6 How to talk about science and

2018-09-17  本文已影响9人  MrWisdom

1. anthropologist : whose field is all mankind.

 1. anthropos : mankind.
 2. logos : science,study

2. astronomer : whose field is the heavens.

 1. astron : star, nomos, arrangement, law or order
 2. nautes : `Greek word` sailor
 3. cosmonaut : `Greek` universe.
 4. naus : `Greek` ship
 5. nomos : arrangemnet, law or order.
 6. autos : self

3. geologist : what's below?

1. ge or geo- : `Greek` earth

4. biologist : What is life?

1. bios : life
2. opsis : view or vision

5. botanist : whose field is plant.

1. botane : `Greek` plant

6. zoologist

1. zoion : `Greek` animal.

7. entomologist : experts who researh insects.

1. en- : `Greek` in 
2. tome : a cutting. 
3. sectus : a form of the verb meaning to cut
4. in- : `Latin` in
5. ec- : `Greek ek-` 
6. kentron : `Greek` center
7. a- : `Greek prefix` makes a root negative.
8. ana : `Greek prefix` has a number if meanings, one of which is up.
9. discha- : `Greek prefix` in two.
10. epi- : on, upon.

8. philologist : linguistic scientist.

1. philein : to love 
2. logos : word or speech
3. lingua : `Latin` tongue
4. andros : male
5. sophos :`Greek` wise
6. adelphos : `Greek` brother
7. Aphrodite : the Greek goddess of love and beauty.
8. biblion : `Greek` book
9. Anglus : `Latin` English

9. semanticist : 语义学家

10. sociologist

1. socius : `Latin` compasion
2. anti- : against

