Call me by your name-week1

2018-06-18  本文已影响0人  我暂时没想好呢

Saw the movie first, and the book feels like a more sensual version of the extended story. Speak of heterosexual feelings, there are a large number of literature film and television, people discussed without scruple. However, same-sex relationships tend to be solitary, only have a few, no rich literature film and television to show it.

The book,it is about the sexual awakening of Elio, but also the aftertaste of love and other things. Time heals, nostalgia hurts, boys grow up. What's to be done in that summer?

In chapter one, The author's ability to control words is amazing. The feelings,sunshine, temperature, humidity and even the clothes that areinflated by the wind are extremely light and accurate, andextremely beautiful. I also like how Andre describe Elio’s unrequited love. Elio’s inner activity is rich. For example, “This was the closest I would ever come to saying, Stay, Just stay with me.” “How could I have been so careless, so thoughtless, so totally stupid?” He wants Oliver to find his feeling, but at the same time, wish Oliver  would never understand.

I couldn’t stop thinking about why and how comes “call me by your name ”. I suppose it’s their way of showing that they belong to each other. The whole idea is that lovers like to feel they are apart of each other. Calling each other by their name is their way of becoming one.

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