ExaSMOC Online

B6. Overview-5&B7. Sub-Contr

2017-01-07  本文已影响20人  橡果


也可以按Sub-controller或MV / CV优先级排序。

B7 子控制器概述

Sub-controller Overview(子控制器概述)面板向操作员和工程师简要介绍了关键操作变量。 为了处理大型控制结构,所有的数据均以树状图格式显示。操作员和工程师可以选择要显示的数据用于监视和诊断目的。


Figure B2.2.13.1 Sub-controller Overview Panel —Priority Mode 图B2.2.13.1 子控制器概述面板—优先级模式


通过单击控制面板上的子控制器名称显示Sub-controller overview(子控制器概述)面板。


Manipulated Variable(操作变量)面板有两种操作模式,即“ENG”和“OPE”模式。以下是ENG模式的HIS窗口。


Fig. B 8.1 Control view 图B 8.1控制视图



Table B 8.1 Control view
表B 8.1控制视图

| 条目| 描述 | 操作员模式| 工程师模式|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| Tag Name (位号名)| MV位号名(16个字符以内) | R | R|
| Tag Comments(位号描述) | MV位号描述 (16个字符以内) | R| R|
| Measurement(测量值) | 属于该Exasmoc MV的DCS控制器PV值。| R | R|
| *** Output(输出) | Exasmoc 向DCS控制器的Remote(远程)输出SV。| R| R|
| Setpont Readback(设定值回读)| 属于该Exasmoc MV的DCS控制器SV值。 | R| R|
| Remote/Local(远程/本地)| DCS上的开关,显示了其REMOTE / LOCAL状态。 REMOTE DCS控制器采用Exasmoc MV作为其SV。 LOCAL – DCS控制器不采用Exasmoc MV作为其SV。DCS控制器的SV被本地设置,即在DCS上。| R | R|
| Maximum Move Size(最大步幅) | 每个执行控制周期的最大步幅。 默认值=0,输入值应该>=0。 如果值为0,则MV状态变为INACTIVE。| R | R/W|



Overview is displayed by clicking a controller name on the tree view in the browse column.
The value can be changed by clicking the data grid on the overview and input the value.
Changeable data is displayed within a grid with Black border. When the value is changed, the color will change into Blue and the confirmation dialog is displayed.
When "Yes" is selected, the value is changed in Black color.
It is also possible to rearrange the data displaying order by click the title of each row.
Sorting Sub-controller or MV/CV Priority is also available.

B7. Sub-Controller Overview

Sub-controller Overview panel gives a brief summary to operators and engineers about the key operating variables. In order to cope with a large control structure, all the data are displayed in the tree view format. Operators and engineers can select the data to be displayed for monitoring and diagnosis purpose.


Description of items

Sub-controller overview panel is displayed by clicking the sub-controller name on the control panel.
On the sub-controller overview panel, items of the selected sub-controller are displayed for each MV, DV, POV, CV, EF variable.
Detail operation is same as Overview panel.

B8. Manipulated Variable View

Manipulated Variable data are displayed and entered on the selected MV panel of the selected controller.
Manipulated Variable Panel has two operation modes such as “ENG” and “OPE” mode. Following are the HIS windows for the ENG modes.


Description of items

Various items/parameters need to be entered by operator and engineer is described below.

|Item| Description| Operator mode| Engineer mode|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|Tag Name | MV Tag Name (16 characters)| R| R|
|Tag Comments |MVˇs Tag Comments (16 Characters) |R| R|
|Measurement |PV value of DCS controller to which this Exasmoc MV belongs. | R| R|
|*** Output|Exasmoc Remote output SV for DCS controller. |R |R|
|Setpont Readback| SV value of DCS controller to which this Exasmoc MV belongs.| R| R|
|Remote/Local| A switch on DCS, its REMOTE/LOCAL status is displayed REMOTE DCS Controller takes Exasmoc MV as its SV LOCAL - DCS Controller does not take Exasmoc MV as its SV. DCS Controllerˇs SV is set locally i.e. on DCS.| R| R|
|Maximum Move Size |Maximum moves size per execution control period. Default = 0, Entry value should be >= 0. If value is 0, MV status becomes INACTIVE.| R| R/W|


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