2020-10-23 本文已影响0人
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
import re
import xlwt
import xlrd
def Get_Filenames(path):
filenames = []
for file in os.listdir(path):
if '.xlsx' in file and '透视分析' in file:
return filenames
def Get_List_Name(filenames):
listing = []
for filename in filenames:
if '.xlsx' in filename and '透视分析' in filename:
list_name = ''.join(re.findall('[\u4e00-\u9fa5]', filename))
return listing
def Vlookup(f1, f2):
df = pd.merge(f1, f2, on=['标签名', '枚举值'], how='outer')
return df
def Save_Merge_Files(filenames, final_file):
df1 = pd.read_excel(filenames[0], header=1)
for filename in filenames[1:]:
df2 = pd.read_excel(filename, header=1)
df1 = Vlookup(df1, df2)
def Format_File(path, final_file):
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(path + '//' + final_file)
sheet1 = workbook.sheet_by_index(0)
first_col = sheet1.col_values(0)
first_row = sheet1.row_values(0)
col_num = len(first_col)
row_num = len(first_row)
alignment = xlwt.Alignment()
alignment.horz = 0x02 # 设置水平居中
alignment.vert = 0x01 # 设置垂直居中
style = xlwt.easyxf('font: bold on') # 加粗
style.alignment = alignment
workbook1 = xlwt.Workbook()
worksheet = workbook1.add_sheet('My Sheet')
n = int(row_num/2 - 1)
for i in range(n):
a = (i+1)*2
b = (i+1)*2 + 1
worksheet.col(a).width = 3800
worksheet.col(b).width = 3800
worksheet.write_merge(0, 0, a, b, first_row[a], style)
n = 0
for i in range(2,col_num-1):
if first_col[i] == first_col[i+1]:
n += 1
worksheet.write_merge(i-n,i, 0, 0, first_col[i], style)
for i in range(1,col_num):
for j in range(1,row_num):
worksheet.write(i,j, label = sheet1.cell_value(i, j))
worksheet.col(1).width = 5200
worksheet.col(0).width = 4500
def Def_Font():
# 设置字体
font = xlwt.Font()
font.name = '微软雅黑'
font.colour_index = 1
font.height = 20*10
font.bold = False
def Def_Alignment():
# 设置单元格对齐方式
alignment = xlwt.Alignment()
alignment.horz = 0x02 # 0x01(左端对齐)、0x02(水平方向上居中对齐)、0x03(右端对齐)
alignment.vert = 0x01 # 0x00(上端对齐)、 0x01(垂直方向上居中对齐)、0x02(底端对齐)
alignment.wrap = 0 # 自动换行
def Def_Frame():
# 设置边框
borders = xlwt.Borders()
# 细实线:1,小粗实线:2,细虚线:3,中细虚线:4,大粗实线:5,双线:6,细点虚线:7
# 大粗虚线:8,细点划线:9,粗点划线:10,细双点划线:11,粗双点划线:12,斜点划线:13
borders.left = 1
borders.right = 1
borders.top = 1
borders.bottom = 1
# borders.left_colour = 0x00
# borders.right_colour = 0x00
# borders.top_colour = 0x00
# borders.bottom_colour = 0x00
def Set_sheet():
# workbook1 = xlwt.Workbook()
# worksheet = workbook1.add_sheet('My Sheet')
# n = int(row_num/2 - 1)
# for i in range(n):
# a = (i+1)*2
# b = (i+1)*2 + 1
# worksheet.col(a).width = 3800
# worksheet.col(b).width = 3800
# worksheet.write_merge(0, 0, a, b, first_row[a], style)
# n = 0
# for i in range(2,col_num-1):
# if first_col[i] == first_col[i+1]:
# n += 1
# else:
# worksheet.write_merge(i-n,i, 0, 0, first_col[i], style)
# n=0
# for i in range(1,col_num):
# for j in range(1,row_num):
# worksheet.write(i,j, label = sheet1.cell_value(i, j))
# worksheet.col(1).width = 5200
# worksheet.col(0).width = 4500
# workbook1.save('合并后数据.xls')
def main():
path = os.getcwd()
final_file = '合并后的文件.xlsx'
files = Get_Filenames(path)
list_name = Get_List_Name(files)
Save_Merge_Files(files, final_file)
Format_File(path, final_file)
if __name__ == "__main__":