【高级趣读】The Two Pots

2018-08-23  本文已影响0人  双语趣味阅读

It was a cyclonic season. There was flood everywhere.

Many houses drowned in the flood. There was a copper pot and an earthen pot in a house. Both these were washed away in the flood to a river.

The copper pot called the earthen pot and said, "My friend, you are made of mud. You are so weak. Please, come near me. I'll save you".

The earthen pot replied, "Thank you for your kindness, my friend. But, let me swim to the bank by myself'. The earthen pot began to swim towards the bank of the river.

As the copper pot tried to swim, water got filled into the pot and the copper pot drowned. But earthen pot reached the bank.

MORAL : Weakness is not in appearance.


1、 cyclonic (adj.)暴风的

2、 drown (vt.)淹没;淹死

3、 copper (n.)铜

4、 earthen (adj.)土制的

5、 wash away (phr.)冲走

6、 mud (n.)泥巴

7、 kindness (n.)善良

8、 bank (n.)河岸

9、 weakness (n.)弱点

10、 appearance(n.)外表


这是一个暴风雨季节。 洪水泛滥。

许多房屋淹没于洪水之中。 房子里有一口铜锅和一口砂锅。 它俩被洪水冲走,漂流进一条河里。



当铜锅试图游泳时,水灌满肚子,铜锅被淹死了。 而砂锅则游到了对岸。



