

2019-08-16  本文已影响0人  李静数据分析



-- 表一
create table order_info(
order_id int primary key ,
user_id int,
is_paid varchar(10),
price float,
paid_time varchar(30));
-- 表二
create table user_info(
user_id int primary key,
sex varchar(10),
birth date);


load data local infile '文件路径' into table 表名 fields terminated by ',';



-- 先把时间格式标准化成1993-02-27 这样的
update 表名 set 字段名=replace(字段名, '/', '-') where 字段名 is not null;
-- 然后更新字符串为日期格式,然后才能使用日期函数进行操作
update 表名 set 字段名=str_to_date(字段名, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i') where 字段名 is not null;



  1. 统计不同月份的下单人数

select month(paid_time), count(distinct user_id) from order_info
where is_paid = '已支付'
group by month(paid_time)

  1. 统计用户三月份的回购率(这个月买了,下个月又买了)和复购率(买的次数超过一次)
  • a.先得到每个用户消费的月份
    select user_id, date_format(paid_time, '%Y-%m-01') from order_time
    where is_paid = '已支付'
    group by user_id, date_format(paid_time, '%Y-%m-01')
  • b.将a得到的表与自己进行左链接
    select * from (
    select user_id, date_format(paid_time, '%Y-%m-01') from order_time
    where is_paid = '已支付'
    group by user_id, date_format(paid_time, '%Y-%m-01') ) t1
    left join (
    select user_id, date_format(paid_time, '%Y-%m-01') from order_time
    where is_paid = '已支付'
    group by user_id, date_format(paid_time, '%Y-%m-01') ) t2
    on t1.user_id = t2.user_id
  • c.将t2付款时间-t1的付款时间 > 1,就是回购的用户
    select t1.m, count(t1.m), count(t2.m) from (
    select user_id, date_format(paid_time, '%Y-%m-01') as m from order_time
    where is_paid = '已支付'
    group by user_id, date_format(paid_time, '%Y-%m-01') ) t1
    left join (
    select user_id, date_format(paid_time, '%Y-%m-01') as m from order_time
    where is_paid = '已支付'
    group by user_id, date_format(paid_time, '%Y-%m-01') ) t2
    on t1.user_id = t2.user_id and t1.m = date_sub(t2.m, interval 1 month)
    group by t1.m
  • a.先得到3月份每个用户购买的次数
    select user_id, count(user_id) from order_info
    where is_paid = '已支付' and month(paid_time)=3
    group by user_id
  • b.复购率=当月购买大于1次的用户数/当月购买的用户数
    select count(user_id) as 购买用户数, count(if(buy_num> 1, 1, null)) as 购买大于1次的用户数 from (
    select user_id, count(user_id) as buy_num from order_info
    where is_paid = '已支付' and month(paid_time)=3
    group by user_id ) t
  1. 统计男女用户的消费频次是否有差异
  • a.获得每个购买用户的性别,购买次数
    select user_info.user_id, sex, count(user_info.user_id) as c_num from order_info
    inner join user_info
    on order_info.user_id = user_info.user_id
    where order_info.is_paid = '已支付' and user_info.sex != ''
    group by user_info.user_id, sex
  • b.统计那女消费频次
    select sex, avg(c_num) from (
    select user_info.user_id, sex, count(user_info.user_id) as c_num from order_info
    inner join user_info
    on order_info.user_id = user_info.user_id
    where order_info.is_paid = '已支付' and user_info.sex != ''
    group by user_info.user_id, sex) t
    group by sex


select user_id, max(paid_time), min(paid_time), datediff(max(paid_time), min(paid_time))
from order_info
where is_paid = '已支付'
group by user_id
having count(user_id) > 1


  • a.得到每个ID的年龄及消费金额
    select order_info.user_id, age, sum(price) from order_info
    inner join (
    select user_id, (year(now)-year(birth)) as age from user_info
    where birth > date('1901-00-00')) t
    on order_info.user_id = user_info.user_id
    where user_info.is_paid='已支付'
    group by order_info.user_id, age
  • b.给年龄分段ceil((year(now)-year(birth))/10) ,并求平均消费金额
    select age, avg(consume) from (
    select order_info.user_id, age, sum(price) as consume from order_info
    inner join (
    select user_id, ceil((year(now)-year(birth))/10) as age from user_info
    where birth > date('1901-00-00')) t
    on order_info.user_id = user_info.user_id
    where user_info.is_paid='已支付'
    group by order_info.user_id, age) t1
    group by age
  1. 统计消费的二八法则,消费的top20%用户,贡献了多少额度
  • a.计算20%的用户是多少人
    select count(*) * 0.2 from order_id
    where is_paid = '已支付'
    group by user_id
  • b.每个用户消费的金额从高到底排序,并去前17000条
    select user_id, sum(price) as p from order_info
    where is_paid='已支付'
    group by user_id
    order by p desc
    limit 17000
  • c.计算前17000的平均消费金额
    select count(user_id), avg(p) from (
    select user_id, sum(price) as p from order_info
    where is_paid='已支付'
    group by user_id
    order by p desc
    limit 17000) t


  1. 选取日期时间的各个部分:日期、时间、年、季度、月、日、小时、分钟、秒、微秒
    set @dt = '2008-09-10 07:15:30.123456';
    select date(@dt); -- 2008-09-10
    select time(@dt); -- 07:15:30.123456
    select year(@dt); -- 2008
    select quarter(@dt); -- 3
    select month(@dt); -- 9
    select week(@dt); -- 36
    select day(@dt); -- 10
    select hour(@dt); -- 7
    select minute(@dt); -- 15
    select second(@dt); -- 30
    select microsecond(@dt); -- 123456
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