

2018-12-31  本文已影响5人  Happylins




Peabody, a good talker, was not prepossessing. Over six feet tall with light blue eyes and dark brown hair, he had a rumpled face, with knobby chin, bulbous nose, side whiskers, and heavy-lidded eyes. That this homely man would found the House of Morgan—later a white-glove affair with high-society partners famous for good looks and stylish dress—is ironic. He carried the scars of early poverty and was quick to feel slights and perceive enemies. Like many who have overcome early hardship by brute force, he was proud but insecure, always at war with the world and counting his injuries.


Proposess v. To impress favorably in advance

not prepossessing. 不怎么讨人喜欢。

Rumple v. to become wrinkled 布满皱纹

a rumpled face 脸上布满皱纹

knobby 球形

with knobby chin 球形下巴

whiskers n. the hair on a man‘s cheeks and chin 胡子拉碴

side whisker 连鬓胡子

lidded adj. having eyelids of a specified kind 眼泡

heavy lidded eyes 肿眼泡

homely adj. not attrative or good-looking 相貌平平

a homely man 他相貌一般

high society n. the wealthy, socially dominant members of a community 名门望族

high-society partners 出身于名门望族的合伙人

Slight n. Act, remark, etc. that offends sb 蔑视

Quick to feel slights and perceive enemies 迅速查觉出对方的轻蔑和敌意

overcome harsships by brute force 努力摆脱困难

at war - in an active state of conflict or contention 产生冲突

alway at war with the world 与这个世界格格不入




