The fine art of small talk 1
Names are the most important words in the English language
首先,作者强调了名字的重要性。不要说nice to meet you,而要说nice to meet you+某人的名字
How to approach people?
1. introduce yourself, they will model you ,as you do. Give them a tag line
2.give eye contact, hopefully you will get it back
3. smile first, smile right back
Everyone has the chance to say hi the first. Be proactive.
How to make a conversation?
with open ended questions./not close-ended question
什么是close-ended question?就是那种能把天聊死的,让尴尬瞬间来袭的话题。比如:
What do you do?
How was school today?-I don't know./tell me about
那应该怎么做呢?用open-ended question.比如:
how were your holiday? .../describe your project. conversational ball
the key is to show interest in others.
Tell me about describe them to me
there will be dead air.what is your great challenge staying at home
effective icebreaker ,记住以下一些破冰问题
1. Describe the town you grow up in
2.what was the best prize you ever received.
3. Tell me about your favorite restaurant
4. Describe your first away from home living quarters.
5. How do you two meet?How do you two know each other情侣,夫妻
6. what got you marketing?
7. how did you make that happen? how did you come up with that idea.
what brought here
8. what is your most challenging part of your job
9 tell me about your family tradition
tell me about your coming vacations