部分iPhone辐射超标 苹果回应:我们的手机符合规定!
随后,苹果方面发布声明称,所有iPhone型号均通过美国联邦通信委员会(Federal Communications Commission, FCC)的认证,对测试的所有手机型号进行评估和验证后,确认其符合要求。
Smartphones may be leaking more radiation than we think
An investigation by the Chicago Tribune suggests iPhones and Galaxy models may exceed radio frequency radiation safety limits.
表示“辐射;放射线;辐射的热(或能量等)”,英文解释为“powerful and very dangerous rays that are sent out from radioactive substances;heat, energy, etc. that is sent out in the form of rays”,如:high levels/doses of radiation that damage cells 损害细胞的高强度辐射,ultraviolet radiation 紫外线辐射,electromagnetic radiation 电磁辐射;举个🌰:
Sun creams work by blocking harmful ultraviolet radiation.
Radio Frequency Radiation: A type of low-energy radiation. The most common sources of radiofrequency radiation are wireless and cellular telephones, radios, televisions, radar, satellites, microwave ovens, computers, and wireless networks (Wi-Fi). Although there have been health concerns, most types of radiofrequency radiation have not been found to cause harmful health effects, including cancer. Radiofrequency radiation is a type of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation.
射频辐射(Radio Frequency Radiation, RFR)是非电离辐射的一部分,频率在100kHz~300GHz的电磁辐射。又称无线电波,包括高频电磁场和微波,特点能量较小、波长较长的频段。波长范围1mm~3000m。(百度百科)
Apple and Samsung phones released over the last three years may be producing radio frequency radiation at levels higher than current Federal Communications Commission (FCC) limits allow, according to a report by the Chicago Tribune. Scientists and consumers have shown increasing concern radio frequency radiation from our devices may have adverse effects on human health, especially with 5G rolling out across the globe. The new report demonstrates older phone models, operating in the 3G and 4G bands, have the potential to exceed the FCC's safe limits by up to as much as five times.
adverse effect
An adverse effect is an undesired harmful effect resulting from a medication or other intervention such as surgery. An adverse effect may be termed a "side effect", when judged to be secondary to a main or therapeutic effect.
不良反应(adverse effect),在医学领域,又称为不良作用、不良影响、不良后果,是指一种有害的,人们所不希望出现的,由于某种药物或其他诸如化疗或手术之类的医疗所造成的反应、效应、作用、效果、结果或影响。(维基百科)
ripple effect表示“连锁反应”,英文解释为“a situation in which one event produces effects which spread and produce further effects”,举个🌰:
The bank crash has had a ripple effect on the whole community.
abide by
表示“遵守,遵循(协议、决定或规章)”,英文解释为“to accept or obey an agreement, decision, or rule”举个🌰:
Competitors must abide by the judge's decision.
表示“鉴定合格的,达到标准的;官方认可的;获正式承认的”,英文解释为“having official approval to do something, especially because of having reached an acceptable standard”,如:an accredited language school 一所鉴定合格的语言学校,an accredited counsellor 一位合格的辅导员;
accredited还可以指“被派驻国外的”(if a government official is accredited to another country, they are sent to that country to officially represent their government there),如:the UK accredited representative 英国的官方驻外代表,accredited war correspondents 特派战地记者。
top out
表示“(价格等)达到最高水平”,英文解释为“If something such as a price tops out at a particular amount, that is the highest amount that it reaches.”举个🌰:
The stock topped out at more than $18.

The report states that the FCC will now conduct its own tests over the coming months but they told the Tribune the testing was "not as comprehensive" as those usually filed for official compliance reports. The Tribune writes that the test "was essentially a worst-case scenario in terms of radio frequency radiation exposure" with consumers not experiencing the levels of exposure seen during testing. However, lab owner Jay Moulton did say this type of exposure "could happen in limited situations."
· 苹果(Apple)官方回应: In response to the Tribune's report, Apple released a short statement, saying that the company's devices are in compliance with guidelines set by regulators:
“All iPhone models, including iPhone 7, are fully certified by the FCC and in every other country where iPhone is sold. After careful review and subsequent validation of all iPhone models tested in the (Tribune) report, we confirmed we are in compliance and meet all applicable … exposure guidelines and limits.”
表示“生效的;适合的,适用的”,英文解释为“affecting or relating to a person or thing”举个🌰:
This part of the law is only applicable to companies employing more than five people.
“Samsung devices sold in the United States comply with FCC regulations. Our devices are tested according to the same test protocol used throughout the industry.”
· FCC官方回应: Meanwhile, here's the FCC’s statement on the matter, with the regulatory body moving forward with its own tests:
“We take seriously any claims on non-compliance with the RF (radiofrequency) exposure standards and will be obtaining and testing the subject phones for compliance with FCC rules,”
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