Day one
(1)perpetual adj. continuing all the time without changing or stopping
science is a perpetual struggle to discover how the Universe works.
permanent : continuing forever,for a very long time,or for the rest of your life
eg: She has permanent damage to her eyesight.
lasting : continuing for a very long time used when something continues to affect someone or something for a long time
eg: The experience left a lasting impression on him.
never-ending:continuing so long that you think it will never end-especially when something needs a lot of effort
eg: keeping the house clean is a never-ending battle.
perpetual: a pertetual state or feeling seems to be there all the time - used especially about something that is very annoying,worrying,or tiring
eg: for many working mothers,balancing the demands of children and job is a perpetual challenge.
everlasting: continuing forever, 用于:everlasting love ,everlasting life
eternal: continuing forever,用于:eternal youth ,eternal life,eternal gratitude
(2)empirical adj. (仅用于名词前)based on scientific testing or practical experience, not on ideas 以实验(经验)为依据的;经验主义的
衍生:empiricism 经验主义,经验论
eg. empirical evidence
反义词 :theoretical, hypothetical
(3)put forward 提出
eg: a logical system for scientific process wa first put forward by the English philosopher Francis Bacon. in 17th century.
(4)pick holes 挑毛病
peer review is invited people working in the same field to pick holes in the argument.
(5)disprove 证伪,falsify 篡改
eg:disprove the idea; falsify the theory.
(6)speculative adj.猜测的;猜想的
higly/purely/largely speculative
eg.a purely speculative theory about life on other planets.
(7)deflection n.转向 an action of making something change its direction
eg. the deflection of the missile away from its target
(8)artillery 大炮 ;artillery shell 炮弹
eg. an artillery shell that hit a hospital in eastern Ukraine has killed at least 4 people.
(9)compelling adj. an argument that makes you feel certain that sth is true
compelling reason/argument/case 令人信服的理由、论点、论据
(10)long-held adj.长期持有的,长期保留的
long-held concepts 长期持有的观点
(11)apparatus n. the set of tools and machines that you use ofr a particular scientific,medical,or techniacl purpose 设备,仪器 (集合名词,单数形式)
eg. one reason for building the vast apparatus was to search for the Higgs particle.
(12)volcanic adj.火山的,由火山作用引起的
eg. black volcanic sand
volcano火山 crater 火山口 lava 熔岩 ash 火山灰 magma 岩浆
(13)distill 蒸馏 to make a liquid such as water or alcohol more pure by heating it so that it becomes a gas and then letting it cool.
distilled water 蒸馏水
distillation n.蒸馏(过程);蒸馏物
distiller n.制酒商,酿酒公司
(14)flourish v. to develop well and be successful 繁荣,兴旺 ;
the economy is booming and small businesses are flourishing.
同义词: thrive v. to become very successful or very strong and healthy
plants that thrive in tropical rain forests/a business which managed to thrive during a recession
(16)dissect vt. 解剖 dissection n.解剖 the process of separating something into pieces.
unlike a real dissection, in which body parts can only be removed, students can add or remove organs,veins,arteries,nerves or tissue
(17)exquisite illustration 精美的插图
exquisite adj.精美的,精致的(尤指工艺品) exquisitely adv. exquisiteness n.
stunning/breathtaking 景色 极具吸引力
attractive 有吸引力的,有魅力的(尤指性感)/物 比pretty正式
gorgeous/stunning 非常漂亮的 (人,尤指女人)
picturesque(书面语)美丽的,如画的 (对建筑,城镇的描写)
illustrator 插画作家
illustrate v.(举例)说明,阐明
(18)quash v.宣布(判决,决定)不再有效;废除;撤销
eg. the High Court later quashed his conviction for murder.
squash v.挤压
the cake got a bit squashed on the way here.
(19)take root v. become settled or established and stable in one's residence or life style 生根,扎根
Time would be needed for democracy to take root.
(20)daunting adj. 使人气馁的,吓人的 frightening in a way that makes you feel less confident
the trip seemed rather daunting for a young girl
the daunting prospect of asking for a loan
(21)smoother pebble
i seem to have been only like a boy play on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble,while the great ocean of truth lay all undiscoverd before me.
Day two:逻辑图

Day Three:感想