
L6 U1 工作交流

2018-12-14  本文已影响15人  AsaGuo

Module 1 给予反馈

1. 描述员工的形容词

clever 聪明的
reliable 可靠的,可以信赖的
outgoing 友好的,喜欢交际的
honest 诚实的
disorganized 紊乱的,缺乏条理的
ambitious 雄心勃勃的

clever - stupid 聪明的 - 愚蠢的
outgoing - shy 外向的 - 害羞的

注意,否定前缀 un- 常用于构成反义词。
reliable - unreliable 可靠的 - 不可靠的
ambitious - unambitious 有雄心壮志的 - 无抱负的

否定前缀 dis- 不如 un- 常见,但是也用于构成一些重要的反义词。
honest - dishonest 诚实的 - 不诚实的
organized - disorganized 有条理的 - 紊乱的

2. Fast、hard和good

'Fast,' 'hard'和'good' 用作形容词和副词
He's clever. 他很聪明。
He managed the project cleverly. 他巧妙地管理项目。

Fast, hard和good都是例外。 用fast作形容词放在名词前面。
She's a fast learner. 她是一个学东西很快的人。

用fast 作为副词放在动词之后。注意它没有-ly 后缀。
She learns fast. 她学东西很快。

用 hard 作形容词放在一个名词的前面。
Bill is a hard worker. Bill 是一个工作努力的人。

用 hard 做副词放在动词后面。注意:它没有-ly 后缀。
Bill works hard. Bill 工作努力。

用 good 作形容词放在名词前面。
He's a good guy. 他是个不错的小伙子。

I work well with the team. 我与团队合作融洽。
语言点:guy 一词在非正式场合可用于指代男性。它也可在口语中指代一群男人或女人。

3. for和since表示持续时间

We've been friends for years.
He's worked at a pet shop since last year

用'for' 和 'since' 表达持续
用for 谈论一段时间。
Dave met with us for an hour. Dave 与我们会晤了一小时。
Laura will work in Munich for three years. Laura 将在慕尼黑工作三年。

用since 谈论强调从过去某一个时间点起至今的一段时间
Lindsey and Carol have worked here since Wednesday. Lindsey 和 Carol 从星期三起就在这里上班了。
He's been our customer since last year. 他从去年起就一直是我们的顾客。
注意: Since 通常与现在完成时使用。

4. 谈论工作表现

How long has she been on your team? 她在你的团队做多久了?
In general, how's he doing? 总体而言,他表现怎么样?
Can you give me some details? 你能告诉我一些细节吗?

经理在了解一位员工的优缺点后,可能会马上询问你他怎样才可能改进。注意提问和回答中 could 一词的使用。
A: How could she improve? 她能够怎样改进?
B: Well, she's sometimes late to work. She could take an earlier train in the morning. 嗯,她有时上班迟到。她早上可以坐早一点的列车。

A: What could he do better? A:他怎样能做得更好?
B: Umm, he could pay more attention to deadlines. B:嗯,他可以多注意截止期限。

使用表达 working on it 和 getting better,谈论正在进步的员工。
He's often disorganized, but he's working on it. 他做事常常缺乏条理,但正在努力改进。
She's sometimes a bit shy in meetings, but she's getting better. 她有时开会有点害羞,但正在慢慢改进。

Module 2 转达信息

1. 思想与情感

A: I was wondering when we'll move to a new office. 我在考虑我们什么时候会搬到新的办公室。
B: As you know, we need to move pretty soon. 如你所知,我们需要尽快搬迁。

A: We expect big changes in the next months. 我们预计未来几个月会有大的变化。
B: Got it. 明白了。

A: People are worrying about job cuts. 人们在担心裁员。
B: It doesn't surprise me. 这没有让我感到惊讶。

2. 引述他人说的话

当您引述某人说过的话,您用的引述动词,如 say,可以采用过去时。
Hey, boss, I was wondering ...
Brad said we're moving to a new office. 老板,我在想……Brad 说我们要搬到新的办公室。

Some people are saying that it's going to be really far from the center. 有人说这会离市中心很远。
And Tanya says there's no subway station nearby. Tanya 说附近没有地铁站。

3. 询问和提出建议

What can I tell Sally and Harry?我能告诉 Sally 和 Harry 什么?
It's best to be honest.最好实话实说。

You can confirm that we're ... 你可以确认我们……
You can confirm that we're buying Sunset Computers.

If I were you, I'd tell them ...如果我是你,我会告诉他们……
If I were you, I'd tell them that we're going to be a stronger company.

You have to tell them ...你必须告诉他们……
Got it. 明白了。
You have to tell them this information is confidential.

What can I tell people about the move? 这次搬迁我能跟人说什么?
Should I tell the guys? 我该告诉大家吗?

A: What can I tell people about the move? 这次搬迁我能跟人说什么?
B: It's best to be honest. It will happen very soon. 最好坦白说。很快就会发生。

A: Should I tell the guys? 我该告诉大家吗?
B: If I were you, I wouldn't say anything for now. 我要是你,我现在什么也不会说。

Module 3 主持会议

1. 会议词汇

agenda 议事日程
items 名目
new hires 新的雇佣
short time 短时
for personal reasons 因为个人原因
visitors 参观者
clean up 清理打扫
continue 继续
update 升级

Has everyone got the agenda? 大家都拿到议事日程了吗?
There are three items today. 今天有三个议题。
First, we have several new hires. 首先,我们招聘了几位新员工。
Jane is leaving for personal reasons. Jane 因个人原因离职。
I'll give an update on that later. 稍后我会就此予以最新说明。

2. Say对比tell

Simon said that this is ...
Simon 说这是……
Simon said that this is her first time in the USA.

Joan told me that we have ...
Joan 跟我讲,我们……
Joan told me that we have some important visitors in the office next week.

使用 saytell 引述他人说的话
Say 和 tell 意义相近。
He said that she's very nice but a little shy. 他说她很善良,但有点腼腆。
He told me that she's very nice but a little shy. 他告诉我她很善良,但有点腼腆。

正如您可能注意到的,tell 通常与 me、you 或 us 等词搭配使用,而 say 无需搭配这些词。
He said he would tell us the news next week. 他说他下周告诉我们消息。

如果您希望语气更随便,在 say 或 tell 引导的句子中就不需要 that。
He said he would let us know. 他说他会告诉我们。
He told me the news about the move. 他告诉了我搬迁的消息。

如果您引述 will 或 can 之类的情态动词引导的句子,将情态动词变为过去时形式。
John told us he would check. John 跟我们说他会检查。
Tandy said she could finish the work herself. Tandy 说她独自能完成工作。

3. 主持会议

Thanks for coming, guys.谢谢各位前来。
I know that you're really busy.我知道你们都很忙。
Have you looked at the agenda?你们看过会议日程了吗?
Only three items?只有三项议程吗?
Let's get started.我们开始吧。
First, new hires.首先,新员工。
Next: office visits.其次,人员来访。
Any questions before we continue?我们继续之前,大家有什么问题吗?
Can we talk about the company update?我们可以谈论公司的最新情况吗?

Welcome, everyone. Thanks for coming. 欢迎各位。感谢大家抽空来参加会议。
Good morning. Glad you're all here. 早上好。很高兴大家全部都在。

Has everyone looked at the agenda? 每个人都看议程了吗?
There are seven items on the agenda. 这张议程上有七个事项。

We don't have much time. 我们的时间不多。
We have only 30 minutes. 我们只有30分钟。

First, office cleaning. 首先,打扫办公室。
Next, new hires. 接下来,欢迎新员工。
Now let's talk about the Ramsey project. 现在,我们来谈谈拉姆齐项目。

Any questions before we continue? 在我们继续讨论之前,有什么问题要问吗?

Module 4 总结会议

1. 间接疑问句 -过去时

间接疑问句 - 过去时
I want to know the latest sales figures. 我想知道最新的销售数字。
Cody says he wants to know the latest sales figures. Cody 说他想知道最新的销售数据。
Cody said he wants to know the latest sales figures. Cody 说他想知道最新的销售数据。

无论如何,问题通常用过去时提出。注意,在提出的问题里,句子的顺序改回主语+ 动词。
How's the team doing? 团队工作表现怎么样?
Cody asked how the team is doing. Cody 问团队工作表现怎么样。

When are we going to get a new computer system? 我们什么时候会获得新的计算机系统?
John asked when we were going to get a new computer system. John 问我们什么时候会获得新的计算机系统。

Where are you meeting? 你们在哪开会?
Cody asked where we are meeting. Cody 问我们在哪开会。

Who are the visitors? 访客是什么人?
Cody asked who the visitors are.
Cody 问访客是什么人。

Why are the visitors coming? 访客为什么前来?
Cody asked why the visitors are coming. Cody 问访客为什么前来。

2. 结束会议

big news 重大消息
What is that going to mean for us? 那对我们将意味着什么?
trouble 困难
Are there any more questions? 还有问题吗?
So, to summarize:因此,总结而言。
action item 会议决议
Okay, that's it. Thank you for coming. 好的,就是这了。谢谢您的到来。


Are there any further questions? 大家还有问题吗?

To summarize, sales look good. 总结来说,销售情况不错。

Remember, there is one action item: Confirm your team sales. 记住,这有一条决议:确认你的团队销售额。

That's it. Thanks. Have a great day. 就这样了。谢谢。祝大家今天愉快。

3. Anyone和anything

'Anyone' 和 'anything'
当你谈论的东西的数目并不重要或不易识别时,在否定句和问句中用不定代词anyone 和anything 。
Don't tell anyone about this. 不要跟任何人讲这件事。
Does anyone have questions?
I don't have anything to report.
Mike, do you want to say anything? Mike,你有什么要说的吗?

4. 撰写会议总结


  1. 撰写简短准确的 subject line(主题行)。
    Royal project meeting summary Royal 项目会议总结
    Summary of Thursday's budget meeting 周四预算会议总结

  2. 简要说明你撰写这封邮件的 main reason(主要原因)。
    I'm writing to summarize our meeting about the Royal project. 我写信是要总结这次 Royal 项目的会议。

  1. 列出所讨论的 main topics(主要话题),包括提出的问题和给出的答案。
    Randy asked who is working on the project. Randy 问现在谁在做这个项目。
    Jeremy said that Bill and Lucy are working on the project.
    Jeremy 说 Bill 和 Lucy 正在做那个项目。

  2. 列出会议达成的所有 action items(行动决议)。
    Jeremy said that he can confirm the budget by Monday. Jeremy 说 他周一之前可以确认预算。


