Who Are You?---The note of Learn

2018-11-21  本文已影响0人  考拉的财富之路

Suppose someone asked,"who are you?" It would be simple enough to respond with your name. But if the person wanted to know the entire story about who are you, the question would be more difficult to answer. You'd abviously have to give the detail of your height, age, and weight. You'd have to include all your sentiments and preferences,even the secret ones you've never shared with anyone--your affection for your loved ones;your desire to please the people you associate with;your dislike of your old sister's husband;your allegiance to your favorite beverage,brand of clothing,and music.

 Your attitudes couldn't be overlooked either---your impatience when an issue gets complex, your aversion to certain courses, your fear of high places and dogs and speaking in public. The list would go on. To be complete, it would have the include all your characteristics--not only the physical but also the emotional and intellectual.

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