
NIKKA Whisky From the Barrel

2018-10-12  本文已影响8人  OnepageLeaf

Whisky(威士忌):NIKKA Whisky From Barrel      Country(产地): Japan

ALC(度数):51.4                           Color(颜色):Deep Amber(golden)


Nose:floral and dark chocolate flavor, with little oak note, very strong,  caramel and fruit flavor.

  when taking a deep breath. little plum flavor and new leather. 

      Flavor: Flavor:  First through.with caramel and vanilla flavor, follow with spice and light smokey flavor with slight oak, nutmeg, finish, with sweeter orange, and cinnamon, little  ginger sweeter, long smooth in the mouse with creamy and  lemon taster on the bud~

  Note: NIkka whiskey from the barrel is making malt and grain whiskey blending them and re Casking to create the complex, rich flavor.

( ISC 2015 GOLD)

it's a very different way to make this unique whiskey, and that price . also a few things would be a member of detail. (This whiskey is making sell gap between  Yoichi and miyagikyo.  ( because  in 2015 the most Nikka whiskey going to double the price with the officer note ~~(Stop production)


Flavor(味道):轻酒淡入喉,夹带着焦糖与香草的甜味。随后浓重的而集中刺激的辛辣味在口腔中戳着舌尖, 刺激中夹带着些许烟熏味,粘着月桂,香草还有肉豆蔻的味道在口腔,杏仁与橘子的香甜环绕在口腔中。最后的酒味中散发而开,随着长长的一笔带过~~香味与甜味停留在口腔中久久未散~~~!余味长流~~!!

Note(信息):NIKKA Barrel 这是一给通过先制造,蒸馏,稀释后再进行橡木桶熟成的酒~在一种基底的味道上再进行熟成。而让味道变的纯粹和丰富,从另一给角度来讲久好像一个人的成长的过程,突然有那么一件特殊的事情让其忽然醒悟~~。

而从Nikka 酒厂开始到现在每年都有不同的酒得奖·从竹鹤到宫城峡再到余市,每一款都有自己的特点~~ 再到近年开始酿造不务正业的酒~~~每一个都是独挡一面的角色~~~。、



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