
2021-12-11  本文已影响0人  欣然小时光

What is a bank for?/ What does a bank do for us? 银行是做什么的地方?
What do you do at the bank? 你在银行做什么?
We keep money in the bank. 我们把钱保管在银行。
Let's open an account for you. 我们来帮你开个账户。
Get a number. 抽号码牌。
We need to fill out the form. 我们要填好表格。
I want to save 10,000 to the bank. 我想要存一万元到银行。
I want to take out 10,000 here./ I will withdraw 10,000 here.我在这里提一万元。
Did you bring your account book and seal? 你带了存折和印章吗?
What time does the bank open? 银行几点开门?
It opens at 9:00 AM. 早上九点开门。
After I fill my piggy bank, I'll bring it to the bank. 等我装满扑满,我就拿去银行。

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