lust & fortune
there is an interesting book called <what every man thinks about apart from sex>, with 200 pages, without any words. yes, it's a book with no words, that means the author believes apart from sex, men think about nothing. we have to admit that almost all men are lustful, and I agree. I admit that I thought a lot about sex when I was younger, especially when I was in love with my ex-. the sexual desires range from different people and different ages. some men are eager for more sexual desires, but some are not. as I never talked much about it with other men, so I don't know my sexual desires are more, normal, or less. maybe few men know it or even think about it. because apart from sex, we think about nothing, including how much sex we want. I'm happy that I'm less lustful now, I don't have that strong sexual desires than a few years before, maybe because of aging.
why are men lustful? according to Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, the basic one is physiological needs. in another word, to achieve continuation of species, to survive. as a human, we all want us to exist on earth generations after generations. to achieve this goal, at least one of two genders should be lustful, eager for sex. of course, sex behavior bring us pleasant sensation. if not, who would do it? but the most pleasant time, orgasm, can only last for a few seconds. it's reasonable, if the orgasm can last long for men, the problem will change from "every man thinks about nothing apart from sex" to "every man does nothing apart from sex". then, human beings will die out. so it's no shame for men to be lustful, it's natural selection.
a rich ordinary-looking man can be more attractive than a handsome man who is not rich. men's fortune can create a hallucination that makes women wrongly evaluate their out-looking. in a blind date arranged by parents/relatives/friends, what women most care about are: house, car, income. women love fortune, men's fortune.I'm not a woman, so I cannot talk about my feelings.
why women love men's fortune? in very ancient time, people live in caves. men are stronger than women, so men go hunting, women stay to take care of babies. whether women and her babies can survive or not depends on how much food they can get from men. of course, women prefer to stay with men who can offer more food. they rely on food to survive, so they rely on men who can offer more. it's the same in nowadays, just the food changes into complex staffs which can meet kinds of women's desires. we give it a general name, fortune. so it's no shame for women to love men's fortune. it's from our ancestor, it's in our genes.
some people say it's bullshit, men also love fortune, women are also lustful. yes, it's right, but there is priority. for men, lust comes first, fortune comes second. for women, it's inverse. Some men can hide or control their lust well; some women seem no interests in men's fortune, they are capable enough to make their own money. but I believe in their deep heart, they are still lustful and love men's fortune, they just bury it into deep heart.
so men are lustful, how to meet your desires? some people may say, a hand job or a night out can solve the problem. no, this kind of satisfaction cannot last long. a mature man cannot only look for ladies who have pretty faces and big bosoms. a mature man should look for a lady who can interact with a expected response or even more than that with him in most of the cases for whole. this is a high level: true love and belonging. how to find this kind of lady? firstly think about what ladies look for? fortune. so the most effective way maybe is to be rich. financial freedom is important, the time that hard work brings fortune has past. if you want financial freedom, make sure you are sailing in the right sea first.
how can women find a rich man? try to be an attractive woman first, both for outside and inside yourself. outside is easy, men sometimes are animals, easily attracted by your long hair, your cleavage and your legs, try to make up. but after a period of time, men will seek for something more from you, something inside from you. what should you do? I'm not a woman, you know better than me.
men are lustful, women love men's fortune. how can we satisfy our original desires? men work for what women want originally, fortune; women work for what men want originally, charm. all in all, be a better of yourself, work it out.
(this is my very radical thought today, I'm sorry if it offends your values. after writing it, I find it also offends values of mine somehow. )