
2023-05-01  本文已影响0人  来而不可失者时也


⑦Republicans might once have considered such behavior disqualifying失去资格: a generation ago many of the people who now think MR. Trump is being unjustly prosecuted argued in enthusiastically for removing Bill Clinton from the White House office over an extra-marital affair婚外恋. Some  Democrats,  Though admittedly不可否认的 a dwindling 逐渐减少的number, manage to hold the inverse position. That  While MR. Clinton's impeachment was unjust, the DA's case against MR. Trump is sound.

⑧ But ethics道德 and hypocrisy虚伪 will not be on trial审判 in Manhattan. The prosecutions argument is that the payment of $130000 to cliff Ford broke campaign finance and accounting rules. America's campaign finance laws are much more permissive than those in most other western democracies and their enforcement is rare and sporadic偶尔的,零星发生的. In this case, MR. Trump is expected to be charged with in effect making a donation to his own campaign which is legal but not declaring it, which is probably not.

⑨ That does not mean the case against MR. Trump is clear. Yes, his lawyer has already pleaded guilty原告服罪 to breaking campaign finance rules. But mister Trump's team would prefer to argue that any fault was MR. Kittens  And also Point to the fact that MR cotton also pleaded guilty to lying to congress. Then there is the legal theory under which the case is likely to proceed. Labeling the payment in accounts as a legal expense, the other grounds for persecution, is a misdemeanor轻微罪行. But prosecutors will argue that this misdemeanor轻罪 made a branch of federal and state campaign finance rules possible. Linking the two charges in this way is novel. The judge may decide it won't fly. The legal case against him in fountain county, where he is accused of interfering with election results looks stronger.

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