正向领导力 1 - Ben Shahar
个人lesson:Focus on your strenths, but you can also improve your weakness.
正向领导力 1 - Ben Shahar左右两侧,各想出些list; 其中重叠的部分,就是发展领导力的部分!
- Confidence is also from your stengths! Improve the strenths, will improves the weakness as well from the whole.
- 怎么找工作呢?就要找strenths和有激情的,而且这份特长和激情非常被需要的工作环境!
- Leader: born or made? It's actually in the middle, which means we made ourselves as the leader.
正向领导力 1 - Ben Shahar 正向领导力 1 - Ben Shahar 正向领导力 1 - Ben Shahar 正向领导力 1 - Ben Shahar小故事:
泰勒 本 哈泰勒·本·沙哈尔(Tal Ben-Shahar)在经历了大一第一学期痛苦的基础写作课后,却在第二学期的英语高级写作完全改变了他的人生。
第2学期开始了,泰勒害怕的英语写作课又来了,这次不同的是换了一位老师。和上学期一样,泰勒在第一次提交作业后,又被老师叫去了办公室,一样的- 全篇被红色mark淹没。泰勒吓得浑身颤抖。
Where is your opinion? She asked?
泰勒吓坏了,以为老师怀疑他抄袭 - 要知道在哈佛被认定为抄袭,可是会被要求退学的。
老师说: I know,it's written by you. But my question is , where is your opinion? You are so knowledge on many fields in the class, and you are very passionate on the materials as well, but, where is your opinion in this essay?
泰勒赶紧解释道:上一学期的老师,让我写作要focus, 不能想到哪里写到哪里,所以...
老师停顿了一下后说:OK, let's move on! 把你多学科的领域和知识发挥出来,继续按照你的想法去写,但是,我要看到你的观点。
What Tal has seen from this story:
- 1st teacher, only focus on the weakness
- 2nd teacher, focus on the strengths; meanwhile, helping Tal to gradullly eliminate the weakness by the progressive mentoring.