Summary Session for

2019-07-28  本文已影响0人  Simon_8d1f

2019/07/27 and 2019/07/28

The weather was hot and foggy.

08:20 to 10:20

I worked with Under 11 D class.

We had 16 players

1/Warmup~We did passing and back peddaling drills with two players per ball.

Summary Session for

2/Technical Drills~The content was about passing,dribbling skills and turning.

Summary Session for

3/We played a match.

Summary Session for

10:20 to 12:20

I had  6 players of U6 age group.

Summary Session for

1/Warmup~ We did ball familiarisation drills,dribbling and running with the ball.

Summary Session for

2/Technical Drills~We did dribbling and running with the ball under control.

Summary Session for

3/We played a 3v3 match.

Summary Session for


The weather was extreamley hot and foggy.

08:20 to 10:20

I worked with coach Frank and we had 8 players.

1/Warmup~We did stationery stretches and then did running with the ball interchanging passes.Passing and running and receiving the ball sideways.

Summary Session for

2/Technical Drills~ The content was about passing, ball control and movement.

Summary Session for

3/We played a match against Under 11D class.

Summary Session for

10:20 to 12:20

I worked with the Under 6 class.

We had 12 players.

1/Warmup~We did running with the ball running through small goals and a competition was introduced to see how many times we run through the goals in two minutes intervals.

Summary Session for

2/Technical Drills~The content was a continuation of running with the ball from warm up but this time players were in two per ball and those without the ball were standing on the other side of the small goals and those in possession would run with the ball and pass across the small goals and run to another free goal and the one who received the ball also go to pass someone free.This was also done in two minutes intervals.

Summary Session for

3/ We played  3 v 3 matches and the players really enjoyed the competition.

Summary Session for
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