Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part1 - Liste

2018-02-20  本文已影响0人  搞笑的人儿

Level 2 - Unit 2 - Part1 - Listening

Dan is  apilot[ˈpaɪlət]

He works for GlobalAirlines

Global Airlines is Airline Company

Dan fliesairplanesall over the world

He's tall and he has a brown hair

He often wears  sunglasses

Lisa ia astudent

She has a black hair

She has a round face

She'swearinga yellow dress

Kathy   lives in Canadan

She has three children.

Her husband is Paul.

She has  brown hair and blue eyes.

This man is 65 years old

He has 3  grandhildren

He has grey hair.

He also has a grey beard.

He always wears glasses.

He wears glasses because he can't see very well.

This is  Lisa's classschedulefor today

She gets to school at 7:55

Her first class startsat8:00

It's her math class

It's lasts for 50 minutes.

It finishes at 8:50

She has a 10-minute break from 8:50 until 9:00

Her second class starts at 9:00

It finishes at 9:50

Then she has another 10 minute break.

Her third and fourth classesgo until11:50

She andherclassmates have lunch  at 12:00

They eat  in the cafeteria

Her morning classes go until 11:50

After lunch she has her first afternoon class.

It starts at 1:00 andfinishesat 1:50

Today it's  her science class

Her last class starts at 2:00 and finishes at 2:50

Herafternoonclasses begin right after lunch

After school she walks to the subway.

Her first class after lunch is her science class

She gets home around 3:45

It finish at 8:50


