Dream Crazier --- Just do it

2019-03-02  本文已影响0人  姗姗me

Dream Crazier, an ad. from Nike, pointing out the unequality for women in sports field. It's so inspiring and attacts high attention to women.  Let's move on to see what it is . 

If we show emotion, we're called dramatic.如若袒露情绪,人称做作。

If we want to play against men, we're nuts. 与男人抗衡时,不自量力

if we dream of equal opportunity, delusional. 追求机会平等时,痴心妄想

When we stand for somenitng, we're unhinged. 大获全胜时,走火入魔

When we're too good, there's something wrong with us. 成绩过于优秀,疑信参半

And we're get angry., we're hysterical, irrational and just being crazy. 赫然大怒的时候,我们就是歇斯底里,失去理智或干脆丧心病狂。

But, a women running a marathon is crazy.

A woman boxing was crazy, 参与拳击的女人

A woman dunking, crazy. 扣篮的女人

Coaching a NBA team, crazy. NBA任职教练的女人,

A woman competing in a hijab, 戴头巾竞技的女人

Changing her sport.革新她所在的体育项目

Landing a double cork 1080.  完成高难度化雪动作的女人

Or winning 23 grand shams, having a baby and then coming back for more. 又或是斩获23个大满贯,产后复出创下更多佳绩。

Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy and crazy.无稽之谈,白日做梦,天方夜谭,无可救药,疯狂至极。

So if they want to call you crazy, fine, show them what crazy can do. 所以,如果人们说你疯了,没问题,展示你的疯狂。

It's only crazy until you do it. 不登高,不知天高

Just do it.  无所不能

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