

2022-06-30  本文已影响0人  晓柒NLP与药物设计

5.2 《Semi-Supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks》


5.2.1 GCN定义

(\boldsymbol{f} * \boldsymbol{h})_{\mathcal{G}}=\boldsymbol{\Phi} \operatorname{diag}\left[\hat{h}\left(\lambda_{1}\right), \ldots, \hat{h}\left(\lambda_{n}\right)\right] \mathbf{\Phi}^{T} \boldsymbol{f}\tag{46}

深度学习中的卷积就是要设计trainable的卷积核,从上式可以看出,就是要设计\operatorname{diag}\left[\hat{h}\left(\lambda_{1}\right), \ldots, \hat{h}\left(\lambda_{n}\right)\right],由此,可以直接将其变为卷积核\operatorname{diag}\left[\theta_{1}, \ldots, \theta_{n}\right]而不需要再将卷积核进行傅里叶变换,由此,相当于直接将变换后的参量进行学习


\boldsymbol{y}_{\text {output}}=\sigma\left(\mathbf{\Phi} \boldsymbol{g}_{\theta} \mathbf{\Phi}^{T} \boldsymbol{x}\right)=\sigma\left(\boldsymbol{\Phi} \operatorname{diag}\left[\theta_{1}, \ldots, \theta_{n}\right] \mathbf{\Phi}^{T} \boldsymbol{x}\right)\tag{47}

其中,\boldsymbol{x}就是graph上对应每个节点的feature构成的向量,x=\left(x_{1}, x_{2}, \ldots, x_{n}\right),这里暂时对每个节点都使用标量,然后经过激活之后,得到输出\boldsymbol{y}_{\text {output}},之后传入下一层



图傅里叶变换是关于特征值(相当于普通傅里叶变换的频率)的函数,也就是F\left(\lambda_{1}\right), \ldots, F\left(\lambda_{n}\right),即F(\mathbf{\Lambda}),因此,将卷积核\boldsymbol{g}_{\theta}写成\boldsymbol{g}_{\theta}(\Lambda),然后,将\boldsymbol{g}_{\theta}(\Lambda)定义为如下k阶多项式:
g_{\theta^{\prime}}(\mathbf{\Lambda}) \approx \sum_{k=0}^{K} \theta_{k}^{\prime} \mathbf{\Lambda}^{k}\tag{48}
g_{\theta^{\prime}}*x≈\Phi\sum_{k=0}^K\theta^{\prime}_k\mathbf{\Lambda}^{k}\Phi^Tx\\ =\sum_{k=0}^K\theta^{\prime}_k(\Phi\mathbf{\Lambda}^{k}\Phi^T)x\\ =\sum_{k=0}^K\theta^{\prime}_k(\Phi\mathbf{\Lambda}\Phi^T)^{k}x\\ =\sum_{k=0}^K\theta^{\prime}_kL^{k}x\tag{49}


g_{\theta^{\prime}}(\mathbf{\Lambda}) \approx \sum_{k=0}^{K} \theta_{k}^{\prime} T_{k}(\tilde{\mathbf{\Lambda}})\tag{50}
其中,\tilde{\mathbf{\Lambda}}=\frac{2}{\lambda_{\max }} \mathbf{\Lambda}-\boldsymbol{I}_{n}\boldsymbol{\theta}^{\prime} \in \mathbb{R}^{K}为切比雪夫向量,\theta_{k}^{\prime}为第k个分量,切比雪夫多项式T_{k}(x)使用递归的方式进行定义:T_{k}(x)=2 x T_{k-1}(x)-T_{k-2}(x),其中,T_{0}(x)=1, T_{1}(x)=x,此时,带入到卷积公式:
g_{\theta^{\prime}}*x≈\Phi\sum_{k=0}^K\theta^{\prime}_kT_k(\tilde{\mathbf{\Lambda}})\Phi^Tx\\ ≈\sum_{k=0}^K\theta^{\prime}_k\Big(\Phi T_k(\tilde{\mathbf{\Lambda}})\Phi^T\Big)x\\ =\sum_{k=0}^K\theta^{\prime}_k T_k(\tilde{\boldsymbol{L}}){x}\tag{51}
其中,\tilde{\boldsymbol{L}}=\frac{2}{\lambda_{\max }} \boldsymbol{L}-\boldsymbol{I}_{n},因此,可以得到输出为:
\boldsymbol{y}_{\text {output}}=\sigma\left(\sum_{k=0}^{K} \theta_{k}^{\prime} T_{k}(\tilde{\boldsymbol{L}}) \boldsymbol{x}\right)\tag{52}


直接取切比雪夫多项式中K=1,此时模型是1阶近似,将K=1\lambda_{\max }=2带入可以得到:
g_{\theta^{\prime}} * x≈\theta_{0}^{\prime}x+\theta_{1}^{\prime}(\boldsymbol{L}-\boldsymbol{I}_{n})x\\ =\theta_{0}^{\prime}x+\theta_{1}^{\prime}(\boldsymbol{L}-\boldsymbol{I}_{n})x\\ =\theta_{0}^{\prime}x+\theta_{1}^{\prime})(\boldsymbol{D}^{-1 / 2} \boldsymbol{W} \boldsymbol{D}^{-1 / 2})x\tag{53}
其中,归一化拉普拉斯矩阵\boldsymbol{L}=\boldsymbol{D}^{-1 / 2}(\boldsymbol{D}-\boldsymbol{W}) \boldsymbol{D}^{-1 / 2}=\boldsymbol{I}_{n}-\boldsymbol{D}^{-1 / 2} \boldsymbol{W} \boldsymbol{D}^{-1 / 2}。为了进一步简化,令\theta_{0}^{\prime}=-\theta_{1}^{\prime},此时只含有一个参数\theta
g_{\theta^{\prime}} * x=\theta\left(I_{n}+D^{-1 / 2} W D^{-1 / 2}\right)\tag{54}
由于\boldsymbol{I}_{n}+\boldsymbol{D}^{-1 / 2} \boldsymbol{W} \boldsymbol{D}^{-1 / 2}的谱半径[ 0 , 2 ]太大,使用归一化的trick:
\boldsymbol{I}_{n}+\boldsymbol{D}^{-1 / 2} \boldsymbol{W} \boldsymbol{D}^{-1 / 2} \rightarrow \tilde{\boldsymbol{D}}^{-1 / 2} \tilde{\boldsymbol{W}} \tilde{\boldsymbol{D}}^{-1 / 2}\tag{55}
其中,\tilde{\boldsymbol{W}}=\boldsymbol{W}+\boldsymbol{I}_{n}\tilde{D}_{i j}=\Sigma_{j} \tilde{W}_{i j}

\underbrace{g_{\theta^{\prime}} * x}_{\mathbb{R}^{n \times 1}}=\theta\left(\underbrace{\tilde{D}^{-1 / 2} \tilde{W} \tilde{D}^{-1 / 2}}_{\mathbb{R}^{n \times n}}\right) \underbrace{x}_{\mathbb{R}^{n \times 1}}\tag{56}
x \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times 1} \rightarrow X \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times C}
\theta \in \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \Theta \in \mathbb{R}^{C \times F}\tag{57}
\underbrace{Z}_{\mathbb{R}^{N \times F}}=\underbrace{\tilde{D}^{-1 / 2} \tilde{W} \tilde{D}^{-1 / 2}}_{\mathbb{R}^{N \times N}} \underbrace{X}_{\mathbb{R}^{N \times C}} \underbrace{\mathbf{\Theta}}_{\mathbb{R}^{C \times F}}\tag{58}


5.2.2 论文模型

论文采用两层的GCN,用来在graph上进行半监督的节点分类任务,邻接矩阵为A,首先计算出\hat{A}=\tilde{D}^{-\frac{1}{2}} \tilde{A} \tilde{D}^{-\frac{1}{2}},由此,前向网络模型形式如下:
Z=f(X, A)=\operatorname{softmax}\left(\hat{A} \operatorname{ReLU}\left(\hat{A} X W^{(0)}\right) W^{(1)}\right)\tag{59}
其中,W^{(0)} \in \mathbb{R}^{C \times H}为输入层到隐藏层的权重矩阵,隐藏层的特征维度为HW^{(1)} \in \mathbb{R}^{H \times F}为隐藏层到输出层的权重矩阵,softmax激活函数定义为\operatorname{softmax}\left(x_{i}\right)=\frac{1}{\mathcal{Z}} \exp \left(x_{i}\right)\mathcal{Z}=\sum_{i} \exp \left(x_{i}\right),相当于对每一列做softmax,由此得到交叉熵损失函数为:
\mathcal{L}=-\sum_{l \in \mathcal{Y}_{L}} \sum_{f=1}^{F} Y_{l f} \ln Z_{l f}\tag{60}

5.2.3 代码实现
import torch_geometric.nn as gnn
class GCN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, config, in_channels, out_channels):
            in_channels : num of node features
            out_channels: num of class
        self.config = config
        self.hidden_dim = config.hidden_dim
        self.dropout_rate = config.dropout_rate
        self.conv1 = gnn.GCNConv(in_channels, self.hidden_dim, improved = False, cached=True, bias=True, normalize=True)
        self.conv2 = gnn.GCNConv(self.hidden_dim, out_channels, improved = False, cached=True, bias=True, normalize=True)
    def forward(self, data):
        x, edge_index = data.x, data.edge_index
        x = self.conv1(x, edge_index)
        x = F.relu(x)
        #x = F.dropout(x, p=self.dropout_rate) # If no drop out, accuracy 0.75 --> 0.80
        x = self.conv2(x, edge_index)
        #x = F.dropout(x, p=self.dropout_rate) # there are two dropout.. But performance bad.
        return x  

5.3 《Diffusion-Convolutional Neural Networks》


5.3.1 任务定义

模型的目标为预测Y,也就是预测每一个图的节点标签,或者边的标签,或者每一个图的标签,在每一种情况中,模型输入部分带有标签的数据集合,然后预测剩下的数据的标签。DCNN模型输入图\mathcal{G},返回硬分类预测值Y或者条件分布概率\mathbb{P}(Y|X)。该模型将每一个预测的目标对象(节点、边或图)转化为一个diffusion-convolutional representation,大小为H\times{}FH表示扩散的hops,表示为Z_t

5.3.2 论文模型
  1. 对于节点分类任务,假设P_t^*P_t的power series,大小为N_t\times{H}\times{N_t},那么对于图t的节点i,第j个hop,第k维特征值Z_{tijk}计算公式为:
    Z_{t i j k}=f\left(W_{j k}^{c} \cdot \sum_{l=1}^{N_{t}} P_{t i j l}^{*} X_{t l k}\right)\tag{61}
    Z_{t}=f\left(W^{c} \odot P_{t}^{*} X_{t}\right)\tag{62}
    其中\odot表示element-wise multiplication,由于模型只考虑H跳的参数,即参数量为O(H\times{F})使得diffusion-convolutional representation不受输入大小的限制

    \hat{Y}=\arg \max \left(f\left(W^{d} \odot Z\right)\right)\tag{63}\\ \mathbb{P}(Y | X)=\operatorname{softmax}\left(f\left(W^{d} \odot Z\right)\right)

  2. 对于图分类任务,直接采用所有节点表示的均值作为graph的representation
    Z_{t}=f\left(W^{c} \odot 1_{N_{t}}^{T} P_{t}^{*} X_{t} / N_{t}\right)\tag{64}

  3. 对于边分类任务,通过将每一条边转化为一个节点来进行训练和预测,这个节点与原来的边对应的首尾节点相连,转化后的图的邻接矩阵A_t'可以直接从原来的邻接矩阵A_t增加一个incidence matrix得到:
    A_{t}^{\prime}= \begin{matrix} A_t & B_t^T\\ B_t & 0\\ \end{matrix} \tag{65}

5.3.3 代码实现
import lasagne
import lasagne.layers
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import numpy as np
class DCNNLayer(lasagne.layers.MergeLayer):
    """A node-level DCNN layer.
    This class contains the (symbolic) Lasagne internals for a node-level DCNN layer.  This class should
    be used in conjunction with a user-facing model class.
    def __init__(self, incomings, parameters, layer_num,
        super(DCNNLayer, self).__init__(incomings, **kwargs)
        self.parameters = parameters
        if num_features is None:
            self.num_features = self.parameters.num_features
            self.num_features = num_features
        self.W = T.addbroadcast(
                           (1, parameters.num_hops + 1, self.num_features), name='DCNN_W_%d' % layer_num), 0)
        self.nonlinearity = params.nonlinearity_map[self.parameters.dcnn_nonlinearity]
    def get_output_for(self, inputs, **kwargs):
        """Compute diffusion convolutional activation of inputs."""
        Apow = inputs[0]
        X = inputs[1]
        Apow_dot_X = T.dot(Apow, X)
        Apow_dot_X_times_W = Apow_dot_X * self.W
        out = self.nonlinearity(Apow_dot_X_times_W)
        return out
    def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shapes):
        """Return the layer output shape."""
        shape = (None, self.parameters.num_hops + 1, self.num_features)
        return shape

5.4 《Improved Semantic Representations From Tree-Structured Long Short-Term Memory Networks》

将序列型的LSTM模型扩展到树型的LSTM模型,简称Tree-LSTM,并根据孩子节点是否有序,论文提出了两个模型变体,Child-Sum Tree-LSTM模型和N-ary Tree-LSTM模型。和序列型的LSTM模型的主要不同点在于,序列型的LSTM从前一时刻获取隐藏状态h_t,而树型的LSTM从其所有的孩子节点获取隐藏状态

5.4.1 论文模型


  1. Child-Sum Tree-LSTMs
    \widetilde{h_j}=\sum_{k\in C(j)}h_k\\ i_j=\sigma({W}^{(i)}x_j+{U}^{(i)}\widetilde{h_j}+b^{(i)})\\ f_{ik}=\sigma({W}^{(f)}x_j+{U}^{(f)}{h_k}+b^{(f)})\\ o_{j}=\sigma({W}^{(o)}x_j+{U}^{(o)}\widetilde{h_j}+b^{(o)})\\ u_{j}=tanh({W}^{(u)}x_j+{U}^{(u)}\widetilde{h_j}+b^{(u)})\\ c_j=i_j⊙u_j+\sum_{k\in C(j)}f_{ij}⊙c_k\\ h_j=o_j⊙tanh(c_j)\tag{66}



  2. N-ary Tree-LSTMs
    i_j=\sigma({W}^{(i)}x_j+\sum^N_{ℓ=1}{U}_ℓ^{(i)}{h_{jℓ}}+b^{(i)})\\ f_{ik}=\sigma({W}^{(f)}x_j+\sum^N_{ℓ=1}{U}_{kℓ}^{(f)}{h_{jℓ}}+b^{(f)})\\ o_{j}=\sigma({W}^{(o)}x_j+\sum^N_{ℓ=1}{U}_ℓ^{(o)}{h_{jℓ}}+b^{(o)})\\ u_{j}=tanh({W}^{(u)}x_j+\sum^N_{ℓ=1}{U}_ℓ^{(a)}{h_{jℓ}}+b^{(a)})\\ c_j=i_j⊙u_j+\sum^N_{ℓ=1}f_{jℓ}⊙c_{jℓ}\\ h_j=o_j⊙tanh(c_j)\tag{67}

5.4.2 训练策略

\hat p_\theta(y|\{x\}_j)=softmax(W^{(s)}h_j+b^{(s)})\\ \hat y_j=\underset{y}{\operatorname{argmax}} \hat p_\theta(y|\{x\}_j)\tag{68}
损失函数使用negative log-likelihood
J(\theta)=-\frac{1}{m} \sum_{k=1}^{m} \log \hat{p}_{\theta}\left(y^{(k)} |\{x\}^{(k)}\right)+\frac{\lambda}{2}\|\theta\|_{2}^{2}\tag{69}


该任务给定一个句子对(sentence pair),模型需要预测出一个范围在[ 1 , K ]之间的实数值,这个值越高,表示相似度越高。首先对每一个句子产生一个representation,两个句子的表示分别用h_Lh_R

h_× = h_L⊙h_R\\ h_+ = ∣h_L−h_R∣\\ h_s = σ(W^{(×)}h_×+W^{(+)}h_+ +b^{(h)})\\ \hat p_θ=softmax⁡(W^{(p)}h_s+b^{(p)})\\ \hat y=r^T\hat p_θ\tag{70}
其中,r^{T}=\left[1,2…K\right],模型期望根据训练得到的参数\theta得到的结果:\hat{y}=r^{T} \hat{p}_{\theta} \approx y。由此,定义一个目标分布p
y= \begin{cases} y−⌊y⌋, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \quad i=⌊y⌋+1\\ ⌊y⌋−y+1, \quad i=⌊y⌋\\ 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \quad otherwise \end{cases} \tag{71}
J(\theta)=\frac{1}{m} \sum_{k=1}^{m} \mathrm{KL}\left(p^{(k)} \| \hat{p}_{\theta}^{(k)}\right)+\frac{\lambda}{2}\|\theta\|_{2}^{2}\tag{72}

5.4.3 代码实现
class TreeLSTM(torch.nn.Module):
    '''PyTorch TreeLSTM model that implements efficient batching.
    def __init__(self, in_features, out_features):
        '''TreeLSTM class initializer
        Takes in int sizes of in_features and out_features and sets up model Linear network layers.
        self.in_features = in_features
        self.out_features = out_features
        # bias terms are only on the W layers for efficiency
        self.W_iou = torch.nn.Linear(self.in_features, 3 * self.out_features)
        self.U_iou = torch.nn.Linear(self.out_features, 3 * self.out_features, bias=False)
        # f terms are maintained seperate from the iou terms because they involve sums over child nodes
        # while the iou terms do not
        self.W_f = torch.nn.Linear(self.in_features, self.out_features)
        self.U_f = torch.nn.Linear(self.out_features, self.out_features, bias=False)
    def forward(self, features, node_order, adjacency_list, edge_order):
        '''Run TreeLSTM model on a tree data structure with node features
        Takes Tensors encoding node features, a tree node adjacency_list, and the order in which 
        the tree processing should proceed in node_order and edge_order.
        # Total number of nodes in every tree in the batch
        batch_size = node_order.shape[0]
        # Retrive device the model is currently loaded on to generate h, c, and h_sum result buffers
        device = next(self.parameters()).device
        # h and c states for every node in the batch
        h = torch.zeros(batch_size, self.out_features, device=device)
        c = torch.zeros(batch_size, self.out_features, device=device)
        # populate the h and c states respecting computation order
        for n in range(node_order.max() + 1):
            self._run_lstm(n, h, c, features, node_order, adjacency_list, edge_order)
        return h, c
    def _run_lstm(self, iteration, h, c, features, node_order, adjacency_list, edge_order):
        '''Helper function to evaluate all tree nodes currently able to be evaluated.
        # N is the number of nodes in the tree
        # n is the number of nodes to be evaluated on in the current iteration
        # E is the number of edges in the tree
        # e is the number of edges to be evaluated on in the current iteration
        # F is the number of features in each node
        # M is the number of hidden neurons in the network
        # node_order is a tensor of size N x 1
        # edge_order is a tensor of size E x 1
        # features is a tensor of size N x F
        # adjacency_list is a tensor of size E x 2
        # node_mask is a tensor of size N x 1
        node_mask = node_order == iteration
        # edge_mask is a tensor of size E x 1
        edge_mask = edge_order == iteration
        # x is a tensor of size n x F
        x = features[node_mask, :]
        # At iteration 0 none of the nodes should have children
        # Otherwise, select the child nodes needed for current iteration
        # and sum over their hidden states
        if iteration == 0:
            iou = self.W_iou(x)
            # adjacency_list is a tensor of size e x 2
            adjacency_list = adjacency_list[edge_mask, :]
            # parent_indexes and child_indexes are tensors of size e x 1
            # parent_indexes and child_indexes contain the integer indexes needed to index into
            # the feature and hidden state arrays to retrieve the data for those parent/child nodes.
            parent_indexes = adjacency_list[:, 0]
            child_indexes = adjacency_list[:, 1]
            # child_h and child_c are tensors of size e x 1
            child_h = h[child_indexes, :]
            child_c = c[child_indexes, :]
            # Add child hidden states to parent offset locations
            _, child_counts = torch.unique_consecutive(parent_indexes, return_counts=True)
            child_counts = tuple(child_counts)
            parent_children = torch.split(child_h, child_counts)
            parent_list = [item.sum(0) for item in parent_children]
            h_sum = torch.stack(parent_list)
            iou = self.W_iou(x) + self.U_iou(h_sum)
        # i, o and u are tensors of size n x M
        i, o, u = torch.split(iou, iou.size(1) // 3, dim=1)
        i = torch.sigmoid(i)
        o = torch.sigmoid(o)
        u = torch.tanh(u)
        # At iteration 0 none of the nodes should have children
        # Otherwise, calculate the forget states for each parent node and child node
        # and sum over the child memory cell states
        if iteration == 0:
            c[node_mask, :] = i * u
            # f is a tensor of size e x M
            f = self.W_f(features[parent_indexes, :]) + self.U_f(child_h)
            f = torch.sigmoid(f)
            # fc is a tensor of size e x M
            fc = f * child_c
            # Add the calculated f values to the parent's memory cell state
            parent_children = torch.split(fc, child_counts)
            parent_list = [item.sum(0) for item in parent_children]
            c_sum = torch.stack(parent_list)
            c[node_mask, :] = i * u + c_sum
        h[node_mask, :] = o * torch.tanh(c[node_mask])
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