Lachiendupape(布莱顿球迷):利物浦真是太牛逼了,把我们打得跟曼联似的…(Liverpool is so amazing, making us look like Utd here.)
JamesJoyceFan(曼联球迷):这话我就不爱听了,你们哪有这么差?(Have to disagree there. You don't look that bad so far.)
Mundladzinski(未知主队球迷):红军你变了,穷人家的一针一线你也不放过了!(These are the kind of small teams Liverpool used to drop points in, they have changed so much.)
redwan010(曼联球迷):我都已经买利物浦赢5个球了,结果你竟然踢出个曼联的比分来?(Odds on Liverpool winning by 5 and this turning into an United thread?)
Crookedparadigm(利物浦球迷):阿利松你就不要在后院玩火了,米尼奥莱和卡里乌斯都给我留下创伤后遗症了…(Alisson no more playing with fire there plz I still have PTSD from Migs and Karius.)
f0skN(弗莱堡球迷):这才是我所想念的利物浦,速效救心丸根本就不能停~(That’s the Liverpool I was missing so far this season, the one where you can’t stop clenching.)
Dtrius(阿森纳球迷):如果你是阿森纳球迷,与其指望我厂能踢出花来,不如祈祷对手有个更稀碎的防线…(When you're an Arsenal fan, you're not hoping that your team plays well. You're praying that the opposing team has a poor defense.)
Davidleilam(曼联球迷):要是这场比赛1-1打平了,哪支球队会觉得更亏?(If the match ends 1-1, who would feel more deflated from the results? )
RoamingMediocentro(阿森纳球迷):无论比分踢成啥样,都是看了这场球的观众最亏…(Probably the people watching this game, no matter what the result is.)
maman12345(切尔西球迷):看来阿森纳这赛季是不会降级了…(Arsenal may not be relegated this season.)
Ploufy(切尔西球迷):看来拉波尔特终于找到自己的钥匙啦!(Looks like Laporte has found his key.)
(注:拉波尔特(La porte)在法语中的意思是“门”。)
JavaSoCool(热刺球迷):要是狼队夺得了英超冠军,葡萄牙岂不得放个全国假期来庆祝一下…(Wolves to win the league, Portugal to declare national holiday in their honour.)
filthyfrantic0098(切尔西球迷):以前我车踢球时摆大巴,现在人家纽卡都开始摆坦克了…(We used to park a bus but you see how Newcastle parked a tank?)
COYCOYS(热刺球迷):切尔西真该给大卫-路易斯立一座雕像!你看他在防守的时候不就像个雕像一样站着么…(Chelsea should make a statue for Luiz as he just stood there like a statue on defense.)
Lyonaire(利物浦球迷):这周末的英超比赛,算是给VAR打了个绝好的广告了…(This PL weekend has been one perfect advertisement for VAR.)
ulvhedinowsk(切尔西球迷):当面对切尔西的时候,肘击球员面部是不算犯规的!(only against Chelsea are you allowed to elbow players in the face!)
Pegasusgamer(曼联球迷):世界杯结束后,奥恩-戈尔又来到英超大显身手了!(Own Goal carries his form from world cup over to premier league.)
JeebaRock(葡萄牙球迷):吕迪格那脚踢中门框后,据说球门现在还在晃悠呢.!(Some say that the crossbar is still shaking from Rudiger's shot.)
Thugging_inPublic(巴萨球迷):所以说买来蔬菜记得要洗干净,你看他们竟然在菜园子里踢球!(Remember to always wash your vegetables guys, never thought they would play football on farmland.)
Xenmate(巴萨球迷):这场比赛有一个好,就是直接嵌入了一个3D的热点活动图…(The good thing about this pitch is the 3D heatmaps are embedded in the game.)
JohnCarversGhost(纽卡斯尔球迷):西甲主席:“看到了吧,咱的球场水平就这样,还是去美国用他们的好球场吧!”(Liga president: See, you know how it is. Lets move more games to the US and play on their fantastic pitches.)
The_Relaxed_Flow(巴萨球迷):要是主席真坚持要去美国踢西甲,那明年我萨客场踢巴拉多利德的比赛就去美国踢吧…(If Tebas is so persistent on American LaLiga games then do Valladolid - Barca next year over there.)
Maskiwear(巴萨球迷):比赛才15分钟,这球场看起来就像敦刻尔克的战场一样了…(15 minutes into the game and the pitch is looking like a scene from Dunkirk.)
Insicur(未知主队球迷):我的天,梅西竟然没有因踩到地雷而爆炸!(Surprised Messi wasn’t blown up due to a land mine.)
Ridbonelessfork(皇马球迷):贝尔和超车后卫,你还能想到比这更合适的搭配吗!(Bale and outrunning the defender, name a better duo.)
RZAAMRIIN(皇马球迷):贝尔和受伤…(Bale and getting injured.)
Gigante_Buono(威尔士球迷):住口!(you shut your mouth!)
Magdy97(皇马球迷):现在可以说贝尔就是皇马的C罗了!(Bale is Real Madrid’s Ronaldo now.)
hunchovis(未知主队球迷):这场解说员提起C罗的次数,比说所有其他皇马球员的次数都要多…(Ronaldo has been mentioned by commentators in this game more than any other Madrid player on the pitch.)
Ccosimomii(摩洛哥球迷):拉莫斯好像已经追平梅西连续15个赛季西甲进球的纪录了…(Ramos equaled Messi's record for scoring a goal in 15 season in a row.)
ace-s(皇马球迷):纳瓦斯一直保持这状态,库尔图瓦不得在替补席上发霉了…(Courtois is gonna rot on the bench with the way Keylord has bene playing recently.)