thoughts on learning Pingpong

2023-07-25  本文已影响0人  心花怒放的绿树

   While keeping Gege company in his Pingpong lessons, I got myself a coach to teach me Pingpong for one hour each day in the last five days. It was definitely harder than I thought it would be. 

   There were only a few basic strokes, but I was good at none! For example, the backswing. A player is required to rotate his body to get the power to hit the ball for the ideal direction. My coach repetitively said: rotate your waist! rotate your waist! I of course know how to rotate my waist even though I am not flexible at all! But when I was focusing on the ball and trying to hit the ball, I forgot about rotating the waist! This reminded me of how awkward  I was in acrobatic lessons. I guess moving body is the essence of all sports. How confident one must be if he or she is able to control his body well. 

   Another lesson I got is it is never easy to learn new things. Nothing can be picked up without any difficulties, so the encouragement from coaches is important. My coach kept telling me "this is wrong," "that is wrong". I felt so discouraged. Even though he was being patient and gentle, still, it would have been so much more enjoyable if he could have been more generous in his positive feedback.  Also, it reminded me as a teacher, giving encouragement is more powerful than giving criticism. 

    This noon, I happened to click on a video of a dancing video of an English teacher from Shenzhen. She was so exuberant in the video, and also she looked fashionable and happy. I guess I should be more like her. Be more fashionable, happy and exuberant. Do whatever I am interested in. Be open to any chances to learn. After all, it is the old who will be replaced by the young. Stay professional and knowledgeable! 

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