· 英译中
The labor force is the total number of people (aged sixteen and older) employedand the unemployed. The unemployment rate is the percentage of the labor force unemployed but lacking for work. The unemployment rate is a fungible item. Previously, the government gauged unemployment by the number of people who field unemployment claims in a given month. However, because many people who are or become unemployed by the technical definition--that is, they are looking for work—don't qualify for unemployment benefits, the result was a serious undercounting of the unemployed. Now the United States relies on the monthly Current Population Survey from the Commerce Department, which provides a more comprehensive set of numbers based on household polls.
Note that to be officially unemployed, a worker must be seeking employment.People without jobs who aren't looking for work because they don't think any exists have, in effect,dropped out of the labor force and become discouraged workers(丧志工人). The labor force participation LFP rate can be revealing. It is the percentage of the total working-age population that is in the labor force.
劳动力是十六岁以上就业和失业人数的总和。失业率是劳动力中未就业的占比。失业率的指标可以替换。之前,政府以某个月内申请失业金的人数来衡量失业率。但正在失业或已失业只是技术上的定义,即那些正在找工作的人,这些人无法领取失业金,结果是这些人就不被统计在内。现在美国依据商务部的月度人口调查(Current Population Survey),基于家庭民意调查的数字,能提供更全面的数据。
· 中译英
Next we will take into full consideration China’s realities, striking a balance between market and efficiency, and development and distribution. China will boost its economy for more to share. China will improve income distribution so that the increased economic benefits are shared as widely as possible.