2018-09-03 本文已影响6人
whatever happened to sth 某物究竟发生了什么(用于问句,表示惊讶或困惑)
flee to the internet 转向互联网
launch a round of talks 发起一轮讨论
charitable corporation 慈善公司
out of date 过时的
seemed near 似乎临近
threatened to 有(造成)....的危险
no longer useful 不再有用的
sign of crisis 危险迹象
shrug off 对...满不在乎,不屑一顾
return to profit 恢复盈利
profit margins 利润空间
all the same 虽....仍然
in spite of a dangerous event or time 停过,艰难度过
stay afloat 维持运营
push sb/sth overboard 抛弃、甩掉某人/某事
have the nerve 好意思做某事,有胆量做某事
desperate meansures 孤注一掷的措施
a healthier mix of revenues 更加监控的收益比例
in realiance on sth 对...依赖
not surprisingly 毫无疑问
sweep through 掠过
file reviewers 电影评论员
cut off 砍掉
the whirlwind that swept through 横扫..的龙卷风
no longer a virtue 不再是优点