nls and maximum likelihood

2019-07-17  本文已影响0人  五人王


1. based on the does-respond formulation and the experiment data to get an estimation of parameters in the formulation

2. Problems:

1. there are two ways to fit the model, one is the sum least-square, which can be achieved by “nls”, the other way is a maximum likelihood, which can be achieved by mlme

2. don’t know how to do the “nls” and the “maximum likelihood”

3. Results:

3.1. use “nls” get the result


IMI_20190713 <-read_excel("D:/huang084/1_Experiments/7_toxicity_Grammer/forR/IMI_20190713.xlsx")

# y = (1-c)/(1 +exp(-(b)*(log(x)-a)))

x <-  IMI_20190713$conc

y <-(IMI_20190713$effected)/(IMI_20190713$total)

data_IMI <-data.frame(x,y)


m <- nls(y ~(1-c)/(1 + exp(-b*(log(x)-a))),

         data = data_IMI,

        start = list(a = 5, b =5, c =0.000001),

        trace = T)

# the important thing is to

choose the suitable parameters


3.2. the maximum likehood

3.3. lmom

4. Discussion:

4.1. the nls

1.1 singular gradient problem

As  I already the estimation of my three parameters, so I use them as the guess, then there is nosingular gradient error again

1.2 The parameters are slightly different from the results gotfrom the Genestat software

4.2. maximum likelihood

Thefitdistr need the data between (0,1), the data cannot be 0 or 1

4.3. lmom

Some people suggest using the “lmom”, as it is norequirement for the data between (0,1)

4.4. change the source code

as there is a quite similar formulation in the “drc”packages, which is LL2.3u, so  I wonder maybe I can change the source code


trace("LL2.3u",edit= TRUE)

But the code is too complex and it seemed that I should change the code in llogistic2, which I really don’t know how to that.

5. next step

1. figure out the distribution of my data and try reference 7


1. the example of nls

2. Maximum Likelihood Estimation to solve the singular gradient

4. how to fit the data to the model

5. the source of “drc”

6. how to change the package in R

7. Fitting a Model by Maximum Likelihood


9. elnorm3: Estimate Parameters of a Three-ParameterLognormal...

10 important! The common distribution

11. 独家|一文读懂最大似然估计(附R代码)

12. Choose best model between logit, probit and nls

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