Learning to Rewrite Queries

2019-03-01  本文已影响0人  rzhangpku

CIKM 2016论文

Related Work

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方法:利用搜索结果排名靠前的文档来expand query

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Probabilistic query expansion using query logs. In
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I. Antonellis, H. G. Molina, and C. C. Chang.
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B. M. Fonseca, P. Golgher, B. P^ossas,
B. Ribeiro-Neto, and N. Ziviani. Concept-based
interactive query expansion. In Proceedings of the 14th
ACM international conference on Information and
knowledge management, pages 696{703. ACM, 2005.
R. Jones, B. Rey, O. Madani, and W. Greiner.
Generating query substitutions. In Proceedings of the
15th international conference on World Wide Web,
pages 387{396. ACM, 2006.


