词为我用 - munificent
munificent TEM8 GRE
UK /mjuːˈnɪf.ɪ.sənt/ US /mjuːˈnɪf.ə.sənt/
adj, A munificent person is very generous.慷慨的大方的
1. That the moneyed are munificent is welcome, but that the best brains in business take the giving seriously matters, too.(The Economist)
2. Rural incomes have risen by one-third for small farmers and two-thirds for big ones, reversing eight years of stagnation and decline, thanks to munificent EU subsidies and an influx of foreign buyers offering high prices for Polish meat and fruit.Poland's total exports rose by more than 30% in the first nine months of 2004, helped by the abolition of customs formalities.(The Economist)
3. This will not make up much of the £10-billion gap between the endowments of Harvard and Cambridge, the richest universities in America and Britain, and is unlikely to inspire British alumni to become as munificent as America's.When called upon to assist other causes, though, Britons are generous: they come near the top of philanthropic league tables.(The Economist)
4. He and others like him hope that the cancer-genome consortium will throw up dozens of similar genes, and that they, too, will prove tractable targets for drug development. Of course, if Dr DePinho had a penny for every time a "cure for cancer" headline proved premature, he wouldn't need munificent donors.(The Economist)
5. Stockmarket returns in the developed world over the next few years seem likely to be less munificent than in the 1990s.(The Economist)
6. The munificent Mr Knight is already the eponymous backer of the Philip H. Knight professorship held by the business school's dean, Robert Joss.The new 340,000-square-foot campus is designed to accommodate a major restructuring of Standford GSB's curriculum, announced in June.(The Economist)
7. Munificent (and, possibly, narcissistic) alumni have donated millions of dollars for the privilege of having their names permanently etched in stone at some of the world's finest business schools.(The Economist)
8. Yet it is nonetheless extraordinarily munificent, with no strings or stringent accounting requirements.(The Economist)
9. The next time the oil price falls or money runs short, it might end up having to offer even more munificent terms to lure the oilmen back.(The Economist)
10. Critics say that, for such munificent owners, big fines are a small price to pay to ensure on-field success.(The Economist)
11. The munificent donor to many good causes was ready to foreclose on a loan to his son.(The Economist)
munificent people
"very liberal in giving or bestowing," 1580s, back-formation from munificence, or else from Latin munificent-, stem of munificus "bountiful, liberal, generous," literally "present-making," from munus "gift or service; function, task, duty, office" (see municipal). Latin munificare meant "to enrich." Related: Munificently.
generous, bighearted, bounteous, bountiful, charitable, freehanded, unselfish, unsparing, unstinting
selfish, stingy, tightfisted, uncharitable, ungenerous, mingy, miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, penurious
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