Rocksdb compact调优参数

2020-01-04  本文已影响0人  中山浪子


enum CompactionStyle : char {
  // level based compaction style
  kCompactionStyleLevel = 0x0,
  // Universal compaction style
  // Not supported in ROCKSDB_LITE.
  kCompactionStyleUniversal = 0x1,
  // FIFO compaction style
  // Not supported in ROCKSDB_LITE
  kCompactionStyleFIFO = 0x2,
  // Disable background compaction. Compaction jobs are submitted
  // via CompactFiles().
  // Not supported in ROCKSDB_LITE
  kCompactionStyleNone = 0x3,

rocksdb 有三种compact style:


// In Level-based compaction, it Determines which file from a level to be
// picked to merge to the next level. We suggest people try
// kMinOverlappingRatio first when you tune your database.
enum CompactionPri : char {
  // Slightly prioritize larger files by size compensated by #deletes
  kByCompensatedSize = 0x0,
  // First compact files whose data's latest update time is oldest.
  // Try this if you only update some hot keys in small ranges.
  kOldestLargestSeqFirst = 0x1,
  // First compact files whose range hasn't been compacted to the next level
  // for the longest. If your updates are random across the key space,
  // write amplification is slightly better with this option.
  kOldestSmallestSeqFirst = 0x2,
  // First compact files whose ratio between overlapping size in next level
  // and its size is the smallest. It in many cases can optimize write
  // amplification.
  kMinOverlappingRatio = 0x3,



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