
Daily Gibberish 2014-04-23

2014-07-07  本文已影响19人  xubihang

Daily Gibberish 是我之前的一个想法, 用链接加上些许的总结或者评论, 来记录一天下来自己的所看所感. 一来是可以作为一种日记的形式, 也方便事后的回顾和索引 (事实上索引怕是困难的); 另一方面也是期待某个将来, 能将自己的观和感分享给他人, 追求一点小小的影响力. 之前在 Tumblr 上尝试记录了一些.

'Fract' is a trippy game that tricks you into making music

Game is always fun, especially music-relative. Well, to me that is true. To generate a song from beat to FX is such exciting to me that, I've been play Figure in my iPhone for months. So when seeing a brand new music game is coming on board I just cannot resist to download a cracked version...Shame on myself. And also, I like the neon colour style.

America's Coming Manufacturing Revolution

作为一个工科学生, 这类讨论制造业的文章总是能或多或少地吸引眼球. 这篇文章中有两个观点:

  1. 美国的制造业没有衰退, 如果从总体数据上来看, 其增速反而是超过全球水平的. 直到 2011 年之前, 美国拥有世界上最大的制造业, 而之后才被中国超越.
  2. 美国的制造业未来会迎来新的春天, 随着诸多高新科技产业的崛起. 诸如能源 (页岩气的开发), 机器人, 材料, 应用信息技术等领域, 美国都具有世界领先的地位. 随着这些产业受重视的程度上升, 开发加大, 占国民生产总值比重上升, 美国制造业重登榜首焕发青春指日可待.

其数据来自 Martin Baily and Barry Bosworth of the Brookings Institution

不过事实又是如何呢? 我不敢妄语说我知道事实和未来发展规律, 不过有一点我是有把握说的: 这些新产业都不是劳动力密集型产业. 换句话说, 在另一个方面, 或许这些产业能获得很好的发展有很高创收, 但是却不能制造很多的岗位. 而眼下美国一个严重的问题便是失业. 事实上评论里也指出了 (不过是讽刺地说法), 左派人士试图用就业形势下降来说服人们制造业衰弱了. 如果社会关心的重点也在此的话, 那么就有把握说这些高新产业的发展并不能解决这些问题. 于是乎对于衰不衰退的嘴仗还会继续.


Hey, I'm not trying to advertise, but this site is pretty beautiful and well designed. I barely find some clues to show this is a Chinese company promoting their China built product. See, once try, even Chinese company can make beautifully. Others, re-think about this.

Nobody lives here: The nearly 5 million Census Blocks with zero population

Maybe you neglect the information (actually I just have a glance of this article), but the maps are gorgeous. By the way, this blog also post some other informational and beautiful maps.

Meet Flappy48, The Clone Game To End Clone Games

"Brand new copy game!" "Disrupted copy!" XD

Google is testing 'Stars,' an attempt to make bookmarking actually useful

For years, I've been wandering why there was no a build-in tool in browsers (actually I just refer to that vary Chrome) allow users to collect web\web contents neatly and efficiently. I've tried the rebirth version delicious bookmark, which is recently shutdown. The problem is the process of surfing, reading, saving is all connected the object: browser, however, re-scanning is not. This should be a fundamental function just like a native bookmark but not. Again, I've been wanting for ages.

Asteroid Impacts Bigger Risk Than Thought

As always, the fun part reading news in Slashdot is commentaries. In this page, pretty informational.

'The Door Problem' of Game Design

Very interesting story and explaination of the complex and complicated problems faced during develop a game. Original article is here. This also remind me a 'fridge problem': once you could explain the theories and technologies behind the functioning and producing, or even selling fridges, you've know almost anything.

Evernote CEO Details His Company’s Plans For A Wearable Future

The questions Phil Libin asked and chances he implied is literally insightful.

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