2.Reading:堆雪人啦 一起玩数数 晚安,宝贝 我不怕打雷
3.Video:1B unit1-2
游戏1:Let' s get moving.
Mommy: Baby, daddy, grandma, grandpa, let's play a game. I will be the good morning train, Choo-choo(mommy puts two hands beside the body and turn round, When you say"choo-choo", you should stretch one arm up to be the chimney)
Now you can go back to the bedrooms. Later, the train will come by and you can get on my train.
The good morning train is coming"how are you""choo-choo
Come on baby, get on my train(say"choo-choo"together)
The good morning train is coming"How are you? Choo-choo.(go to another bedroom to get daddy, grandma, grandpa get on the train)
万思乐学V-learn小西妈双语工程1806期+296+Hurbert2019年7月15日Day132游戏2:Ride on my train friends.
Mommy: Baby, daddy, grandpa, grandma, come here, Let's play a game.
(mommy prepare some headbands, such as a tiger, a monkey, a panda, a teddy bear and a turkey)
Daddy you are tiger now. Put on your headband and act like a tiger.
Baby, come on, Say "hello"to tiger,
Baby: Hello tiger
Daddy: Hello baby
Mommy: Ride on my train please(Mommy, baby and daddy sing the song together).
(Get grandma and grandpa to wear headbands too and say hello"to them)