03 What is TRUTH 什么是真理?
For hundreds of years philosophers battled over whether "truth" exists.The argument usually concerned "Truth" with a capital T, a kind of complete record of whatever was, is, or will be,error-proof, beyond doubt and dispute, a final test of the rightness or wrongness of people's ideas and theories.
几百年来,哲学家们在争论“真相”是否存在。关于“ 真理 ” 的论点通常与大写字母T有关,它是对任何事物的完整记录,是或将会是防错的,毫无疑问和争议的,这是对人们思想和理论的正确或错误的最终检验。
Those who accepted the existence of this Truth believed it was a spiritual reality, not a physical one. That is, it was not a celestial ledger or file-drawer – yet it was beyond time and space. It was considered an understanding among the gods, or an idea in the mind of God, or simply the sum total of Reality. Could human beings ever come to know Truth?Some said no, never. Others said yes, but only in the afterlife. Still others said that the wisest and best of humans could catch glimpses of it and that the rest of humanity could learn about it through these special ones.
那些接受了这个真理 存在的人相信这是一种精神上的现实,而不是一种物质上的现实。也就是说,它不是一个天体总或文件抽屉 - 但它超越了时间和空间。它被认为是众神之间的一种理解,或者是上帝心中的一种想法,或者仅仅是现实的总和。人类能否认识 真理 ?有些人说不,永远不会。其他人说是的,但只在来世。还有一些人说,最聪明最好的人类可以瞥见它,其余的人类可以通过这些特殊的东西了解它。
Those who rejected this notion of an awesome, all-embracing Truth argued that it was an empty notion. How could all reality be summed up that way? More important, what possible evidence could be offered in support of its existence?Many who reasoned this way dismissed the idea of Truth as wishful thinking, a kind of philosophical security blanket. A few went further and denied even the existence of truths (no capital).
那些拒绝这种真棒的概念,全面拥抱的真理的观点认为这是一个空洞的概念。怎么能这样总结所有的现实?更重要的是,可以提供哪些可能的证据来支持其存在?许多这样推理的人将 真理 的想法视为一厢情愿的想法,这是一种哲学上的安全包袱。有些人甚至进一步否认 真理的存在 (没有大写)。
Our age has inherited the whole argument. The focus, however, has changed. It seldom concerns Truth anymore, most people seem to doubt its existence. And even if it does exist, they reason, it's of little help to us in our world and our lives because it is beyond human understanding. Even many people of strong and rather conservative religious views no longer consider the question of Truth important to the understanding or practice of their faith.
我们的时代继承了整个论点。然而,重点已经改变。它很少关注 真理 ,大多数人似乎都怀疑它的存在。他们认为,即使它确实存在,对我们这个世界和我们的生活来说也没有什么帮助,因为它超出了人类的理解范围。即使是很多有强烈而相对保守的宗教观点的人,也不再认为 真理 问题对理解或实践他们的信仰很重要。
Still the problem of truth (no capital) remains, and the position we take toward this question does have an important bearing on how we conduct our thinking and acting.Unfortunately, there is a good deal of murkiness and confusion about the concept. The rest of this chapter will attempt to shed light on it.
What comes through our senses exerts a powerful influence on us. It presents itself as true, and we are inclined to believe it. In addition, what we see is shaped by our individual way of seeing. We focus on what interests us. We filter out of our perception what seems unimportant to us. So each of us perceives the world around him, and the events that fill this life, in a unique way. No two people see the same event precisely alike.
Now if we were to stop our analysis here and consider only the fact of our uniqueness, we might understandably conclude that truth is relative; that is, that it varies from person to person, that one person's truth is another's error, and that there is not higher claim to validity than individual viewpoint.
现在,如果我们要在这里停止我们的分析,只考虑我们独特性的事实,我们可以理解地断定真相是相对的; 也就是说,它因人而异,一个人的真相是另一个人的错误,并且没有比个人观点更高的效力主张。
But there is more to consider.First, we can be mistaken in what we perceive. The barroom brawler may be so uncertain of his own worth that he sees everything anyone does near him as mocking him. If two students walk by him sharing a joke, completely unaware he is there, he will interpret their laughter as directed at him and start a fight with them. He will have heard them laughing and be absolutely certain they are mocking him. And yet he will be wrong!
但还有更多要考虑。 首先,我们可能会对我们感知的有误解。酒吧里的争吵者可能对自己的价值如此不确定,以至于他认为任何人在他附近都在嘲笑他。如果两个学生走过他时分享一个笑话,完全没意识到他在那里,他会将他们的笑声解释为指向他,并与他们开始一场战斗。他会听到他们在笑,绝对肯定他们在嘲笑他。然而他是错的!
College students are often positive that their textbook contains a certain statement. So they answer an exam question with perfect confidence that they are right. Yet when they get the corrected test back and find the question marked wrong, then hurriedly flip open the book, and examine the passage again, they may find it does not say what they thought at all.
Your parents probably watched in awe as Tarzan uttered his famous yell and swung through the treetops to catch the villain. Tell them that Tarzan never made that yell and they'll say, "False, we heart it with our own ears." And yet it's not false.According to one of the men who first played the role of Tarzan, Buster Crabbe,that yell was dubbed into the films in the studio. It was a blend of three voices – a soprano's, a baritone's and a hog caller's.
当泰山发出他着名的吼叫声,并在树梢上转过身来抓住恶棍时,你的父母可能会敬畏地望着。告诉他们,泰山从来没有发出这样的吼叫,他们会说:“假的,我们用自己的耳朵听到的。”但它并不是假的。根据其中一位首先扮演泰山的男人,巴斯特克拉布,这个叫声被剪接到工作室里的电影。这是三种声音的混合 - 女高音,男中音和猪叫。
At least a dozen times every weekend from September to January, the imperfection of human observation is underlined by that marvel of technology, the instant replay. Is there a fan left in the land who isn't occasionally to be found screaming, "Bad call," only to be proved wrong a moment later? We can be sure enough to bet a week's wages that a pass receiver's feet came down in bounds. And then that unemotional camera shows them plainly three feet out.
Second, our information can be inaccurate or incomplete. The quality of a belief depends to a considerable extent on the quality of the information that backs it up. Because it's a big world and reality has many faces, it's easy for us to be misinformed. For example, which way does the water in a sink circle as it goes down the drain? Clockwise or counterclockwise?If you're more of an experimenter than a gambler, you'll find a sink, run some water, and find out the truth. The problem is you can only be half right that way (no matter how much your sink cost). If the sink is north of the equator,the water will circle counterclockwise, and if it's south, clockwise.
其次,我们的信息可能不准确或不完整 。信仰的质量在很大程度上取决于支持它的信息的质量。因为它是一个大世界,现实中有很多面孔,所以我们很容易被误导。例如,水槽中的水在流向下水道时会以哪种方式循环?顺时针还是逆时针?如果你更像是一个实验者而不是赌徒,你会找到一个水槽,运行一些水,并找出真相。问题是你只能这样做对一半(不管你的水槽成本多少)。如果水槽位于赤道以北,则水会逆时针旋转,如果是南方,则顺时针旋转。
Even in more common situations, it's easy to be misinformed. How many drivers take the wrong turn because of faulty directions? How many people get on the wrong bus or train?How many car owners put too much or too little air in their tires on the advice of some service station attendant? Now if misinformation is common enough in such relatively simple matters, how much more common is it in complex matters like law and medicine and government and religion?
It's possible, of course, to devote a lifetime of study to a particular field. But not even those who make that kind of commitment can know everything about their subject.Things keep happening too fast. They occur whether we're watching or not.There's no way to turn them off when we take a coffee break or go to the bathroom. The college student who hasn't been home in three months may be able to picture the neighbor's elm tree vividly. Yet it may have been cut down two months ago. The soldier may have total recall of this hometown – every sight and sound and smell – and return home to find half of Main Street sacrificed to urban renewal, the old high school hang out closed, a new car in his best friend's driveway.
当然,有可能把一生的研究投入到一个特定的领域。但即使是那些做出这种承诺的人也不能知道他们的主题的全部。事情发生得太快。无论我们是否在观看,它们都会发生。当我们休息喝咖啡或去洗手间时,无法关闭它们。三个月未回家的大学生可以生动地描绘邻居的榆树。但它可能在两个月前被砍倒了。士兵们可以完全回想起这个家乡 - 每一个视线,声音和气味 - 然后返回家中,发现主街的一半牺牲在市区重建中,旧的高中关闭,他最好的朋友的车道上有一辆新车。
So far we've established that people can be mistaken in what they perceive and that the information they receive can be faulty or incomplete. But these matters concern individuals. What of group judgment—the carefully analyzed observations of the best thinkers, the wisest men and women of the time? Is that record better? Happily, it is. But it too, leaves a lot to be desired.
到目前为止,我们已经确定,人们可能会误解他们所感知的内容,他们收到的信息可能是错误的或不完整的。但这些事情与个人有关。什么样的 小组 判断-仔细分析了当时最优秀的思想家,最聪明的男人和女人的观察结果?这个记录是否更好?令人高兴的是,它是。但它也留下了许多不足之处。
too often, what is taken as truth today by the most respected minds is proved erroneous tomorrow.You undoubtedly know of some examples. In the early seventeenth century, when Galileo suggested that the sun is the center of our solar system, he was charged with heresy, imprisoned, and pressured to renounce his error. The "truth" of that time, accepted by every scientist worthy of the name, was that the earth was the center of the solar system.
很多时候,最受尊敬的思想家今天视为真理的,明天就证明是错误的。 你无疑知道一些例子。在十七世纪初,当伽利略提出太阳是我们太阳系的中心时,他被指控为异端邪说,被囚禁,并被迫放弃他的错误。当时的每一位值得称道的科学家都接受了这个“真理”,那就是地球是太阳系的中心。
A little more than a century ago Darwin scandalized the Western world with his claims that the earth was far older than 5,000 years and that human beings descended from apes. The error of this was obvious to every school child. The truth of the traditional view was based on the Bible itself. How could it possibly be wrong? Here are some examples you may not have heard of:
For a long time surgeons used talc on the rubber gloves they wear while performing surgery. Then they discovered it could be poisonous. So they switched starch only to find that it too can have a toxic effect on surgical patients.
Film authorities were certain they were familiar with all the films the late Charlie Chaplin ever made. Then in1982 a previously unknown film was discovered in a British screen archive vault.
For hundreds of years historians believed that, though the people of Pompeii were trapped by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79, the people of neighboring Herculaneum escaped. Then the discovery of eighty bodies (and the hint of hundreds more) under the volcanic ash revealed that many from Herculaneum were also trapped.
Your grandparents probably learned that there are eight planets in our solar system. Since Pluto was discovered in1930, your parents and you learned there are nine. But if the observations of Joseph L. Brady of the University of California prove correct, your children will learn there are ten.
你的祖父母可能知道我们的太阳系有八颗行星。自1930年冥王星被发现以来,你的父母和你学到了九个。但是如果加利福尼亚大学的约瑟夫·布雷迪的观察结果证明是正确的,你的孩子将会知道有 十个 。
After morphine was used by doctors for some years as a painkiller, it was found to be addictive. The search began for a nonaddictive substitute. What was found to take its place?Heroin.
在医生使用吗啡作为止痛药一段时间后,发现它会上瘾。于是开始了一个不上瘾的替代品的探索。发现能取代它的是什么? 海洛因 。
Where does all this leave us? If an individual can be wrong and even the most widely endorsed conviction of an age is not necessarily correct, what can truth be?
The truth about something is what is so about it, the facts about it in their exact arrangement and proportions. Did time run out before the field goal was kicked? How does gravity work? Who stole your hubcaps? Are there time/space limits to the universe? Who started the argument between you and your mother last weekend? Have you been working up to your potential in this course? To look for the truth in any of these matters is to look for the correct answer, the answer that completely expresses reality in the matter.What ever difficulty we may find in discerning or stating the truth is beside the point.
关于事情的真相 就是这样 ,关于它的确切安排和比例的事实。在投篮命中之前是否有时间用完?重力如何工作?谁偷了你的轮毂罩?宇宙是否有时空限制?上周末谁开始了你和你母亲之间的争论?你在这个课程中是否努力了你的潜力?在这些事情中寻找真相就是寻找正确的答案,这个答案完全表达了事实的真相。在挑剔或陈述事实真相方面,我们可能发现的任何困难都与此无关。
That last sentence deserves emphasizing. Much of the confusion about truth arises from complex situations in which the truth is difficult to ascertain or express. Consider a question like "Are there really UFOs that are piloted by extraterrestrial beings?Although the question is often hotly debated, and people make assertions that purport to express the truth, there is not yet sufficient evidence to say we know the truth about UFOs. That, however, doesn't mean that there is no truth about them or that people who affirm their existence and people who deny it are equally correct. It means that whatever the truth is, we do not yet possess it.
Similar difficulty arises from many psychological and philosophical questions like "Why are some people heterosexual and other homosexual?" "Is the cause of criminality genetic or environmental or a combination of the two?" Are human beings inherently violent?" "Is there an afterlife?""What constitutes success?" The answers to these questions, and to many of the issues you will encounter in the applications in this book, will often be incomplete or tentative. Yet that fact should not shake your conviction that there are truths to be discovered.
类似的困难来自许多心理和哲学问题,例如“为什么有些人是异性恋和其他同性恋?” “基因或环境犯罪的原因还是两者的结合?” “人有天生的暴力吗?”“有没有来世?”“什么构成成功?”这些问题的答案,以及本书中应用中遇到的许多问题往往是不完整的或暂定的。这个事实不应该动摇你的信念,即有真理被发现。
Having the right frame of mind can make your pursuit of the truth less burden some and give it some of the adventure the greatest thinkers of history experienced. A good way to begin is to keep the following thought in mind: "I know I've got limitations and can easily be mistaken. And surely I'll never find all the answers I'd like to.But I can observe a little more accurately, weigh things a little more thoroughly, and make up my mind a little more carefully. If I do so, I'll be a little closer to the truth."
That's far different from saying, "Everyone makes his or her own truth" or "It all depends on how you look at it." And it is much more reasonable.
For years grade school students faced this question on their science tests: True or False – The famous rings of the planet Saturn are composed of solid material. If the students marked true, they lost credit, because the truth was that Saturn's rings are composed of gas or dust. Then in 1973 radar probes revealed that all those wrong answers were right. Saturn's rings are infact composed of solid matter.
多年来,小学生在他们的科学测试中面临这个问题:真或假 - 土星行星的着名环由坚实的材料组成。如果学生标记为真,他们就失去了分数,因为事实是土星的环是由气体或灰尘组成的。然后在1973年,雷达探测器显示所有那些错误的答案都是正确的。土星的戒指实际上是由固体物质组成的。
The scene is a dormitory head resident's office. Two students are being questioned. A few minutes earlier they were engaged in a fistfight in the hall.The head resident asks them again and again how the fight started. The stories conflict. Because each student seems genuinely convinced that the other one was the aggressor, and there were no witnesses, the resident has no hope of discovering the truth. But is there a truth to discover? Or are there two truths, one for each student's story? What light does the chapter shed on these questions?
A strange phenomenon that affects a tiny number of the world's inhabitants has interested psychologists for some time. It occurs during what Norwegians call the murky time, the two months each year during which areas above the Arctic Circle experience almost unrelieved darkness. The effects on people have been discovered to be unfortunate, even dangerous. At worst, people experience severe tenseness, restlessness, fear, and a preoccupation with thoughts of death and even suicide. At best they experience an inability to concentrate, a tiredness, a lack of enthusiasm for anything, suspicion, and jealousy. Part of the cause is seen as lack of sleep. Accustomed to day and night, people become confused by constant darkness. This phenomenon poses an interesting test of truth. Would it be proper to say the phenomenon was true before it was recognized and acknowledged by psychologists? Or did it become true only when they became aware of it? And what of your relation to the phenomenon?Before you became aware of it for the first time, whether reading it here or elsewhere, it was not true to you. But did that make it any less true? Explain in light of this chapter.
Evaluate the following dialogues in light of what you learned in this chapter. If you lack sufficient knowledge to judge the issue, do some research.
Lois: We should really quit smoking, Francis. The evidence is growing that it's a factor in a number of diseases.
洛伊斯 :我们应该真的戒烟,弗朗西斯。越来越多的证据表明,这是许多疾病的一个因素。
Francis: Don't get nervous about it, Lois. So far there has been no definitive study – only theories and speculation and suggested links. Nobody ever died from those. If they come up with a conclusive link between smoking and disease, there will be time enough to quit.
弗朗西斯 :别担心,洛伊斯。到目前为止,还没有确定的研究 - 只有理论和推测以及建议的联系。没有人死于这些。如果他们提出吸烟与疾病之间的确切联系,那么就有足够的时间戒烟。
Martha: I don't care what the courts say about abortion – I'm convinced it's murder because the fetus is a human being.
玛莎 :我不在乎法院对堕胎说什么 - 我相信这是谋杀,因为胎儿是人。
Marian: If you want to believe that, fine. Just don't impose your beliefs on others and prevent them from exercising their rights.
玛丽安 :如果你想相信,那很好。只是不要强加于他人的信仰,并阻止他们行使权利。
Martha: You don't seem to understand. It's no just a fetus in my uterus that's human but the fetus in the uterus of every pregnant woman.
玛莎 :你好像不明白。这不仅是我的子宫中的胎儿,而且是每个孕妇子宫中的人类胎儿。
Marian: Nonsense. You have no right to classify what exists in someone else's uterus. That's her business. You should mind your own business.
玛丽安 :胡说。你无权分类别人的子宫中存在的东西。这是她的事。你应该介意你自己的事情。
Barbi: Television shows about suicide should not be aired.
巴比 :不应播出关于自杀的电视节目。
Ken: Why?
肯 :为什么?
Barbi: Because they cause people to commit suicide.
巴比 :因为他们导致人们自杀。
Ken: That's ridiculous. How can a drama or documentary that show the tragedy of suicide cause people to commit suicide?
肯 :那太可笑了。一部表演自杀悲剧的电视剧或纪录片如何导致人们自杀?
Barbi: I don't know how it happens. Maybe some people have thoughts of suicide already and the show reinforces them. Or maybe they focus on the act of suicide and lose sight of the tragedy. All I know is that attempted suicides increase after the airing of such shows.
巴比 :我不知道它是如何发生的。也许有些人已经有过自杀的想法,而这个节目强化了他们。或者,也许他们专注于自杀行为并忽视悲剧。我所知道的是,在这些节目播出后,企图自杀的人增加了。
Mabel: I notice when you get a newspaper you immediately turn to the astrology column. Do you really believe that nonsense?
Mabel :我注意到你拿到报纸时立即转向占星术专栏。你真的相信废话吗?
Alphonse: It's not nonsense. The planets exercise a powerful influence on our lives; their positions in the heavens at the time of our birth can shape our destiny.
阿方斯 :这不是无稽之谈。行星对我们的生活产生了强大的影响;他们在我们出生时在天堂中的位置可以塑造我们的命运。
Mabel: I can't believe I'm hearing such slop from a science major.
Mabel :我不敢相信我听到一个科学专业的说这样的斜坡。
Alphonse: What you fail to understand is that astrology is science, one of the most ancient sciences at that.
阿方斯 :你无法理解的是,占星学是科学,是最古老的科学之一。
Jake: What did you think of the chapter What isTruth?
杰克 :你怎么看“真相”是什么?
Rocky: It's stupid.
洛基 :这很愚蠢。
Jake: What do you mean?
杰克 :你什么意思?
Rocky: It contradicts Chapter 1.
洛基 :它与第1章相矛盾。
Jake: I didn't get that impression. Where's the contradiction?
杰克 :我没有得到那种印象。矛盾在哪里?
Rocky: In Chapter 1 the author says that I'm OK,you're OK is a mature attitude and that we should strive to be individuals and think for ourselves. Now he says that his idea about truth is OK and ours isn't and that we should follow his. That's a contradiction.
洛基 :在第一章中,作者说我好你也好,是一种成熟的态度,我们应该努力成为个人并为自己思考。现在他说他关于真理的想法是好的,而我们的想法不是,我们应该跟随他。这是一个矛盾。
Group discussion exercise: How many times have you been certain something was true, only to find out later that it was not? Discuss those experiences with two or three of your classmates. Be prepared to share the most dramatic and interesting experiences with the rest of the class.
批判性思维就是告诉我们需要有自己的想法,而不是人云亦云。如果没有人坚持, 那么就不会出现地心说和日心说了。
这个系列是对超越感觉:批判性思考指南 07版做的翻译练习,如果觉得有帮助可以点链接购买第九版中文,英文原版在这里Beyond Feelings:A Guide to Critical Thinking (英语)