练口语摩登家庭 (Modern Family) 专题美语口语

看美剧练口语 摩登家庭(ModernFamily) S01E04

2019-07-20  本文已影响1人  vvstudy

Scene 9 All

-D-Money! There he is. -Hey. -小迪迪 你可算来啦 -你好
-Come on in. -Hey. -快进来 -你好
-Hi. -How you doing? -你好 -你好吗
Good. 我很好
Um-Uh, hey, everybody. 喂 各位
-This is Dylan. -Hey. -这位是迪兰 -你们好
-Hi, Dylan. -Hey. -你好迪兰 -你好
He has a very gentle soul. 这孩子心地非常善良
You got that from "Hey"? 一句"你好"你就看出来了
So, Dylan, see you brought the ax. 迪兰 我看你带了乐器啊
-Yeah, yeah. I just came from practice. -Sweet. -是啊 我刚排练回来 -真棒
Miss those days. 真怀念当年
Oh, you were in a band? 你以前也在乐队混吗
Could have been, but in high school 本来可以的 但是在高中时
I was really all about my magic, so- 一心痴迷于魔术 所以嘛
Oh, my God. Over. 老天啊 别吹了
Oh, that's gonna be Dad and Gloria. 肯定是爸爸和歌洛莉亚来了
Oh, Mitchell. 米奇
I know it's silly, but... 我知道这很傻 但我...
I'm a little nervous. 我真有点儿紧张了
Oh. That's not silly. You should be. 那可不傻 紧张是正常的
-Hola. Hola. -How are you? -好呀 -你好
-Manny? -Phil. -曼尼 -菲尔
-Nice mustache. -Thank you. -胡子真帅 -谢谢
Don't make fun. He may burn your house down. 别逗他 小心他把你家给烧了。
Oh, boy. 老天
Dede. 迪迪
Hi, Jay, Gloria. 杰 歌洛莉亚 你们好
What is she doing here? 她在这儿干嘛
What does she mean, "What is she doing here?" 她那话什么意思 她不知道我要来吗
-Mitchell told you I'd be here. -Lies! -米奇尔跟你说了我会来 -瞎说
I couldn't tell her, because she wouldn't come. 我不能跟她说 否则她就不来了
Gloria, uh, my mom wants to apologize for everything. 歌洛莉亚 我妈妈想为之前的事道歉
So you just spring it on Gloria like this? 所以你就给歌洛莉亚来个突然袭击吗
Mitchell, what the hell is wrong with you? 米奇尔 你有病是吧
I don't want her apologies. 我不想听她道歉
Who could blame you, honey? 宝贝 不能怪你
Which is why this is a terrible idea by you! 所以都怪你出的馊主意
Jay. Manny. Let's go. 杰 曼尼 我们走
Oh, wait, wait, Gloria. 歌洛莉亚 等等
I-I just want to tell you 我只是想告诉你
how sorry I am for ruining your wedding. 我对大闹婚礼的事非常抱歉
I was struggling with being alone. 我那时孤独一人 日子很不爽
Meanwhile, Jay moves on so easily, 同时 杰那么快就有了新恋情
and-and not with just anyone- 而且他找的不是一般的女人
with a... 而是一位
young... 年轻的
and smart and beautiful woman. 聪明 而且美丽的女人
I don't expect you to forgive me. 我并不指望你原谅我
If I were you, I'd want to punch me right in the mouth. 如果我是你 我只想抽我自己丫的
I think we've had enough revenge in this family for one day. 我觉得我们家今天报仇也报够了
Ah. Okay. Y-You see? 真好啊 你们看
Yeah, we're all gonna move past this, and because of me, 我们家即将翻开新的一页 多亏了我
who's not a mama's boy, but is 我可不是妈妈的小乖乖
a caring person with wisdom and emotional insight. 而是个通情达理 善于察言观色的智者
So make a note, bitches. 都给我记着吧 衰货们
It's not a good color on you. 你真心不适合王婆自夸
I forgive you. 我原谅你
I am not prepared for this. 我没料到会这样
I just- 我只是
I-I wanna 我想
-rip your head off! -What? -扭断你的脖子 -什么
What are you doing? 搞毛啊
-You ruined my wedding! -Oh, no! -你毁了我的婚礼 -不
Oh! I got Gloria! 我按住歌洛莉亚了
-I got Gloria! -Mom, come on. -我按住歌洛莉亚了 -妈 别这样
Unbend your legs. 腿别乱蹬
I got Gloria. 我按住歌洛莉亚了
Stand up like a big girl. Come on. 站好 都是大人了 别闹了
All right. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it, the two of you. 好了 别闹了 别闹了 都别闹了
-I am so sorry about this. -No, it's cool. It's cool. -让你见笑了 很抱歉 -没事没事
This is ridiculous. Gloria didn't steal me, 真是太荒唐了 歌洛莉亚不是小三
Dede, and you know it. 迪迪 你是知道的
We grew apart for years, 我们夫妻不和已经多年
and you left to find yourself, remember? 你离开家去寻找自我 记得吗
I thought I could handle this. 我还以为自己能处理好
I'm so sorry. 我很抱歉
You don't say sorry anymore! 谁要听你丫说抱歉
-That word means nothing in your mouth! -I got Gloria. -你的抱歉都是放屁 -我拉住歌洛莉亚了
I don't know what just happened. 我都不知道出什么事了
I do. 我知道
I mean, it seems pretty simple to me. 我是说 在我看来这事很简单
You're reaching out, trying to hold on to something awesome. 你们都极力想护住些美好的东西
Um, maybe-maybe you shouldn't... 这个 或许你不该...
Look, look, look. I'm not used to this- 没事没事 我不习惯这样
the whole big family thing. 这种大家族的家事儿
In my house, we don't even talk to each other. 在我家 我们甚至互相不说话
You know, it's funny-the first time I saw Haley, 有趣的是 当我第一眼见到海莉
I knew I liked her. 我就知道我喜欢她
I mean, she's beautiful and everything, 她很美丽动人
but it's-it's not just that. 但不只如此
It's that she's got this killer confidence- 她还有一种令人折服的自信
you know, the kind of confidence 那种 那种自信
that you get from having a family like this... 来自于像你们这样的大家庭
that's passionate... 这种充满激情
and accepting of hot foreigners... 对异国美女的包容
and gay dudes and nutty people. 对基佬和疯婆子的包容
You know, 就是
a family that actually loves each other. 真正相亲相爱的家庭
I can't believe I'm gonna say this, 我无法相信自己会说出这话
but maybe we should let her go with him. 但也许我们应该让她跟他去
He's perfect. 他真是个好小伙
Everybody, Haley says that Dylan is a musician, 各位 海莉说迪兰是个音乐家
and he writes some great songs. 而且他写歌写得非常好
-Yeah. -Play something, bro. -是啊 -老弟 来演奏一曲吧
Well, I guess so, if you want me to. 好吧 你们真想听的话当然可以
We could all use a nice tune right now. 给大家来一首好歌吧
This is, uh, actually a song I wrote for Haley. 这首歌嘛 其实是我写给海莉的
It's called "In the Moonlight." 歌名叫《月下》
-Lovely title, Dylan. -Thanks. -歌名真有爱 -谢谢
The stars are falling from the sky 星星从天边划过
And you're the reason why 它们都是被你吸引而坠落
The moon is shining on your face 月光洒在你脸庞
Cause it finally feels 因为它终于感到
It's found its place 它找到了归属
Cause baby, baby 因为宝贝 宝贝
I just wanna do you do you 我就是想要干你 干你
Do you wanna do me, do me 你想不想干我 干我
Underneath the moonlight the moonlight 就在这月下 月下
Baby, baby 宝贝 宝贝
Maybe I will steal you Uh, steal you 也许我会偷你 偷你
Just so I can feel you feel you 这样我就能摸你 摸你
Maybe that would heal you heal you 也许这能安抚你 安抚你
On the inside 从你身体里
She's so not going. 她不能跟他去
Not a chance in hell. 打死也不准去
Never good at harmonizing. 我总是唱不好和声
That was good. 唱得挺好的


