7、Deducting deductions

2017-11-08  本文已影响6人  b34d3a912f9d

2017-11-6 22:34 2017-11-7

Republicans are struggling to find money to pay for tax cuts
1、President Donald Trump released no fewer than three tax plans (to cut and simplify taxes.) during his campaign for office.

2、T The main source of revenue Republicans hope to bank comes from scrapping the “state and local” deduction. This exempts, from federal taxes, money used to pay state and local tax bills. Even getting rid of this is proving difficult.Even getting rid of this is proving difficult.

campaign for office 竞选总统
no less than: 一样;和…一样;不少于;正如;多达…
no fewer than 至少, 约有
no more than: 仅仅;至多;强调“少”
outline sketch 轮廓草图
iron out worries: 消除忧虑
deficit-neutral 赤子中性
the most sacred of cows 神圣目标?
squeaked through 勉强通过法案、考试,险胜


