读Emily Dickinson

2016-07-01  本文已影响0人  Cassie52


To George H.Gould?

Magnum bonum."harum scarum,"zounds et zounds,et war alarum,man reforman,life perfectum, mundum changum,all things flarum?

Sir,I desire an interview;meet me at sunrise,or sunset,or the new moon-the place is immaterial.In gold,or in purple,or sackcloth-I look not upon the raiment.With sword,or with pen,or with plough-the weapons are less than the wielder.In coach,or in wagon,or walking,the equipage far from the man.With soul,or spirit,or body,they are all alike to me.With host or alone,in sunshine or storm,in heaven or earth,some how or no how-I propose,sir,to see you.

And not to see merely,but a chat,sir,or a tete-a-tete,a confab,a mingling of opposite minds is what I propose to have.I feel sir that we shall agree.We will be David and Jonathan,or Damon and Pythias,or what is better than either,the United States of America.We will talk over what we have learned in our geographies,and listened to from the pulpit,the press and the Sabbath School.

This is strong language sir,but none the less true.So hurrah for North Carolina,since we are on this point.

Our friendship sir,shall endure till sun and moon shall wane no more,till stars shall set,and victims rise to grace the final sacrifice.We'll be instant,in season,out of season,minister,take care of,cherish,sooth,watch,wait,doubt,refrain,reform,elevate,instruct.All choice spirits however distant are ours,ours theirs;there is a thrill of sympathy-a circulation of mutuality-cognationem inter nos! I am Judith the heroine of the Apocrypha,and you the orator of Ephesus.

That's what they call a metaphor in our country.Don't be afraid of it,sir,it won't bite.If it was my Carlo now! The Dog is the noblest work of Art,Sir.I may safely say the noblest-his mistress's rights he doth defend-although it brings him to his end-although to death it doth him send!

But the world is sleeping in ignorance and error,sir,and we must be crowing cocks,and singing larks,and a rising sun to awake her;or else we'll pull society up to the roots,and plant it in a different place.We'll build Alms-houses,and transcendental State prisons,and scaffolds-we will blow out the sun,and the moon,and encourage invention.Alpha shall kiss Omega-we will ride up the hill of glory-Hallelujah,all hail!



借了本Emily Dickinson诗歌和书信选集,印象中她的风格偏阴暗,看了这本书后感觉自己可能记错了,前面的诗给我留下的印象不深,这篇书信却让我有突然清醒之感。



除了第一段,还特别喜欢第五段的”We'll be instant,in season,out of season,minister,take care of,cherish,sooth,watch,wait,doubt,refrain,reform,elevate,instruct. “


"I am Judith the heroine of the Apocrypha,and you the orator of Ephesus."



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