Summary 2 (Chapter 10-14) 11.12

2017-11-12  本文已影响0人  二白_a00c


Bits&Pieces:Use precise verbs, adverbs and adjectives that do necessary work. And other small admonitions on many points on writing well.

Nonfiction as Literature: Nonfiction became the new American literature.The path for most people to learn to write is nonfiction. But good writing is good writing, whatever form it takes and whatever we call it.

Writing About People (The Interview):Create your own style to the audience--yourself.

Writing about Places (The Travel Articles): Choose your words with unusual care. Be intensely selective about substance.

Writing About Yourself (The Memoirs): Write about yourself with more proper details and enjoy this process.


1. 这周阅读量猛然增加,很多都囫囵吞枣过去了,记住的也只有寥寥几点题纲似的东西又称不上提纲要领。

2.扯句题外话,之前练应试写作老师就说过我让我多背范文,然后仿写,或者中译英然后修改,现在想想写作这事,尤其是英语写作,真心离我太遥远,我亟需要做的或许是多输入然后多输出。不过,中英文总是相通的,这些书中的技巧还是可以用于中文写作哒。最重要的是,我学会了鉴赏优秀的文学作品,知道那些著作为什么被誉为著作了。近的说Be born with crime,作者就充分做到了,写自己用细节,加入适当的人物等作者所提到的。远的说我是医生不是人(我之前看的都是什么乱七八糟的书,笑cry)虽说是口述实录,但也可以归为写自己,而在写自己的同时也有对特定环境的描写(诊室等细节)对特定人物的描述。///每次写读后感都感觉自己好low....是时候读点世界名著了T T


1.I think we should banish驱逐,赶走,此处可为不再提及all further mention of the words ‘literature’ and ‘literary’ and ‘literati.

2. It had been decreed(命运)注定,裁定判决

3.“He” and “him” and “his” are words that rankle(使)痛苦不已.

4.don’t be buffaloed愚弄into the idea that it’s an inferior species.

5.Many verbs also carry in their imagery or in their sound a suggestion of what they mean:glitter, dazzle炫目, twirl卷曲,快速旋转, beguile使陶醉,哄骗, scatter, swagger, poke, pamper悉心照料, vex惹恼,惹怒.

Adjective & Noun:

1.The second is necessarily longer and it has an insipid无生气的,平淡的quality


2.Then I would dutifully尽职尽责地turn to page 9 and find myself in an interesting story

3.Probably it’s difficult for anyone who remembers the prodigious巨大的success of Gone With the Wind

4.When you first heard them they sounded so felicitous(措辞)恰当的that you didn’t give them a second thought.

5.It makes you ache for渴望the sight of a rebellious curve or the irregular,dappled有斑点的colour of a field where a careless farmer has allowed corn and soybeans to cohabit.

6.The dismal忧郁的,沮丧的truth is that it’s very hard.

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