D85S COT Plan (Draft)

2016-12-28  本文已影响128人  Ivy杨平华

First half

9:30-12:00pm Jan.15.2017

-如何在TM里获得成长?/Fulisha Ma

-2017年我的成长计划。/Fulisha Ma

Second half


1.Division S business  report.5'/Ivy Yang

2.How to get DCP ? 20'Bob Gu

3.Club Officer Roles and Responsibilities.(7 speakers 35' BruceYang for President,VPE,VPM,VPPR,Secratary,Tresurer,SAA  .)

4.Clubs' Best practise./4 speakers /25'

Cici Qin


5.Case study-Moment of truth./45'

Fulisha Ma

6.Speech Contest Value & Preparation:15’杨欢

7.怎样玩转PR?/尖叫鸽 Tony Tong 25'

8. 杭州峰会特别策划/Tony Tong/10'

9.Recognize and Awards.10’ Ivy Yang

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