
学习词根---Unit 1.5

2018-03-11  本文已影响0人  英语英语英语


1. f   2. a   3. g   4. b   5. c   6. h   7.d   8.e

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Words from Mythology and History

cicerone.(名胜古迹的导游) A guide, especially one who takes tourists to museums, monuments, or architectural sites and explains what is being seen.

例句:On Crete they sought out a highly recommended cicerone, hoping to receive the best possible introduction to the noteworthy historical sites.


hector.(威吓) To bully or harass by bluster or personal pressure.

例句:He would swagger around the apartment entrance with his friends and hector the terrified inhabitants going in and out.

在荷马史诗Iliad中,Hector是特洛伊武装的首领,是高贵与荣耀的楷模。在古希腊对特洛伊的对战中,Hector在被Achilles杀死之前杀了大量的敌人。His name began to take on its current meaning only after gangs of bullying young rowdies, many of them armed soldiers recently released from service following the end of the English Civil War, began terrorizing the residents of late-17th-century London. The gangs took such names as the Roysters, the Blades, the Bucks, and the Bloods, but the best-known of them was called the Hectors. The names Blades and Hectors may have seemed appropriate because, like Hector and Achilles, thy often fought with swords.

hedonism.(享乐主义) An attitude or way of life based on the idea that pleasure or happiness should be the chief goal.

例句: In her new spirit of hedonism, she went out for a massage, picked up champagne and chocolate truffles, and made a date that evening with an old boyfriend.

Derived(起源于) from the Greek word for "pleasure", hedonism over the ages has provided the basis for several philosophies. The ancient Epicureans(爱享受的人) and the 19th-century Utilitarians(功利主义者) both taught and pursued(追求) hedonistic principles. 如今我们用这个词来形容及时行乐的人,但哲学家用这个词来形容 quiet pleasures that aren't pursued in a selfish way.

nestorA senior figure or leader in one's field.

例句:The guest of honor was a nestor among journalists, and after dinner he shared some of his wisdom with the audience.

涅斯托尔(Nestor):涅琉斯的儿子,希腊某部的国王,以睿智著称,且为人公正,长于言辞。 These days, a nestor is not necessarily longwinded(啰嗦的), but merely wise and generous with his advice.

spartan.(简朴的) Marked by simplicity, avoidance of luxury, and often strict self-discipline or self denial.

例句:When he was single, he had lived a spartan life in a tiny, undecorated apartment with one chair, a table, and a bed.

In ancient times, the Greek city-state of Sparta had a reputation for the severe and highly disciplined way of life it enforced among its citizens, so as to keep them ready for war at any time.Physical training was required for both men and women. A boy would begin his military training at 7 and would live in army barracks for much of his life, even after he was married. Today, when a cargo ship(货船) or a remote beach resort(海滨度假胜地) offers "spartan accommodations(豪华客房)", some tourists jump at the chance for a refreshing change from the luxuries they've been used to-and no one worries that they'll be forced out of bed at dawn to participate in war games.

stentorian.(声音洪亮的) Extremely loud, often with especially deep richness of sound.

例句:Even without a microphone, his stentorian voice was clearly audible in the last rows of the auditorium.


stoic.(坦然面对) Seemingly indifferent to pleasure or pain.

例句:She bore the pain of her broken leg with such stoic patience that most of us had no idea she was suffering.

The Stoics were members of a philosophical movement that first appeared in ancient Greece and lasted well into the Roman era. Stoicism taught that humans should seek to free themselves from joy, grief, and passions of all kinds in order to attain wisdom; its teaching thus have much in common with Buddhism. The great Stoics include the statesman Cicero, the playwright Seneca, and the emperor Marcus Aurelius, whose Meditations(冥想录) is the most famous book of Stoic philosophy. Today we admire the kind of stoicism that enables some people(who may never have even heard of Marcus Aurelius) to endure both mental and physical pain without complaint .

sybaritic.(骄奢淫逸的) Marked by a luxurious or sensual way of life.

例句:When I knew them they were living a sybaritic existence-hopping from resort to resort, each more splendid than the last-but a year later the money ran out.



Choose the closest definition:

1. hedonism   a. preference for males   b. habit of gift-giving   c. tendency to conceal feelings   d. love of pleasure

2. hector   a. encourage   b. harass   c. deceive   d. swear

3. cicerone   a. guide   b. cartoon character   c. orator   d. lawyer

4. spartan   a. cheap   b. Greek   c. severe   d. luxurious

5. nestor   a. journalist   b. long-winded elder    c. domestic hen d. judge

6. stoic   a. pleasure-seeking   b. bullying   c. repressed    d. unaffected by pain

7. sybaritic a. pleasure-seeking   b. free of luxury   c. sisterly   d. ice-cold

8. stentorian   a. obnoxious   b. muffled   c. loud    d. dictated

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