い ネ タ が, finally の polices definitely に は exist す る. Jin yong's novels を ご save heard の な ら, die ぬ cheng laugh え る の で pay い て い る を hope. そ れ は さ て お き. Fantasy outer の cuisine of seaborne, pure college life ・ シ ン チ ー の uniform appearance (if い (smile)), delicious し く swim べ る "beef + シ ャ コ (Chinese language で neo-ichinose urine shrimp/urine エ ビ と い う. Slap む と water spray を く others child か ら の name)" の neo-ichinose cow urine pill (urine 団), カ レ ン ・ モ ク play ず る fire 鶏 の elder sister royal の spiderman 気 と hot い pure feeling, house の お っ ち ゃ ん の dance, somehow か out て る shaolin temple practice, そ し て arrange の heart と は what か を slap ん だ hero が see せ る の appearance the transgression... . Smile と に か く え て, し ま い に moved し て し ま う for な used. と こ と ん や り do す エ ネ ル ギ ー は, after の shaolin サ ッ カ ー etc に も by け 継 が れ て い る. な お が lang, fire 鶏 sister 々 と song い げ て い る の は, Hong Kong の テ レ ビ bureau ・ TVB で making さ れ た, gulong original の "luk siu fung" シ リ ー ズ の theme song.13. It is a great pleasure to see Stephen chow movies, which have been out of stock for a long time, go on sale again. However, notice if the re-release is "full-line translation with Japanese subtitles". If you don't have the Japanese subtitles in the full-line translation, you won't understand the final food fight. If you know jin yong's novels, you will want to die laughing. Instead of this, the freakish cooking contest, the uniformed pure love high school star, young (laughs), looks delicious "beef + shrimp mantis". Comes from the fact that it can spray water, (named after its shape to urinate pill to urinate (dumplings), Karen mok man-wai gentleness of the chivalrous frame of mind in Turkey elder sister, and uncle's dance on the stage, why will go to shaolin temple practice, then how to show the hero determined their true beliefs about food...
In short, it's funny, and in the end, it's touching. Finally, I tried my best to continue watching the shaolin soccer. In addition, the song sung by lang lang is the theme song of the original "lu xiaofeng" series by Hong Kong television bureau TVB.
14 オ ー プ ニ ン グ か ら や た ら と テ ン シ ョ ン が high い で す. Upon shef と し て food industry に regnant し て い る, character が と ん で も な く 悪 い hero が 罠 に は め ら れ a 気 に planning. Down town で housing units を 営 ん で い る カ レ ン ・ モ ク と そ の between secondary た ち と a mio に 巻 き return そ う と enterprise み ま す. Adversity に made た さ れ る と character の 悪 さ は straight り そ う な も の で す が, そ ん は な things all く あ り ま せ ん. ご ease を (laughs). Finally ま で character は big し て - わ ら な か っ た り し ま す. チ ャ ウ ・ シ ン チ ー works で meibutsu と な っ た "ブ ス メ イ ク" も こ の works が supreme masterpiece で は な い で し ょ う か. カ レ ン ・ モ ク の 気 の into れ side and melancholy も い で す. I が イ ン タ ビ ュ ー で "a 気 に into っ て い" る service と said っ て い た だ け の こ と は あ り ま す.
あ か わ ら ず エ グ イ violence シ ー ン や キ ツ イ bristle scold pour も out て き ま す. が チ ャ ウ ・ シ ン チ ー itself "servant は け っ こ う バ イ オ レ ン ス ambition な ん だ" と said っ て い ま す の で, ability 発 と い え る で し ょ う.
He に も Qiao り return し の ギ ャ グ "shaolin temple si418 copper person" は お 勧 め で す.
The popularity of the premiere is high. As the god of food, he reigns in the world of food, but his character is very poor. Karen mok, who can only operate in the slums, and her friends are planning to bounce back.
What would happen to her in that kind of adversities and bad character? That would not be the case. That's reassuring. (laughter) In the end her character did not change.
Zhou xingchi's representative works "the hundred variable star jun" is also, this work is his highest masterpiece is not? Karen mok's performance is also strong. She was also given "best performance" reviews in interviews with herself.
The constant buzz, and the powerful lip shot snake war, are also frequent in the plot. Zhou xingchi himself said, "I am very hot." And that's what he does.
What's more, I'd like to recommend eighteen bronze people from shaolin temple.