但以理书 2;
唱诗:诗篇 33:4, 6;
他显明深奥隐秘的事,知道暗中所有的,光明也与他同居。(旦 2:22)
旦以理向耶和华祷告,使他能明白梦的内容和意义。随后,旦以理称颂了耶和华:“他显明深奥隐秘的事……”。于是,他将梦的内容和讲解告诉了王。王惊奇地说道:“你们的神诚然是万神之神……又是显明奥秘事的”(旦 2: 47)。
主耶和华希望世人知道,惟有祂知晓一切。通过如此行,神将旦以理和他的朋友们,从死亡的绝境中解救出来。这段历史是主耶稣基督伟大事工的预演,父神藉着子显明一切的事(路 10:21-22)。
March 2
Daniel 2
Song: Psalm 33:4,6
“He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.”(Daniel 2:22)
The word "mystery" is not used often in the Old Testament. In Daniel 2, we read how King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon was troubled by dreams. He was starting to suffer from insomnia and therefore wanted something impossible: his wise men had to tell his dream and then interpret it.
But the wise men could not tell the dream, much less interpret it.This made the king so angry that he resolved to execute all of them. Had they not been stringing the king along, telling him things he wanted to hear? This meant, however, that the lives of Daniel and his friends were also in danger.
Daniel prayed to the LORD who gave him access to the dream and its meaning. Then Daniel praised the LORD: "He reveals deep and hidden things..." And he proceeded to tell the king his dream and its meaning. The king was amazed and said, "Surely your God is..a revealer of mysteries”(Dan 2:47).
The LORD wished to show the world that he alone knows all things. In doing so,he also delivered Daniel and his friends from certain death. This history is a foretaste of the great ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ through whom the Father would reveal all things (Luke 10:21-22).
Our God is a revealer of mysteries. A king who was surrounded by soothsayers and astronomers admitted this reality. God alone makes known what is hidden and brings it to the light, His revelation is not difficult. His work has been revealed to mighty kings and to little children. As we continue en route, we know all that we need to know. We must acquaint ourselves with his revelation so that we may stay on track and be properly focused.
Question: Why did the LORD cause Nebuchadnezzar to dream?