Give it to me!

小学英语教学中运用故事表演,能调动学生的学习积极性,有效地排除学生怕开口说英语的心理障碍,充分挖掘学生的学习潜能,切实提高教学效果。故事表演成功的体验会促使学生不断地去揣摩故事的内容,又会推动他们进一步去学习新的英语知识,以获得新的成功的体验。本月故事表演我们如期举行,接下来让我们一起走进句型故事《Give it to me》!

Two monkeys see a banana.
Brother monkey and sister monkey
They say , " It is my banana"
"Give it to me"

Tuesday ,
Here comes the bear.
He says" It is my banana"
"Give it to me"
The monkeys cry," No,no, it's my banana, give it to me!

Then comes the lion.
He says" It is my banana"
"Give it to me"
But the bear and the monkeys say,
"No,no it's my banana, give it to me"

There comes the crocodile
He says, " It is my banana"
"Give it to me"
But the lion , the bear and the monkeys
say, "No, no, it's my banana,give it to me"

and then there is the elephant
He says, " It is my banana"
"Give it to me"
But the crocodile lion , the bear and the monkeys say, "No, no, it's my banana,give it to me!"

Finally comes the mosquito.
Everybody is scared
He says, " Thank you!"

Everybody is tired.
Everybody is sleeping.
Nobody is eating!
And then again.....
"It 's my..."
"Give it yo me"
涉及的词汇有星期单词(Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday ,Saturday,Sunday)
动物单词(monkey,bear crocodile,elephant,lion,mosquito).这个故事在讲述时,我们主要使用动物指偶和关键词,让学生尝试边讲边演!
