In 1963 Oregon, recidivist【a】 criminal, Randle McMurphy is moved to a mental institution after serving a short sentence on a prison farm for raping of a 15-year-old. Though not actually mentally ill, McMurphy hopes to avoid hard labor and serve the rest of his sentence in a relaxed environment. Upon arriving at the hospital, he finds the ward run by Nurse Ratched, a steely passive-aggressive tyrant .The other patients include anxious, stuttering Billy Bibbit; Charlie Cheswick, who is prone to childish tantrums【with some temper issues】; delusional【daydreaming】 Martini; the well-educated, paranoid【skeptical】 Dale Harding; belligerent【aggressive】 Max Taber; epileptic【unstable】 Jim Sefelt; and "Chief" Bromden, a tall Native American believed to be deaf and mute. Ratched soon sees McMurphy’s lively, rebellious presence as a threat to her authority, confiscating没收【take away and control】 the patients’ cigarettes and rationing定量供应them. During his time in the ward, McMurphy gets into a battle of wits with Ratched. He steals a hospital bus, escaping with several patients to go on a fishing trip, encouraging his friends to become more self-confident.
McMurphy learns his sentence may become indefinite无限的 and he makes plans to escape, exhorting劝告【directing】 Chief to throw a hydrotherapy cart through a window. Although he failed, he exclaimed with wild joy‘At least I have tried.’
and he pointed out although other patients were always complaining about this place,but they never desire to walk out。even worse,most of the patients volunteered to stay in。
McMurphy, Chief, and Cheswick get into a fight with the orderlies after the latter becomes agitated 焦虑的over【angry with】 his stolen cigarettes. Ratched sends them to the "shock shop", where McMurphy discovers Chief can actually speak despite pretending to be deaf and mute to avoid engaging with anyone. After being subjected to electroconvulsive therapy, the same as what 杨永信 has done on his students.McMurphy returns to the ward pretending to have brain damage, although he reveals the treatment has charged him up even more. McMurphy and Chief make plans to escape, but decide to throw a secret Christmas party for their friends after Ratched leaves for the night.
McMurphy sneaks偷偷地带进【brought in】 two women, Candy and Rose【secretly】, into the ward, and bribes the night guard. After a night of partying, McMurphy and Chief prepare to escape, inviting Billy to come with them. Not ready to leave the hospital, he refuses. McMurphy instead convinces him to have sex with Candy. Ratched arrives in the morning to find the ward in disarray杂乱无序【a mess】 and most of the patients passed out drunk. She discovers Billy and Candy together, the former now free of his stutter口吃, until Ratched threatens to inform his mother about his escapade. Billy is overwhelmed with fear and locks himself in the doctor’s office where he commits suicide.
It isn't the story’s ending but I won't tell you.
actually, as netizen remarked on 豆瓣,people like Rached are everywhere. Even the society is. just. like a.huge mental hospital. Then what shall we do? How can we escape from it and embrace freedom。two weeks ago,I wrote in a writing composition that the story convinced me that everything I have to do today, everthing that is boring, repetitive, and heartbreaking is a path to my ideal life in the future.
someone guess that the film was intended to allude to China in 1975。but I don't think so. because whatever proposal was put forward , everyone voted.
and from another perspective,I regard the film as a reminder to urge us to treat all people equally. Thoes who are LGBT,mental disorder,or AIDS patients share the same emotions and desires as we normal people do.
That's all.thank you.